Chapter 209 The most dangerous place is the safest place

But after thinking about it for a long time, he never thought of where he was exposed.

"You are Ye Wufeng, you are indeed young and promising, but I am curious about where I was exposed?"

Ye Wufeng smiled when he heard it.

"Naturally, with my strength, I couldn't find the Lord Shenhou coming, but just now the old Immortal Zhang passed by and said that there are many masters in this room, so I made a bold guess, and I didn't expect that it was really the Iron God Hou, I really admire you for a long time!"

Ye Wufeng smiled to himself, he just followed the system to detect it, but now it really doesn't make sense, so you can only attribute it to Zhang Sanfeng.

Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, ignored it, and was very surprised when he heard it. He didn't expect that Zhenren Zhang's strength had reached this level.

In the whole of Ming Dynasty, there were really few people who were his opponents. After thinking of this place, he instantly felt relieved.

"It turned out to be Master Zhang, no wonder, people in the Jianghu fear me like a tiger, don't you Mr. Ye be afraid?"

Ye Wufeng smiled and shook his head.

"It can't be said that I'm not afraid, but God Lord Tie Dan came to the door in person, of course not to kill me, and besides killing me, there is another more important thing, it should be the fragrant cardamom that day?"

Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, ignored it, and was shocked when he heard it.

In the end, his face became ugly, and he got up and looked at the group of people around him to let them all leave.

After everyone went out, the God of Tiedan Hou Zhu ignored Ye Wufeng and asked.

"Do you know the whereabouts of Tianxiang Cardamom?"

Ye Wufeng nodded, but he didn't have the slightest fear of him.

Zhu Wushi began to get agitated.

"Brother Ye, as long as you can tell me the whereabouts of Tianxiang cardamom, no matter what it is, I can satisfy you whether it is a power position or a woman!"

Ye Wufeng smiled and waved his hands when he heard it.

"These have nothing to do with me, and even what happens between you, Cao Zhengchun and the emperor in the future has nothing to do with me, but I don't want your affairs to affect my Qixia Town in the future!"

"After all, I just want to be an ordinary person quietly!"

Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, ignored it and nodded after hearing it.

He coveted the position above.

It is simply impossible to put him in one position.

Just hold him down for now.

"At that time, there were three Tianxiang Cardamoms. Except for the one in your hand, the other two were in the hands of the Queen Mother and the other in the hands of Concubine Shu. As for the moment in the hands of the Queen Mother, it must be in the hands of Cao Zhengchun now. That's all I can say, it's up to you!"

Hearing this, Tie Dan Shen Hou Zhu was very dissatisfied. Ye Wufeng must know more news, but he didn't want to tell himself that's all. After thinking of this place, he smiled and said.

"Mr. Ye is very talented. I am short of a leader of the intelligence organization. I don't know if Mr. Ye can give in. If Mr. Ye is willing, then if I get to that position, Mr. Ye will definitely be under one person and above ten thousand!"

Ye Wufeng shook his head.

"It has nothing to do with me, I just want to be a storyteller now!"

"Furthermore, the intelligence organization of Lord Tiedan Shenhou is also very strong, and he was able to find even the criminal evidence of the top ten generals. Isn't this kind of intelligence ability just talking about it!"

After finishing speaking, he was ready to leave this place directly.

At this time, he looked at Shangguan Haitang who was watching him warily and said with a smile.

"Miss Shangguan, don't worry, it's just that Miss Shangguan must pay attention to a person named Liu Sheng Piaoxu in the future, that person is incompatible with your fate!"

Shangguan Haitang was baffled when she heard it, this Liusheng Piaoxu didn't sound like a Central Plains person.

What relationship can I have with him?But this Ye Wufeng knows so many things, maybe he really knows some future things, or some hope skills.

There are so many men in this world, and it's just like this.

Thinking of this place, he secretly remembered the name in his heart.

After Shangguan Haitang walked in, the expression on Hou Zhu's face became complicated.

I saw that his eyes were constantly changing at this time.

Finally he sighed.

"Our intelligence organization has been established for such a long time, but in the end there is still no way to compare with Ye Wufeng. The intelligence organization behind Ye Wufeng is so clever. I checked for a long time and still can't find any clues about him!"

"The scary thing is that our intelligence organization has already been so tight, but this person still knows about it. He even knows about some of the things I did with this intelligence organization. Could it be that there are traitors in it?"

Shangguan Haitang hurriedly shook her head when she heard it.

"This is absolutely impossible. Those people are all extremely loyal to us, how could they betray us!"

But at this time, the notes posted behind me don't care about these at all.

The intelligence organization is already the biggest hole card in his hand, no matter what he can't throw away this hole card, it seems that he has to clean up this organization after going back.

Shangguan Haitang thought for a while and said.

"Father, the most important thing now is how to face Cao Zhengchun. According to the information I got, Cao Zhengchun has sent many killers to this place, and I don't know how much money he has arranged along the way. If you force your way out, you will definitely suffer heavy losses!"

Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, ignored him and shook his hand.

"No, let's not leave this place for the time being. Let's continue to explore this place to see what's special. This place has almost developed into the center of the rivers and lakes. Many news came from this place. It just so happens that I can use this opportunity to deepen my skills!"

"As for Cao Zhengchun, he just lost face in this place, so naturally he won't come back so easily, so this Tongfu Inn is now our biggest life-saving talisman, as long as we keep in touch with the outside world, everything will be fine! "

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Dongchang to know about this matter, and sent a large number of killers to rob and kill on the road, and arranged troops on almost every road they returned to the capital.

Such a large-scale action has not occurred for a long time, and all the forces in the capital are eager to move.

However, Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, ignored it at this time, but was practicing like a normal person.

I originally thought that my energy-absorbing method was already the most powerful martial art in the world, but I didn't expect that there are other martial arts in this world that can absorb other people's internal energy.

He was very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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