Comprehensive martial arts: Qixia town storytelling, Huang Rong posted it upside down!

Chapter 39 Murong Fu's Favor, Gained by Servant Lao Huang!

Chapter 39 Murong Fu's Favor, Gained by Servant Lao Huang!

Despite this, he has the domineering spirit of cutting mountains and rivers with his sword.

Then Ye Wufeng put him into his own system space.

At least there will be weapons against the enemy in the future.

Then he thought of the character summoning card in his hand.

Now many things are not suitable for me to do by myself, if I can summon an assistant, that would be quite good.

"The system uses character summon cards!"

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for using the character summoning card and getting the servant Huang]

Sword Nine Yellow:
Cultivation: Congenital Eightfold

Item: famous sword box

Status: Servant

Seeing the candidate he had drawn out, Ye Wufeng was very happy.

After all, I still like this character very much.

Then suddenly an old servant with yellow teeth appeared in front of Ye Wufeng.

"Lao Huang greets the master!"

Ye Wufeng was taken aback by Lao Huang's sudden appearance, and said hastily.

"Old Huang, from now on, you just follow me to protect my safety. Of course, you don't have to come out when no one is around. Just protect me in secret!"

Lao Huang nodded after listening, and then disappeared in front of his eyes.

At this time, Ye Wufeng's door suddenly knocked.

Ye Wufeng opened it and found that the person who came was Bai Zhantang.

Seeing Bai Zhantang coming to this place, Ye Wufeng looked puzzled.

"Brother Bai, did something happen?"

At this time, Bai Zhantang said quietly.

"The guests at the next table want to invite you to have a few drinks. Those people don't look like ordinary people. The shopkeeper may not be able to handle it, so I want to invite you to take a look!"

Ye Wufeng was a little surprised when he heard it.

There are indeed many people who want to see him recently, but most of them have been rejected.

There are also some who just want to listen to him say those things, and don't have much interest in him as a person.

It's just that there are not many people who can't be pushed like this.

Ye Wufeng then left his room, and sure enough, he saw four people sitting on the table beside him.

Three men and one woman, especially the woman is extremely beautiful.

Even Lian Xing and Yao Yue are slightly inferior to him.

I saw Ye Wufeng walked over with a smile and said.

"The ones who want to see me should be all of you, I don't know how to call you friends!"

A chubby swordsman next to him said.

"My son is!"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the young master next to him.

He said with a smile.

"I've heard that Mr. Ye knows many things in Jianghu. Compared with Jianghu, Bai Xiaosheng knows more things. I wonder if Mr. Ye can guess the identities of us!"

Ye Wufeng suddenly complained in his heart.

These guys have to let themselves guess, and I'm not a fortune teller, so why guess these things?Is there any reward for guessing correctly?But Ye Wufeng has long seen this fat man talking there, yes and no.

Nowadays, there is only one who likes to say this mantra in this arena.

Ye Wufeng said with a smile.

"It is said that there are two knights in Jianghu, Nan Murong and Bei Qiaofeng. I was ridiculed for being so cheap. I never thought that I could meet another young talent this time. I really didn't expect it!"

Murong Fu was very surprised when he heard that, he never revealed his identity, how did he get seen through.

Wang Yuyan, who was next to her, was also full of splendor after seeing it.

Sure enough, Ye Wufeng is quite capable, and he can even guess their identities clearly.

Ye Wufeng looked at the two people next to him, presumably these two people should be Bao BuTong and Feng BaoE.

Bao BuTong shook his head with a smile.

"No, no, there is nothing miraculous about Mr. Ye knowing the identity of my young master. After all, my young master's reputation is also one-to-one. There are not many people in the world who don't know!"

However, at this moment, he disagreed and looked at Wang Yuyan next to him.

"If Mr. Ye can see through the identity of the girl next to me, then my surname Bao will recognize Mr. Ye's ability!"

Wang Yuyan frowned when she heard this, she basically never appeared in the arena.

How could he know his identity? Was it difficult for some powerful people?Of course Murong Fu still didn't care about such things.

In his opinion, someone like Ye Wufeng who knows a lot of things, if he can use them well, will definitely be a help to him.

But before that, he still had to beat him to let him know that he was not omnipotent in this arena.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for such a subordinate to truly be in his own hands.

Ye Wufeng smiled and said.

"I heard that there is a villa in the south of the Yangtze River called Mantuo Villa. In the villa, there is a woman who descends into the world like a fairy. She has an outstanding fairy appearance and cannot be ignored. She is especially talented and intelligent. She has already seen through most of the people in the Langhuan Jade Cave at a young age. The martial arts secret book, whose bosom name is Wang Yuyan, must be talking about you, girl!"

Hearing Ye Wufeng's words, everyone was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wufeng actually knew Wang Yuyan's name and identity.

This kind of intelligence ability is really terrifying. You must know that Wang Yuyan has never come out in the arena.

Murong Fu's expression was also very ugly, especially when Ye Wufeng mentioned the Langhuan Jade Cave, it can be said that this is the most precious wealth of the Wang family.

It was comparable to Huan Shi Shui Pavilion from Murong's family.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wufeng knew all these things.

At this moment, Murong Fu suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said to Ye Wufeng.

"As expected of Mr. Ye Wufeng, who sits in the inn and knows everything about Jianghu, he even knows such things!"

"I came to find Mr. Ye today. On the one hand, I admire Mr. Ye very much, so I want to get to know Mr. Ye. The other purpose is to give Mr. Ye a wealth of wealth. I don't know what Mr. Ye thinks?"

Ye Wufeng smiled and shook his head.

"I do not watch!"

Murong Fu was stunned when he heard Ye Wufeng's answer, he had already thought of many kinds of Ye Wufeng's answers.

It can be said that as long as he can attract Ye Wufeng's attention, he may be able to take him under his command.

He even prepared how to refute it.

But Ye Wufeng said such a sentence suddenly, and he didn't know where to start.

Ye Wufeng picked up a glass of wine and drank it down.

"I'm not from the rivers and lakes, and I don't like to fight and kill. I'm just an ordinary storyteller. Being able to tell stories is my greatest happiness. As for other things, it has nothing to do with me!"

Murong Fu wanted to say something else, but Ye Wufeng said one step ahead of him.

"The grievances and grievances in the Jianghu have nothing to do with me. The same is true for the change of dynasty. Some things are gone, so why bother torment the living people because of these things that have already passed away!"

"It's better to care about the people in front of you than this!"

(End of this chapter)

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