Chapter 5 Draw the Marrow Washing Sutra!
Ye Wufeng returned to his room, closed the door and sat on the bed.

Immediately communicated the system in my mind.

Sure enough, after this storytelling, the luck points in the system increased by 1000, and there were three chances to draw a lottery.

Ye Wufeng first looked at the system mall.

There are all kinds of things in the shopping mall, and there are even many top-level skills.

The method of covering the sky: 1000000000...

Ninth Secret: 10000000...

Fighting Holy Law: 10000000...


Innate Supreme Treasure Taiji Diagram: 1000000...

Acquired Gongde Lingbao Ruyi Golden Cudgel: 1000000...


Seeing these countless zeros, Ye Wufeng was speechless for a while.

Who exactly created this system?Why put so many useless things?It's as if he can save so much luck.

This time, storytelling can certainly increase his reputation and bring him more luck in the future, but it also provokes a lot of existences.

This rivers and lakes are full of grievances. If you don't have a little ability, you may have no place to bury your body. So much luck is worth saving.

Of course, there are also some cheaper things in the system.

Iron cloth shirt: 800
Taizu Changquan: 300
Useless Iron Sword: 100
Beggar disciple's begging jar: 100

Of course, in addition to these martial arts cheats and items in the system.

You can use the luck value to directly instill the cultivation base.

In this world, cultivation bases are divided into low-level, second-rate, first-rate, super-first-rate, acquired, congenital, grandmaster, grandmaster, harmony between man and nature, land immortal... As for the latter realms, they almost all exist in legends.

The proficiency of the practiced exercises can also be improved through the luck value. The proficiency of the exercises is divided into six realms: first glance at the door, enter the room, a little success, mastery, reach the peak and return to the basics.

At this time, Ye Wufeng looked at the rewards he got for storytelling, and suddenly felt that there was a long way to go.

Ye Wufeng took a deep breath.

"The system starts the lottery!"

In Ye Wufeng's mind, a huge turntable was spinning rapidly, and it was filled with various things.

All I saw was that the turntable was spinning rapidly and then stopped suddenly.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the heart method secret book, the Marrow Washing Sutra]

Ye Wufeng's eyes lit up, unexpectedly, a good start came.

This Marrow Washing Sutra is one of the two supreme martial arts created by Bodhidharma back then, and the Shaolin Yijin Jing is as famous as him.

Both can change a person's aptitude, and the Yi Jin Jing is mainly used to forge bones through the Yi Jing to enhance the malleability of the human body, while the main function of the Yi Jing Jing is to wash the meridians and cut the marrow.

People eat five grains, and as expected, a lot of toxins have accumulated in their bodies.

The marrow washing sutra is mainly to expel these toxins from the body, thereby improving one's own physical talent.

These two sets of exercises are extremely against the sky, but they also have many restrictions.

So not many have been handed down.

The Yi Jin Jing can barely be achieved through practice, but the difficulty of refining the Marrow Cleansing Jing is even higher.

Therefore, the reputation is not obvious, and there is even a great possibility that it has been lost.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting it, a cultivation base promotion card, which can raise the cultivation base to second-rate] Seeing this reward, Ye Wufeng curled his lips, expressing that he was not satisfied at all.

Just checked the system.

Never top-notch, promoted to second-rate, it's only five hundred luck points.

But to go from second-rate to first-rate requires two thousand luck points.

It seems that the idea of ​​becoming a first-class master today is impossible.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting 500 taels of silver]

Is this system so stupid?
Pay back the money?
Compared with the first two rewards, the third reward is far inferior.

At this time Ye Wufeng sighed, it seems that he still has to work hard to accumulate Qi and Luck.

At this time, Ye Wufeng took a card and tore it open.

Immediately, a stream of light appeared in the card and entered Ye Wufeng's mind directly.

Soon, Ye Wufeng felt an extremely powerful force filling his limbs and bones.

It's as refreshing as being exposed to the sun.

Ye Wufeng felt that he had endless strength.

At this time, I thought of the Marrow Washing Sutra, and saw that there are six levels in total, and it only takes [-] luck points to ascend to the first level.

Afterwards, Ye Wufeng used five hundred luck points to add to the first layer of the marrow washing meridian.

Following the first time of washing the tendons and cutting the marrow, a black dirt appeared on Ye Wufeng's body, and a foul smell hit, causing Ye Wufeng to collapse.

A gust of wind blew by, and the dirt disappeared as if it didn't exist.

Ye Wufeng couldn't help giving a thumbs up in his heart, this system is really awesome, and it also provides after-sales service.

"System, open the personal panel!"

[Host, Ye Wufeng]

【Occupation: Handyman at Tongfu Inn】

[Force value 48 (ordinary person force value 5)]

[Martial Arts Realm: Second-rate Late Stage]

【Status: None】

[Martial Arts: Marrow Washing Sutra (First Floor)]

[Ability: None]

[Item: 500 taels of silver]

【Luck Value: 500】

[Comment: In this chaotic world where martial arts are the most important thing, you are still a little trash]


Seeing this data, Ye Wufeng sighed, it was still too weak.

But today is the first time I talk about it, and I have already gained such a big harvest.

If I can say more later, wouldn't I be able to reach the pinnacle of my life soon.

At this time, Ye Wufeng suddenly felt a rush of blood all over his body, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"No! As a former 996 social animal, I'm going to study, I'm going to tell the story, no one can stop me?"

Ye Wufeng made up his mind to go storytelling.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Ye Wufeng looked curious, who was looking for him at this time?Didn't you already tell the shopkeeper?He is going to rest for a while now.


Ye Wufeng shouted towards the door.

However, no one responded at the door, and it was still the knock on the door just now.

Ye Wufeng was a little worried, could it be that those women from the White Camel Villa just came to find fault with him?

Impossible, even if they came to find trouble, it is impossible now, in broad daylight, wouldn't it be seen by everyone.

Ye Wufeng came to the door cautiously, holding a stool in his hand.

He quietly opened the door, and when the people outside were about to come in, he picked up the stool in his hand and jumped up, intending to knock the people down.

The person who came in saw Ye Wufeng flying towards him.

He was so frightened that he performed lightness kung fu and jumped to the side.

"You're going to die!"

Ye Wufeng missed a blow, looked up and found that the person who came was the little beggar who was listening to the book just now.

I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, although I don't know who this little beggar is, but I will never harm him.

Ye Wufeng asked suspiciously.

"It's you, what do you want from me?"

(End of this chapter)

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