Comprehensive martial arts: Qixia town storytelling, Huang Rong posted it upside down!

Chapter 3 The masters in the rivers and lakes are countless

Chapter 3 The masters in the rivers and lakes are countless
Everyone was fascinated by it, as if in a mysterious fairyland.

At this time, a diner asked curiously.

"Where did the young master hear about this? Is there really any fairyland in this world?"

Other people's eyes lit up when they heard it.

Although it is just a storyteller, the world it tells is so comprehensive.

It seems that it is really an autobiography written by a great supernatural being with a high level of cultivation.

If it is really the fairy world, doesn't it mean that there are really gods in this world?At this moment, Ye Wufeng nodded.

"Whether there is a world of cultivating immortals, it is really hard to say. The world is so big that we are all a drop in the ocean. It is reasonable to exist, so some things may not exist!"

"But this is always something in the storybook. Everyone is just trying to make fun of it. However, in the martial arts today, there are some senior masters whose strength is not inferior to these so-called immortals!"

As soon as these words came out, all the diners in the hall became interested.

"According to this little brother, I know a lot of things in Jianghu, why don't you come and tell us, little brother?"

A chubby diner asked disdainfully.

They are all from the rivers and lakes, so they naturally know something about the affairs of the rivers and lakes.

However, in his opinion, even if there are some masters in this martial arts world, how can they compare to those high-ranking immortals.

Saying this is nothing more than wanting to teach Ye Wufeng a lesson, just to please the public.

The others were also silent for a while. Although they didn't hold out much hope, they were curious about what Ye Wufeng could say.

Ye Wufeng smiled, picked up the teacup next to him and took a sip.

"It's not just talk, the world is big, full of wonders, and my Ming Dynasty is just a corner of it!"

"Everyone, do you know that there is a saying: Who can write Your Excellency, the Baishou Taixuan Sutra? It refers to an isolated overseas island called the Knight Island!"

"There was also a white-haired old man who had no enemies and lived alone in Wudi City, but he claimed to be number two in the world!"

"There is also a sect called Xiaoyao. The disciples in the sect are all top-notch, and the martial arts they teach are all Taoist treasures!"


When Ye Wufeng talked about the secrets in the Jianghu, he was like a treasure.

But these diners were all stunned when they heard it.

Because they have never heard of these things.

At this time, in a corner of the inn, two peerless beauties with extraordinary temperament were discussing in a low voice.

"Sister, have you ever heard of Knight Island?"

Another beauty shook her head.

"With the influence of my Yihua Palace, I know a lot of secrets in this river and lake, but I have never heard of this place called Knight Island!"

The clear aura on Ximen Chuuxue's body was like a flash of cold light.

"Invincible to the top of the world? Interesting! They are still called number two in the world. If there is such a person, I, Ximen Chuuxue, will take the title of number one in the world!"

Xiao Zhao bit her nails, and after thinking for a long time, she asked Granny Jinhua next to her.

"Grandma, do you know the Xiaoyao School?"

Granny Jinhua shook her head.

"I've never heard of it. Maybe it's fake. Even if it's true, it's just a low-level sect. My Mingjiao influence is all over the world. What things don't we know?"

The chubby eater said impatiently.

"No one knows what you said, probably you made it up, how could there be such a place!"

Ye Wufeng didn't explain either.

Shopkeeper Tong was a little anxious, looked at Bai Zhantang at the side, and pushed him a few times.

"Old Bai, you have traveled the rivers and lakes and seen a lot, so you should explain it to everyone!"

Bai Zhantang suddenly looked embarrassed.

"Don't make trouble! I haven't heard of these places! But the Jianghu is so big, maybe?"

Seeing that even Baizhantang, a well-known robber saint in the world, doesn't know these places.

Probably Ye Wufeng thought it up by himself.

At this time, the beggar by the door seemed to think of something and said.

"Since you know so many things, sir, do you know about Peach Blossom Shadow Falling Flying Excalibur and Bi Haichao Sheng pressing the jade flute?"

Obviously the person who said this was Huang Rong.

Apparently Huang Rong made things difficult when she said this. This sentence was engraved on both sides of the pavilion on Peach Blossom Island. Those who have never been to Peach Blossom Island naturally don't know.

Ye Wufeng was extremely surprised, he didn't expect that there are still people in this world who know this sentence.

I think I should have been to Peach Blossom Island.

However, the guests in the inn all looked confused.

The chubby eater said impatiently.

"I'm talking about masters in the world, what kind of poems are you talking about here?"

Ye Wufeng said with a smile.

"I have indeed heard this sentence before, and it should be Huang Yaoshi, the owner of Peach Blossom Island!"

"Island Master Huang is one of the five masters, and his strength has reached the level of a master. It is indeed unfathomable!"

"Especially Peach Blossom Island Kung Fu Luoying Excalibur Palm, Bihai Chaosheng Song, Flick of Fingers Magic Ability, Orchid Whispering Point Hand, etc. are all well-known stunts!"

"It's a pity! Master Huang's martial arts are superb, but the inheritance has withered, and the six major disciples Chen Mei, Lu Qu and Feng Wu are all disabled. It's a pity!"

Everyone in the inn was stunned when they heard it.

Huang Yaoshi, the owner of Peach Blossom Island, and the others knew about it, but they didn't expect that this poem actually described him.

Taohuadao's martial arts are also cherished by him.

At this time, everyone looked at Ye Wufeng differently.

The most shocked person in the crowd was Huang Rong dressed as a beggar.

Some of these Peach Blossom Island martial arts are not well known.

What's more, the last sentence also talked about her father's six major disciples.

In Huang Rong's memory, there seemed to be such a few people when she was young.

But from a certain day, they disappeared, and the people of Peach Blossom Island kept this matter secret.

After a long time, she didn't remember this matter, and she didn't expect Ye Wufeng to know about it.

Huang Rongxiu frowned, obviously this Ye Wufeng was not simple.

At least it is impossible for ordinary people to understand Peach Blossom Island so clearly.

Does he know my dad?Just had an idea, but was overthrown by Huang Rong.

After all, Ye Wufeng's age depends on this place.

Huang Yaoshi hasn't been out of Peach Blossom Island in recent years, so how could they know each other?But at this time Huang Rong had already made up her mind, and after he finished the book, he must ask carefully.

At least he must know what happened back then, what happened to his senior brothers now?

At this moment, Granny Jinhua hunched her body and said in a hoarse voice.

"Xiao Mister knows so many things, what do you think of Mingjiao masters?"

Granny Jinhua just finished speaking.

The whole inn was suddenly much quieter.

Although the Mingjiao at this time is a mess, it is fierce and majestic outside.

Unexpectedly, this person actually asked about Mingjiao. Could it be that this person has something to do with Mingjiao?At this time, Bai Zhantang's face was ugly.

"No, Xiaoye is in danger!"

As soon as these words came out, shopkeeper Tong was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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