Chapter 35 The Green Snake with Two Sleeves
Ouyang Ke was a little worried, but then he thought that his uncle was Ouyang Feng. Could it be that this little storyteller dared to kill him?Thinking of this, Ouyang felt relieved a lot, and then said arrogantly.

"I've broken your rules, what can you do? My uncle is Ouyang Feng, the western poison. If you dare to kill me, my uncle will never let you go!"

At this time, the people in the inn also had tangled faces.

Although Ouyang Feng's reputation is not very good, his strength is real.

If you offend such a master because of this trivial matter, it's really not worth it.

Many people looked at Ye Wufeng, and they didn't know how Ye Wufeng would solve this matter.

Ye Wufeng snorted coldly.

"I don't care who your uncle is, since you broke my rules, then stay!"

I only saw Ye Wufeng's right hand turning into a palm, and a cyan aura emanated from his hand.

Ouyang Ke felt a terrifying force from Ye Wufeng's hands, and knew that he couldn't stay in this place any longer.

Then he hurriedly tried to escape from the inn.

At this time, the power in Ye Wufeng's hands continued to condense, and suddenly two streaks of cyan true energy burst out and strangled Ouyang Ke.

After a sharp sword energy passed, Ouyang Ke suddenly froze in place.

He fell to the ground with a plop, out of breath.

There is only a thin sword mark on his body.

This move is exactly the two-sleeved green snake sword intent that Ye Wufeng comprehended.

When everyone in the inn saw this scene, they didn't dare to speak.

They all knew that Ye Wufeng knew some martial arts, but what they never expected was that Ye Wufeng's martial arts were so powerful.

In particular, this sword technique is simply unheard of. Using fingers as swords can display such a terrifying deterrent.

I am afraid that there are not many people in this arena.

Ximen Chuuxue, who was standing aside, frowned.

He felt a terrifying sword energy from Ye Wufeng.

At this time, there was a sudden whistling sound from his sword.

Like a longing to meet an enemy.

Ximen Chuuxue nodded in satisfaction.

"This kind of sword intent is really extraordinary. I have never seen Mr. Ye use swordsmanship before, but I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be able to strike such a sharp sword spirit!"

The same is true of other sword masters in the rivers and lakes.

Qiao Feng was extremely surprised, originally thinking that when Ye Wufeng couldn't hold on, he would save him by himself.

After all, Ye Wufeng still knows the secret of his life experience. Now it seems that with Ye Wufeng's strength, he is completely able to deal with these things. After all, he is thinking too much.

At this time, no one at the scene dared to speak again.

This incident has had too much impact on them.

After the three evil spirits of the Western Regions woke up, they found that Ouyang Ke had died in this place.

Immediately, some of them became stupid, they didn't expect Ouyang Ke to die in this place.

The reason why they appeared in this place was to protect Ouyang Ke, who did not expect that Ouyang Ke was already dead.

I'm afraid they will have to die to apologize in the future.

Ye Wufeng said to them with disgust.

"Take Ouyang Ke's body back, and tell Ouyang Feng that if he wants revenge, just come to me!"

The three evil spirits of the Western Regions glanced at each other and knew that they were not Ye Wufeng's opponent, so they could only leave in despair with Ouyang Ke's body.

The happiest person in the crowd was Huang Rong. Originally, this Ouyang Ke was always pestering him.

But I really hate this kind of marriage to him, it has always been a very headache for him.

And now Ouyang Ke has died in Ye Wufeng's hands.

Doesn't that mean that he also lost his fiance in name?

Huang Rong was very excited, thinking that the reason why Ye Wufeng killed Ouyang Ke was for herself.

At this time, he said with a smile in his heart.

"Since Mr. Ye killed my fiancé, then he must pay me a fiancé. That's not good..." At this time, Huang Rong's face was suddenly covered with red clouds.

Ye Wufeng smiled, as if he didn't take this matter seriously.

Although the people in the yamen also came and asked about it, they didn't ask too much when they heard that it was a matter of Jianghu.

After all, for these Jianghu people, dying alone is not a big deal.

Goodbye Ye Wufeng continued.

"Next, I will announce No. 5 in the martial arts ranking!"

"The one that is still No.5 is the Great Teleportation of the Universe!"

When everyone heard that it was this martial art, it didn't cause much sensation, and they had all heard of this name before.

As the top school of the Ming sect, Zeng Yang Dingtian became famous all over the world by relying on the great movement of the universe.

It's a pity that with Yang Dingtian's disappearance in the end, there is no one in the Ming Cult who knows this martial art anymore.

There are also many Mingjiao people in this inn.

They pricked up their ears when they heard this.

Especially Granny Jinhua, since the death of Mr. Han, he has always wanted to get a great shift in the world from Mingjiao.

This is the only way to redeem yourself.

But he has searched many times, but he still can't find it. Although he has heard a lot about this martial art, he is very curious, what should Yepan think of this martial art?Meeting Ye Wufeng said with eloquence.

"This exercise is the Mingjiao's top school. It was created by Huo Shan, an old man in the mountains. It has a total of seventh layers, but there are sixteen words in the seventh layer that are incorrectly recorded!"

"Cultivating this Great Teleportation of the Universe requires the highest internal strength as the foundation, otherwise it will take a very long time to practice it!"

"After this technique is practiced, the acupoints in the whole body can move with each other, and they can use their strength to pull the fighting technique!"

"What's more important is that after this exercise was introduced to the Central Plains, it has been lost in the Persian Church. There are only some basic summary lessons on the six Yin-Yang Holy Fire Orders, so it has been passed down as the Holy Fire Order!"

"If you practice together, you can reverse yin and yang, and change places!"

Everyone nodded after listening. Although they knew something, they didn't know it as clearly as Ye Wufeng.

Even the Great Teleportation of the Universe has seven levels, and sixteen characters are incorrectly recorded. This kind of thing is known.

At this time, one of them asked curiously.

"Since this is the case, is there anyone in the world today who can move the universe? How far did Yang Dingtian practice at that time?"

"This Great Teleportation of the Universe is extremely difficult to practice. Even Yang Ding Tianzong, a genius, has only practiced to the fourth level. Of course, Yang Xiao, the Bright Left Envoy of Mingjiao, can also do some, but he has only practiced to the Universe, and the Great Teleportation It's just the second floor!"

(End of this chapter)

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