Chapter 206 The Wave of the Great Qin Empire

Concubine Yan looked at Ye Wufeng with resentment.

"Our Yin-Yang family has been planning for such a long time, but you just directly punctured it. Thanks to this period of time, our Yin-Yang family has helped you so much, it is really cruel!"

After Ye Wufeng heard it, he was a little embarrassed, but he also had his own plan, and he just took this opportunity to test the waters of Daqin.

You must know that the Qinglong Project has attracted great attention among many high-level officials in the entire Daqin.

If this matter spreads out, wouldn't it attract a large number of people?In this way, the luck value you will get will be more.

"Ahem, actually there is another piece of news, I wonder if you know it!"

"Your Yinyang family's phantom sound treasure box is within the forbidden area of ​​the Mohist Trick City, and Yandan's daughter, Yue'er, has inherited the Xuanyuan clan's blood lineage, so she must be the person with the blood lineage you are looking for!"

Concubine Yan and Luna were shocked when they heard this.

Not many people knew about this matter, but Ye Wufeng actually knew about it.

Moreover, their Yin-Yang family has been looking for the Phantom Treasure Box for many years, but there has been no news. Now it seems that this is indeed a good opportunity.

Concubine Yan decided to immediately report what she saw today to Donghuang Taiyi.

If this matter is used well, it will be their chance to rise.

After this matter was over, Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang actually revealed this matter for some unknown reason.

All of a sudden, many people in the Great Qin Dynasty knew about this matter.

In the city of Xi'an, Zhao Gao, the commander of the CRRC Mansion, had a gloomy look on his face.

"It seems that Ye Wufeng can't keep it anymore. He knows too many things. I have passed it down for a long time. Even so, he only knows a little bit about this matter. He knows so many things that must have an impact on us. !"

"Forget it. I originally thought that if there was a chance in the future, I might be able to subdue this person. Now, it seems that there is no need for this. Send me an order to let Heihei Xuanjian and Yanri deal with Ye Wufeng!"

"Has the startled salamander not been found yet?"

The masked man in front of Zhao Gao trembled when he heard it.

"Forgive me, my lord. This matter is really troublesome. After all, Lord Jingxi is the No. [-] killer in Tianzi. The strength of us people is really stretched!"

"However, our people recently found out that this startled salamander has a child. If so, his strength will definitely be greatly damaged. Then it will be our chance!"

Zhao Gao nodded after listening.

"A sword is a murder weapon, and a snare is also a murder weapon. As a sword, once it becomes burdensome, it will no longer be sharp. I snare people can die, but the sword cannot be thrown away!"

The man nodded after listening, and then left here directly.

Qin Shihuang in Xianyang Palace frowned when he heard Zhang Han's report.

"I heard that there is a secret of the seven kingdoms hidden in the Canglong Qisu, seven countries, seven boxes, and seven stars!"

"If you collect all these seven boxes, you will have the power to unify the world. You will destroy the six kingdoms, conquer the world, and no one in the world will dare to do so. Such extraordinary power should naturally be controlled by me, Daqin!"

"Zhang Han, quickly send someone to check the whereabouts of these seven boxes. No matter what, these seven boxes can only belong to Daqin!"

Zhang Han nodded after listening, and then left the place directly.

Many people from all schools of thought also got the news, and then went to the Ming Empire.

At this time, some people in the Ming Empire also got news about the friction between Ye Wufeng and Dongchang.

The key is that the matter of Dongchang's domineering character passed so easily, which shocked them all.

This is not in line with Dongchang's character.

At this time, Cao Zhengchun, the owner of the East Factory, was furious.

"What are you guys doing? I said I ignored Hou Zhu, the God of Tiedan, and stared at him. How did you bastards do this? How could you lose sight of a living person!"

The man trembled after hearing this.

"Forgive me, my lord. The people we sent out were recognized by them a long time ago, so they deliberately provided us with false information. In fact, the Iron God Hou Zhu ignored it and had already left the Shenhou Mansion. As for where to go? , we don't know!"

"Then hurry up and find me!"

Cao Zhengchun's face was gloomy. He always believed that the God of Tiedan Hou Zhu Wu had a strong vision, and even wanted to move towards the position above, but he had never been able to get evidence.

Now Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, ignored him and left the capital suddenly.

I don't even know where I went, which is very troublesome.

At this time, the Tiedan God Hou Zhu ignored unexpectedly appeared at the door of the Tongfu Inn.

Another person beside him is Shangguan Haitang.

When Shangguan Haitang heard that Tie Dan was coming to this place, she couldn't help being surprised, and hurriedly brought people here in advance to prepare.

At this moment, Shangguan Haitang said quietly.

"Father, why did you come here in person? Although there are our people around here, there are too many masters here, and our people can't get in at all!"

Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, ignored it and nodded.

"Where is that person surnamed Ye? I came here specifically to find him this time. With the abilities of those guys from Yidong Factory, they will definitely be able to find our whereabouts, so even if they want to hide at this time, it doesn't matter much." usefulness!"

"I don't believe that Dongchang is so strong that it can stop me, okay, let's go in!"

Soon Zhu Wushi and Shangguan Haitang led a group of people into the inn.

After they entered, Bai Zhantang immediately felt the powerful zhenqi fluctuations on these people.

But he still greeted them with a smile.

Seeing that Bai Zhantang was still very calm, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"This kid's martial arts are good, and his temperament is also good. It's really a bit inferior to be a waiter in this place. What is this person's identity?"

At this moment, Shangguan Haitang said quietly.

"This man is Bai Yutang, the holy robber who has been famous in the Jianghu for a long time. He is also the son of Bai Sanniang. Later, after Jinpen washed his hands, he worked as a waiter in this inn!"

"It is said that he has a close relationship with Zhan Hongling of Six Doors!"

Zhu ignored it and nodded after listening.

Hearing that this person was Bai Sanniang's son, he knew that it was impossible for him to win him under his command no matter what.

Then Shangguan Haitang pointed to the others and continued to introduce.

"The handyman's name is Guo Furong, the daughter of Guo Jingtao of the Six Doors, and the shopkeeper's name is Tong Xiangyu, the eldest lady of the Longmen Security Bureau!"

"The kid who made the clay figurine is Mo Xiaobei, the former head of the Hengshan School, Mo Xiaogao's younger sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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