Comprehensive martial arts: Qixia town storytelling, Huang Rong posted it upside down!

Chapter 56 Zhang Sanfeng Enters the Realm of Heaven and Man

Chapter 56 Zhang Sanfeng Enters the Realm of Heaven and Man

Ye Wufeng turned a deaf ear to Miejue Shitai's words, and then said with a look of disdain.

"Let's not mention that the Binghuo Island where the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun is located is extremely difficult to find, so what if you can find it, if it weren't for the fact that your martial arts are better than the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun?"

At this time, the disciples of the Emei Sect heard Ye Wufeng laughing at their master Miejue Shitai.

The eyes of each one were full of dissatisfaction, and even a few grumpy ones had already pulled out the long swords in their hands.

But at this moment, Juejue Shitai stopped him.

Miejue Shitai knows very well that with Ye Wufeng's strength, it can be said that it is easy to do something to these few disciples in his hands.

If that's the case, then the loss of the Emei faction is definitely not small.

Now there are not many disciples in the Emei Sect who can take on important responsibilities, and such a loss must not be endured.

"Boy named Ye, maybe you are young and don't know how cruel the golden-haired lion king Xie Xun was. Back then, the golden-haired lion king Xie Xun pretended to be his master Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand Cheng Kun and killed people everywhere. I don't know how many people in the world suffered Without their cruel hands, can such a person still be left in this world?"

Ye Wufeng shook his head, apparently not agreeing with this matter.

"I've heard about what you said before. In fact, from the beginning to the end, Xie Xun, the golden-haired lion king, just fell into the poisonous tricks of his master Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand Cheng Kun. Of course, what I want to talk about today is not these things. I also thought that I didn't know what you wanted to do about the old rotten millet, but in fact what you really want is not the golden retriever lion king Xie Xun!"

"It's the dragon-slaying knife in his hand, right?"

"The Supreme Master of the Martial Arts, the treasured sword slays the dragon, commands the world, and dare not disobey, relying on the sky to come out, who will fight for the front, these words are not just casually said!"

Miejue Shitai was extremely surprised when he heard Ye Wufeng's words.

That's right, I really want to get the Dragon Saber, to be precise, I want to get the martial arts secrets in the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber.

But how did Ye Wufeng know these things, it stands to reason that not too many people in the whole Jianghu know about this matter.

If it was someone else, Miejue Shitai would not say anything.

But this Ye Wufeng is different, Ye Wufeng knows many things in Jianghu, maybe he really knows this thing.

Miejue Shi stood up with a bang.

"I, Mr. Juejue, have been upright all my life. Naturally, I wouldn't do such a villainous act. As for the plan you said to plot the dragon sword, it is indeed not what I thought in my heart. Please don't talk nonsense, Mr. Ye. Let's leave today's matter as it is. The poor nun will not bother you too much again, so farewell!"

Immediately after, he took these disciples in his hands and left this place in a desperate manner.

Huang Rong knew when Miejue Shitai was in a hurry when she left.

The Secret The state of affairs must contain extremely important secrets, otherwise they would not have left in such a hurry.

Zhang Sanfeng sighed and shook his head helplessly.

In fact, Guo Xiang left quite a lot of inheritance to the Emei School.

Not to mention other things, just the Emei Jiuyang Kung Fu is a good kung fu.

It's a pity that Miejue Shitai's mind is not on this matter, otherwise he would be a master in the rivers and lakes.

After everyone left, Zhang Sanfeng and Ye Wufeng started discussing Tai Chi.

At this time, Ye Wufeng was extremely proficient in Taoist classics, coupled with the Tai Chi Sword Intent rewarded by the system, his understanding of Tai Chi at this time can be said to have improved to a higher level, and Zhang Sanfeng was also very surprised.

I have been studying Tai Chi for a long time. Although I have touched some thresholds recently, the gap is still very large.

However, what he never expected was that Ye Wufeng knew so much about this aspect, even completely surpassing his idea.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng didn't care about any sect opinions, and the two began to discuss.

Zhang Sanfeng is worthy of being a martial arts genius who has been famous for a long time in the Jianghu. Every time Ye Wufeng expresses some ideas, Zhang Sanfeng can always find many ways by quoting from many sources.

Soon Ye Wufeng's proficiency in Tai Chi sword went up to a new level.

Ye Wufeng was very happy in his heart, with this hole card, he was no worse than the two-sleeved green snake he got before.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng's comprehension of Tai Chi also tended to be perfect.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng burst out laughing.

The sound waves covered one layer after another, and everyone inside and outside the entire inn felt an extremely strong pressure.

I was extremely shocked in my heart, I never thought that there is such a master hidden in this inn.

With this kind of strength, he is much stronger than the bad handsome Yuan Tiangang and Luo Wang Zhao Gao we saw just now.

Soon, Zhang Sanfeng came out step by step from the inside. At this time, Zhang Sanfeng was quite different from before. His white hair turned gray and black, and his skin was much better than before.

The people in the inn were shocked when they saw it.

"Could this be Zhang Sanfeng, Daoist Zhang? Does it mean that Daoist Zhang is about to become a fairy?"

Several people who were frightened to death had already knelt on the ground and begged for the blessing of the immortal.

At this time, several of the Wudang Seven Heroes were extremely excited after seeing it.

I didn't expect that he is your master's martial arts, and he can go to the next level.

At this time, Ye Wufeng also left, came out and said with a smile.

"Congratulations to Daoist Zhang for stepping into the realm of heaven and man!"

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile.

"Thanks to you, Ye Xiaoyou, if it weren't for your guidance, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to take this step!"

Ye Wufeng said modestly.

"Really Zhang is just joking. His Taiji Tao is about to be perfected. I am just the icing on the cake. Even without me, it will be a matter of time before you step into that realm. The matter of Zhang Cuishan and Yu Daiyan has always been a part of your heart. heart disease!"

"How can a cultivator of my generation not have a clear mind, now you have a clear mind, and now that you have accumulated many years of accumulation and released it in a week, you have such a result!"

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand.

"No matter what, thank you, little friend Ye. If there is anything that needs help in the future, the Wudang faction will definitely go through fire and water, and will not hesitate to do so!"

Ye Wufeng nodded with a smile, and didn't say much.

Obviously, Zhang Sanfeng's words are enough.

At this time, everyone in the Jianghu was shocked when they heard this. Who is Zhang Sanfeng, but the master of martial arts who is nearly a hundred years old, this Ye Wufeng has such a great magic power, which can make Zhang Sanfeng's realm go to a higher level. .

Zhang Sanfeng's realm like today is no longer that of ordinary people. These two people are really terrifying.

Especially Ye Wufeng has gained the favor of the Wudang faction at this time, and by accepting this favor, it is estimated that even if someone wants to move Ye Wufeng in the future, it will not be a simple matter.

I am afraid that this person will face the pursuit of the Wudang faction.

(End of this chapter)

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