Chapter 24 Qiao Feng's life experience

However, Ye Wufeng hadn't finished speaking.

"Fourth, Taiji, Taijiquan, and Taijijian are all Wudang's supreme minds, and what they follow is to use strength to fight, so their enemies will all be injured by their own martial arts!"

"Fifth, Phantom Magic Art. This set of martial arts is the martial arts of the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi. It can use the power of others to kill the enemy without harming oneself!"

"Of course, apart from these martial arts, there are also some martial arts that have similar effects, and some martial arts can even imitate the world's martial arts, so it may not be so simple to determine who the murderer is through martial arts!"

After Qiao Feng heard it, he immediately frowned.

Previously, the disciples of the beggar gang believed that Gusu Murongfu did this.

Looking at it now, I am afraid that there are quite a few people with such strength, which makes him a little difficult.

I saw him asking with a puzzled look.

"I don't know who Mr. Ye thinks among these people may be the murderer of Brother Ma?"

Goodbye, Ye Wufeng said with a sigh.

"None of these people were the murderers who killed Deputy Gang Leader Ma. The murderer who killed Deputy Gang Leader Ma was someone else. It's just that this matter involves a huge secret!"

"If you tell this matter, I'm afraid it will be bad for you, Chief Qiao, and even the people around you will die because of it. Are you sure you still want to know?"

Qiao Feng was extremely shocked when he heard it, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Jinye Wufeng means that he knows the truth of the matter, but if the truth of the matter is revealed.

People around him, including his parents, his mentor, and his good brother, will all die because of this.

Is it worth doing this?Seeing Qiao Feng's appearance, the others couldn't bear it too.

Obviously, in this matter, it is really difficult to choose.

On the one hand, he is his good brother, and on the other hand, he is his parents and mentor.

After thinking about it, Qiao Feng raised his head and said firmly.

"Mr. Ye, I still want to know what the truth is. Even if the people around me will be in danger, Qiao will do his best to prevent this from happening, but compared to this, Qiao is more unwilling to be confused. Live your life in a daze!"

Qiao Feng's words were righteous and awe-inspiring, and he gained a lot of goodwill in a short time.

Ye Wufeng was also very moved when he heard it.

I saw him smiling and said.

"Since Gang Leader Qiao insists on this, then when I lose or lose next time, I will speak out about this matter separately, and invite the heroes of the world to be witnesses!"

Although Qiao Feng hesitated for a moment, he still nodded in agreement.

The other guests were also excited when they heard it.

Listening to this meaning, there should be another time to say it.

Unexpectedly, next time my uncle would announce such a shocking secret, it seems that I must come and see it when the time comes.

This is the notification sound from the system in Ye Wufeng's mind.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the task of storytelling, rewarding 3 luck points, a random treasure box, and a chance to draw *[-]] Ye Wufeng felt excited when he heard this voice.

I saw him smiling and talking to everyone.

"Everyone, this is the end of today's storytelling. If you want to know what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down!"


He patted the gavel and left the place.

At this time, many guests in the inn still have more to say.

This time I really gained a lot, not only heard the latest version about mortals cultivating immortals.

The idiot has reached the seventh and eighth place in the martial arts rankings.

Especially when Ouyang Ke from the Western Region came to find trouble, he was overturned by Ye Wufeng's move.

This Ye Wufeng turned out to be a master of concealment.

Including the matter of Qiao Feng that I will talk about next, it also made everyone very interested.

Soon everyone left the inn to spread the news.

I believe that there will be more people coming to the storytelling next time.

Ye Wufeng returned to the room and began to draw prizes.

"System, what's the difference between this random treasure chest and the lottery?"

【Ding!You can get random items from the random treasure chest, and all the items you get are items. You can get more things in the lottery, and the categories are more complicated, and there will be situations where you can’t get anything]

Ye Wufeng nodded, and then began to draw prizes.

At this time, in Ye Wufeng's mind, a big turntable was spinning crazily.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining a cultivation upgrade card, which can increase a small realm]

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting a Heavenly Spirit Pill, as long as there is still one breath, you can bring the dead back to life]

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining a body that is invulnerable to all poisons]

Ye Wufeng was very excited when he saw the things he got in this lottery draw.

What I got this time was much better than last time.

This made him turn his target to the treasure chest just now.

After opening it, a burst of golden light emanated from it.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the power of cultivating supernatural powers and elephants to suppress prisons]

Ye Wufeng was taken aback as soon as this exercise came out.

Isn't this the martial arts world?How did such a cultivation method come out?This unscientific.

As the qigong created by the supreme master, Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength can cultivate every particle in the body into the power of divine image.

Cultivated to a high level, tearing the sky apart, catching stars and moons is no problem.

Even if all the 4000 million particles in the human body are cultivated into the power of gods, in this world, even the legendary land, gods are no match for him.

Of course, it is not easy to cultivate such a skill.

After all, spiritual power is scarce in this world.

He didn't have enough talented treasures to give him a hard time, so he was lucky because he had a system.

Power is instilled through the presence of the system.

Let your own strength be greatly improved.

Ye Wufeng directly learned the Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength, and then used the cultivation base upgrade card to raise his realm from the first-class peak to the super-first-class early stage.

Suddenly, an extremely strong breath came from his room.

At this time, Lian Xing Yaoyue outside the inn, even Huang Yaoshi and others were shocked for a while.

Huang Yaoshi did not expect that Ye Wufeng would break through at this time.

And to achieve super-class strength at such a young age, future achievements are definitely not easy.

Lian Xing and Yao Yue were shocked by the speed of Ye Wufeng's breakthrough, it was too fast.

He still didn't have any cultivation before, and soon reached the second-rate directly. The last time he directly entered the peak of the first-rate, this time he directly became a super-first-rate powerhouse.

It seems that breaking through is like drinking cold water in his eyes.

This made him a little depressed.

It seems that in front of Ye Wufeng, his own cultivation is really not enough. Although he is not his opponent now, I believe he can be surpassed in a short time.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Feng was also extremely happy.

"Brother Ye is really not an ordinary person, and he has such a high level of cultivation, not bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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