Chapter 61 The true background of Shaolin Temple?

"I've heard about Cihang Jingzhai and Momen. They are very powerful, but hidden in fact, ordinary people can't see them at all!"

"I didn't expect it to be related to the No. [-] God of War catalogue!"

The audience was still full of interest, and many people couldn't help but be attracted by the God of War catalogue.

At this moment, one of them came out and looked at Ye Wufeng and said.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ye, where is this God of War catalog? Can you provide some clues, I am very grateful!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard it. They didn't expect this person to have a crooked idea about the God of War catalogue.

But this kind of mysterious place, no one wants to get it.

Many people looked at Ye Wufeng, Ye Wufeng knew so many things, he even knew some of the records in the Temple of War.

Maybe he really entered.

Ye Wufeng frowned, then shook his head and said.

"I have never been to the Temple of the God of War, so naturally I don't know where the catalog of the God of War is. As for what I know, it's just word of mouth. If you think it's not true, it's okay!"

But the man still said unrelentingly.

"Mr. Ye is also a master of martial arts. To be able to possess such powerful martial arts at such a young age is not something that ordinary people can do. I don't know what Mr. Ye is practicing. Can you tell us about the martial arts? Could it be the God of War catalog? "

After everyone heard it, they couldn't help but have guesses in their hearts.

That's right, until now they don't know what kind of martial arts Mr. Ye knows.

Given Mr. Ye's current level of cultivation at his age, it is obvious that the martial arts he cultivated is definitely not ordinary.

Maybe it's one of the top in this ranking.

Ye Wufeng knew very well in his heart that the person in front of him was here to find fault. Of course, if he didn't give them a good explanation, he would have a steady stream of troubles.

At this moment, Ye Wufeng sighed and said.

"I'm ashamed to say that the martial arts in my body was not cultivated by myself, it was just transferred to me by a senior in the family through the method of empowerment!"

"In fact, the kungfu I practice is nothing more than our family's internal kung fu. It doesn't have a name, and it's not magical. It can't be compared with the kung fu on this list!"

Everyone suddenly realized after listening, no wonder Ye Wufeng can possess such martial arts at such a young age.

It turned out that this martial art was not practiced by him himself, but was passed on to him by someone in the family through empowerment.

But even so, it was envied by many people.

After all, they don't have such a good opportunity, nor do they have such a family background.

Although some people still remained skeptical, their desire to snatch Ye Wufeng slowly faded away.

Suddenly a monk from Shaolin Temple stepped forward.

"Amitabha, Ye Shizhu, you have counted many kung fu methods in the Jianghu here, why is there no kung fu from my Shaolin Temple? My Shaolin Temple, as the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts, is not famous for nothing!"

"If this is really the case, then I will have to ask for advice!"

The other Shaolin monks also looked angry after hearing this.

"That's right, teach them a good lesson and let him know that my Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand is very powerful!"

"That's right, back then my uncle was invincible in the world with a set of Arhat boxing, so why can't our Shaolin school's martial arts be on the list!"

At this time, some people in the rivers and lakes had different expressions.

The strength of the Shaolin faction is indeed very strong, especially in the Shaolin Temple there are many senior masters hidden, coupled with the Shaolin 72 stunts, they are famous all over the world.

Naturally, many people admire it, but among the martial arts announced by Ye Wufeng, there is no martial arts from Shaolin Temple at all.

These people are naturally unhappy.

At this time, several people have quietly reminded Ye Wufeng that it is better to revise the ranking.

Otherwise, it might not be a good thing to offend the Shaolin faction.

This is the best way so far, but if Ye Wufeng overthrows the ranking he established.

It is estimated that the reputation in the Jianghu will be completely ruined.

At this time, everyone was very curious about what method Ye Wufeng would use to solve this matter.

Ye Wufeng shook his head and said.

"Although this ranking is just my personal opinion, once it is determined, although there is no reason to change it at will, it's not that Shaolin Temple's martial arts are not good. I just gave the martial arts card a name this time. There are countless miraculous martial arts in the world. But in the end it all depends on the individual!"

"I think back then when Qiao Feng, the former head of the Beggar Gang, relied on Taizu Changquan to make all the heroes in the world unable to straighten up. Could it be said that Taizu Changquan is stronger than those martial arts?"

"Of course, Buddhist martial arts have their own unique features. For example, Shaolin Temple's inner strength heart method Yijin Jing and Xisui Jing have the effect of washing tendons and cutting marrow. Yi Jin Jing is not bad, but it is a pity that Xisui Jing has been lost. !"

"Among the Shaolin exercises, the Vajra Indestructible Body Divine Art and the Great Demon Subduing Formation are indeed unique. Of course, the ranking I made is just a family opinion. If there are any deficiencies, I hope you will forgive me! "

What Ye Wufeng said was extremely level, even if these people had any thoughts in their hearts, they could only hold back at this moment and dare not say more.

These Shaolin Temple people were even more surprised.

Although many people in the world know about Shaolin Temple's exercises, many of what Ye Wufeng said are the secrets of Shaolin Temple.

Especially about the Sutra of Washing the Marrow, which was discovered by an old monk by accident while reading the scriptures.

"This is an untold secret of my Shaolin sect. Where did you know it?"

At this time, they no longer have the egg just now.

Instead, it is full of fear.

Ye Wufeng shook his head and said.

"You all regard Shaolin Temple's 72 unique skills as treasures, but few people know that the real heritage of Shaolin Temple is the Buddhist scriptures in the Sutra Pavilion!"

"Especially, there are many monks who have gained insights during their lifetimes. Those are the truly precious things. Unfortunately, many monks of the Shaolin sect now only focus on practicing martial arts, but ignore Buddhism. Doing so is completely putting the cart before the horse, what a pity!"

"Now that Shaolin Temple is so big, the real eminent monk is probably only the one from the Sutra Pavilion!"

The Shaolin monk was shocked when he heard this.

He had heard similar words before, but from one.

The mouth of an ordinary sweeping monk in the Sutra Pavilion.

As for the identity of the old monk, they didn't know, they only knew that he had existed in the Buddhist scripture pavilion a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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