Chapter 19 The Seventh Ranked Martial Arts Cheats

When everyone saw that this person turned out to be Linghu Chong from the Huashan School, they were extremely surprised.

Although the disciples of the Huashan School don't often walk around in the rivers and lakes.

But Linghu Chong and the others had heard of the chief disciple of the Huashan School.

It is said that this Linghu Chong was born with sword bones, and his martial arts talent is extremely astonishing, even many masters who are a generation higher than him are not as good as him.

Ye Wufeng was also very surprised by Linghu Chong's appearance.

He smiled and said to Linghu Chong.

"This matter is not a good thing for the airbender, you must know, if you really want to know, come to me alone later!"

Although Linghu Chong was anxious, he also knew that Ye Wufeng knew so many things, so he had an extraordinary background.

He couldn't provoke such a person, so he could only retreat to his original position.

At this time, Ye Wufeng took a sip of tea and continued.

"Next, I will announce the ranking No.7, Nine Yin Scriptures!"

Hearing this name, many people in the Jianghu felt a twitch in their hearts.

Even Huang Rong, who was sitting at the door dressed as a beggar, was surprised.

Unexpectedly, he heard this name by himself, and his father Huang Yaoshi mentioned it more than once.

It's just that she didn't know that when Ye Wufeng said the name, in a hidden corner, a person wearing a mask and a blue shirt also had a dignified expression.

This person is Huang Yaoshi, the owner of Peach Blossom Island.

In order to inquire about the whereabouts of her daughter, she left Peach Blossom Island, just in time to hear something about someone in the rivers and lakes, and unexpectedly knew about his Peach Blossom Island's inheritance.

So I came to this place specifically to inquire about the crime, but I didn't want to hear such a big secret again.

I saw that many people were extremely puzzled at this time.

"Mr. Ye, what exactly is the Nine Yin Manual? I heard that it was circulated in the rivers and lakes a few years ago. It must be very powerful. Is it some kind of boxing technique or sword technique?"

At this moment, Ye Wufeng shook his head and said.

"The Nine Yin Manual is not a separate martial arts secret book. It is called the general outline of martial arts in the world. Although some of the martial arts in it are not as magical as the legends say, the combination of all of them is really extraordinary!"

"Do you guys still remember the Huashan Sword Discussion that was held on Mount Hua by the Wujue of the Great Song Dynasty? East evil, west poison, Southern Emperor, and North Beggar's supernatural powers also became famous because of that Huashan Discussion of Swords. In fact, this time Huashan Discussion of Swords The most important thing is to determine the affiliation of the Nine Yin Scriptures, and this Nine Yin Scriptures also has a name called the General Outline of World Martial Arts!"

As soon as this name came out, many people in the world were shocked.

The general outline of martial arts in the world, those who can use this sentence are naturally not ordinary people, no wonder the five masters in the world at that time were all fighting for him.

"Mr. Ye, I don't know what is so magical about the Nine Yin Manual, tell us quickly, we are all dying of anxiety!"

Ye Wufeng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, everyone, just listen to me carefully!"

"If you want to know the Nine Yin Scriptures, you also need to know the origin of the Nine Yin Scriptures. In the Song Dynasty, there was a civil servant named Huang Shang. Huang Shang was commissioned by the emperor of the Song Dynasty to edit the Taoist scriptures in the world, and named it Wanshou Daozang obtained more than 1 volumes of scriptures!"

"And this Huang Chang was the person who was ordered to sort out the classics at that time. This Huang Chang is a gifted talent. Although he has never learned martial arts, but through studying these Taoist classics, he unexpectedly obtained a powerful inner strength!"

"It's a pity that the world was in chaos at that time, and rebels were everywhere. Huang Chang relied on his own strength to fight everywhere. Although he made a lot of contributions, he also annoyed many sects in the world!"

"In the end, he ushered in crazy revenge, and his whole family was killed. At that time, Huang Chang didn't know martial arts, so he vowed to practice peerless martial arts and avenge the people in his family!"

"So Huang Chang hid in a cave and studied martial arts hard. After 60 years of hard work, he finally created a peerless magic skill, named the Nine Yin Manual!"

"The Nine Yin Manual is divided into two chapters. The first chapter is about tendons and bones. According to legend, practicing this exercise can change a person's aptitude, and it can also be used to heal injuries. Its effect is no less than the Yijinjing of Shaolin Temple. Its second chapter contains many exercises, all kinds, such as the White Python Whip Technique, Heart Destroying Palm, Nine Yin Divine Claws, and Great Subduing Demon Fist!"

"Even the snake-walking raccoon turning step, the lightness skill spiraling the nine shadows, including the bone shrinking skill, the soul-moving skill, and the five-string swinging martial arts are also dabbled in!"

"When Huang Chang's skills were perfected and he came out to take revenge, he found that his enemy had almost passed away. Even the little girl who witnessed it at that time has now become a gray-haired old woman!"

"At this time, Huang Chang no longer had any intention of revenge, and has since disappeared into the world, but the Nine Yin Manual has indeed been passed down!"

"Finally, after several twists and turns, it reached the hands of Wang Chongyang, the real person of Chongyang sect of Quanzhen sect. In order to belong to His Royal Highness, the Nine Yin Scriptures, Wang Chongyang made an appointment with all the heroes in the world to conduct a sword debate on Huashan Mountain, and finally obtained the Nine Yin Scriptures. belong!"

"Of course the final winner is Wang Chongyang, but the Nine Yin Manual is no longer in Chongyang Palace!"

Everyone was fascinated when they heard it, and everyone had different thoughts in their hearts.

This Huang Chang is indeed not an ordinary person who can spend such a long time revealing such skills from so many Taoist point collections.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

What's more, it took 60 years for the Nine Yin Scriptures to be compiled.

It is the value of it, one can imagine.

At this time, a monk said with a depressed face.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be a monk. I should become a Taoist priest. Otherwise, I might be able to realize some peerless skills by reading a few scriptures!"

The others burst into laughter after hearing this.

Obviously such a thing is impossible. A character like Huang Chang only appears once every few years. If one can comprehend profound exercises by just reading the scriptures, then who will practice hard.

At this moment, Yueyue sighed.

"Sure enough, in the face of time, nothing is important, and in the end, it's just ashes to ashes to ashes!"

Lian Xing, who was beside him at this time, nodded, but didn't say a word.

Obviously Huang Chang's experience reminded her sister of herself.

The first and second palace lords of Yihua Palace in Jianghu can be said to be famous female devils.

However, no one knew that the reason why they became like this was that they had suffered extremely serious emotional injuries.

If it weren't for what happened between Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu back then, Yaoyue wouldn't have become like this.

But the dead are gone, just like Huang Chang, when he returned from retreat after 60 years, he found that he knew no one.

I am afraid that no deep hatred can compare with the passage of time.

(End of this chapter)

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