Chapter 14 The Situation of Qixia Town
Lian Xing naturally knows Yaoyue's character, he will not admit such things.

Now the two sisters spent a lot of money to buy the room next to Ye Wufeng.

Just to be able to know when Ye Wufeng is telling the story at the first time.

During this time, they have been attracted by the grand scene that Ye Wufeng said.

Whether practicing martial arts or cultivating immortals, in the final analysis, they are all going against the sky.

They have a supreme inheritance since they were young, so it is naturally difficult to understand what these immortal cultivators who climbed up from the bottom have experienced.

However, Ye Fan showed them this large-scale picture scroll, but it made up for this deficiency.

If it wasn't for listening to Ye Wufeng's storytelling here.

It gave him the idea of ​​going out for a trip.

Ye Wufeng was about to continue practicing.

Suddenly there was another knock on the door.

Ye Wufeng was depressed for a while.

I just want to practice well, why is it so difficult?After he opened the door, he found that the person outside was Tong Xiangyu.

Tong Xiangyu said with a smile on his face.

"Xiaoye, I didn't disturb your rest, I asked Dazui to buy some fruits for you!"

Sure enough, shopkeeper Tong was holding a fruit plate in his hand.

Ye Wufeng said with a smile.

"Thank you for your concern, shopkeeper. I have nothing to do. Is there anything else?"

Shopkeeper Tong said with a smile.

"It's nothing too big, it's just a small matter, and those old customers asked me to ask you, when will we start to continue storytelling, they are all waiting!"

Since Ye Wufeng started to tell stories at Tongfu Inn, the business of the inn has been very good recently.

Many people come to his inn every day, asking when Ye Wufeng will start to continue storytelling.

Obviously, they are very concerned about this matter.

But this is not what Tong Xiangyu can do.

After all, the content of Ye Wufeng's storytelling has never been heard before, not to mention that this Qixia Town is probably the only one in the whole world, so it is naturally very precious, so he came here to ask Ye Wufeng what he meant.

Ye Wufeng thought about it for a while, and now his strength has not been completely consolidated, so he will practice another day tomorrow.

"Shopkeeper, I still have some thoughts that I haven't sorted out. I'm afraid I won't be able to speak tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow?"

Shopkeeper Tong was surprised when he heard it.

Originally, she thought it would take a long time, but she didn't expect to be able to say that she lost the day after tomorrow, that would be great.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's still according to your arrangement. Later, I will ask Dazui to make more delicious food for you. As for your work, I will leave it to Lao Bai and Xiao Guo for the time being. You can organize your food well." thinking!"

"If you need anything, just come to me. Everyone in Tongfu Inn is a family, so don't be polite!"

After speaking, he left with a smile.

At this time, he has already planned to buy some more ingredients.

I even need to buy more tables, chairs and benches. When the storytelling starts the day after tomorrow, there will definitely be a lot of people coming.

Lianxing and Yaoyue next door, the two sisters also heard their conversation.

They are also very happy in their hearts.

After waiting for so long, they finally got the result. They also wanted to know some things about the future, so they have been waiting in this place.

As the first and second palace lords of Yihua Palace, they naturally have some status in this arena, so they definitely can't ask Ye Wufeng directly about this matter.

Lian Xing said with a smile and clapped his hands.

"Great, he finally started talking again. I've been waiting for such a long time, and it's finally here!"

"Fortunately, we only need to wait until the day after tomorrow, otherwise I have to arrest him and let him tell us stories alone!"

Yaoyue's expression changed when she heard Lianxing's words.

"Sister, don't be like this. This person's strength is unpredictable. After all, he can know so many things. He is definitely not someone who is waiting for you. Let's not startle the snake!"

After Ye Wufeng returned, he continued to practice.

With the help of these elixirs and luck values, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu progressed extremely fast, and he quickly reached the seventh level.

If the guys from Tibetan Tantric Buddhism knew about it, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood.

Ye Wufeng will spread the news the day after tomorrow.

There was a great shock in the whole Jianghu.

Some people are for the mysterious and unpredictable world of cultivating immortals, while others are for the exercises that Ye Wufeng counted.

The Tongfu Inn was already overcrowded.

At this time, two figures poked their heads quietly. Tong Xiangyu took a closer look, and found that they were the town's head catcher Xing Yusen and catcher Yan Xiaoliu.

Xing Tutou entered the store, but found with embarrassment that there was not even a place to sit.

Shopkeeper Tong can only find a table for him alone.

Xing Butou's eyes were darkened, and he waved his hands listlessly.

"Okay, okay, you guys are busy with your work, get me a bowl of eel noodles and a fried sausage, hurry up, I have to go on patrol in a while!"

Shopkeeper Tong was surprised when he heard the dishes Xing Butou ordered.

The previous Xing Butou was not so straightforward, so he poured a glass of wine and said with a smile.

"Old Xing, where did you get rich recently? Could it be that the yamen gave out subsidies and improved food?"

Xing Butou looked at it and said with a depressed face.

"Come on, it's good enough that the yamen can pay the monthly money on time, and I hope they can give us allowances and improve our food!"

"I'm improving my food!"

At this time, Xing Yusen said quietly.

"Let me tell you, you should pay attention during this time, our Qixia Town is not peaceful!"

Tong Xiangyu was startled when he heard that, at least he grabbed Xing Butou's arm.

"Old Xing, don't scare me, is this place full of bandits again?"

Xing catcher shook his head.

"You are [-] times more terrifying. According to reliable news, there will be a large number of martial arts masters in Qixia Town, so the yamen ordered us to step up our patrols during this period!"

Tong Xiangyu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, what else should he do?It turned out to be this matter.

After all, this matter has a direct relationship with them.

Because of Ye Wufeng's storytelling, martial arts people from various places are now gathered in Qixia Town.

Of course, they didn't say they had any malicious intentions, they just came to listen to the book.

Shopkeeper Tong said with a smile.

"I thought something big happened. Come here, as long as they don't steal or rob, what does it have to do with us?"

Catcher Xing sighed.

"I really wish it was as simple as you said. Among the people who came, in addition to the righteous way, there are also many masters of the evil way. Those are the devils who kill without blinking an eye!"

"Do they need any reason to kill people? I heard that the coffin shop at the east end of the village is already in short supply, and many people have ordered coffins from him!"

(End of this chapter)

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