Chapter 59

Tong Xiangyu nodded excitedly after listening.

With such a powerful bodyguard, he is really relieved.

Mo Xiaobei was also very happy, she especially liked the stories about martial arts told by Ye Wufeng.

It would be great if I could see it for myself this time.

Soon under the preparation of everyone, Ye Wufeng once again ushered in the talk.

This time more people came, and their martial arts were not weak.

People with weak martial arts have long been squeezed behind, after all, Jianghu is a place where the weak prey on the strong.

If your strength is not as good as that of others, then you can only be stepped on by others.

Seeing that Ye Wufeng came out at this time, it immediately caused a great commotion.

Ye Wufeng slapped the gavel.

"Don't gossip, let's pick up from the previous chapter, and say that after Han Li escorted his junior sister away, he went to find his fellow disciples, and finally found a few disciples from the same sect. Only then did he know that the evil way has started a full-scale war with the six righteous ways. They were all thrown into the battlefield, and the casualties of many disciples were extremely heavy!"

"Since then, Han Li has also embarked on the battle between the righteous way and the evil way. Because Ye Wufeng is extremely powerful, he plays an extremely important role in this battle!"

... "In the final decisive battle, a large number of disciples from both sides were on the front line, and even many elders in the alchemy stage also appeared!"

"But at the moment when the battle started, the disciples of Spirit Beast Mountain suddenly rebelled, and there was a great chaos in the righteous way. Soon they couldn't resist the demon's attack and were defeated!"

As soon as I mentioned this place, some people in the audience couldn't bear it.

"How is it possible? How can there be such scum in the righteous way, why do they surrender?"

"That's right, shouldn't it be the righteous way of the martial arts that defeats these demons and heretics? Why would the demons and heretics win?"

Many people shouted in dissatisfaction. Obviously, in their view, since it is the righteous way of the Cultivation of Immortals, such a thing would naturally not happen. It was unexpected that such a rebellion would happen.

At this time, a person came out of the crowd and danced happily.

"Let me just say that there are not many good things in these so-called righteous ways of martial arts. I escaped first at the critical moment. This is the so-called righteous way of martial arts. In fact, people in the world value interests. If there are enough interests, It doesn't matter what kind of bird's righteous way or evil way!"

Everyone took a closer look and found that this person was Zhou Dian, one of the five scattered members of the Demon Cult.

Although this person looks crazy, his strength is indeed not weak. It is unexpected that people from the Devil's Cult will appear in this place.

Although Zhou Dian's words caused a huge backlash, no one dared to do it. On the one hand, Ye Wufeng had already issued a ban here, and no one was allowed to do it.

On the other hand, the power of the Devil's Cult is really too strong. They are really good at waving the flag and cheering, but if they are really allowed to go to the battlefield.

This is no different from killing them.

After all, they didn't dare to confront the people of the Demon Cult head-on.

Seeing that there were fewer discussions below, Ye Wufeng continued.

"The monks of Huangfeng Valley heard the news of the defeat on the front line, and immediately summoned many disciples in the sect to ask the ancestors in the Nascent Soul stage to leave the sect!"

"But this ancestor didn't want to protect his own sect after leaving the customs. The longer people live, the more afraid of death they don't care about their own sect's inheritance, they only care about their own affairs!"


"The Patriarch of the Nascent Soul Stage made an extremely large escape plan. However, Han Li discovered that these people could easily surround them during the escape process. It is definitely not a coincidence that so many enemies appeared in this place. It was betrayed!"

"At this time he realized that the ancestor didn't let them flee, but let them be cannon fodder for the queen!"

"The two sides fought directly together for a while, and the losses were extremely heavy, but because Huang Fenggu's decoration was attacked by surprise, many traps were set around, and the losses were heavy for a while!"


After everyone listened, they immediately sighed.

Nowadays, there are frequent battles between the righteous way and the evil way in the arena.

It never occurred to me that even in the world of cultivating immortals, there are so many battles, they fight together for their own benefit.

Even your relatives and friends will betray you because of this.

At this time, many people hated their teeth, especially the ancestor of Huang Fenggu, who did not hesitate to betray his disciple for his own benefit.

But there are also some people who express their understanding very much. After all, the enemy's strength is really too strong.

Although this method lost part of its strength, it retained most of its strength as a whole.

It's just that this is a small part after all.

Everyone was still unsatisfied.

At this moment, Ye Wufeng said with a smile.

"Next, I will announce the No.2 and No.1 of the martial arts ranking!"

After everyone listened, they suddenly became short of breath.

After waiting for so long, I finally got No.2 and No.1.

They are very curious about what is the top exercise?These are some monks from Shaolin Temple, and they are also very excited. Could it be that their Shaolin Temple's Yi Jin Jing is ranked first and second.

Thinking about it, this is indeed the case, after all, the Yi Jin Jing is a well-known martial art in the world.

It is impossible not to rank in this ranking, but there are none in the front, maybe it is at the top.

This is where they listen carefully.

"No.2 in the martial arts leaderboard, three points go to vitality!"

"Three points of vitality are the exercises created by the old man Tianjue, and later passed on to Xiongba, the successor of Tianjue. The three points of vitality can be broken down into three kinds of martial arts, namely Tianshuangquan, Paiyunzhang and Fengshen legs!"

"These three exercises can be used in conjunction. When used, they can seal the enemy in all directions. No matter how powerful the enemy is, there is no way to show it!"

"What's more important is that Xiongba directly condensed this three-point return to origin into three-point return to vitality. This kind of martial arts is extremely heaven-defying, and even has the ability to push everything to the extreme!"

"If you are attacked by such martial arts, everything will be completely decomposed, even martial arts. Of course, this kind of martial arts can also be used to cure diseases. Saving people can seal acupuncture points, remove rot, and restore skin!"

"After merging into one, the power in one body will be inexhaustible and inexhaustible. It should have the ability to shock the world and weep ghosts and gods!"

After listening to it, everyone was very shocked, this kind of exercise is so terrible.

According to Ye Wufeng, it is not an exaggeration to be regarded as a skill practiced by an immortal.

After all, such exercises can only be seen in the sky.

Inexhaustible use can divide the world and all things. If someone has mastered such a skill, there must not be many people who are their opponents.

(End of this chapter)

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