Comprehensive martial arts: Qixia town storytelling, Huang Rong posted it upside down!

Chapter 63 The secret of Mingjiao, the secret that no one knows!

Chapter 63 The secret of Mingjiao, the secret that no one knows!
These people glanced back, their eyes were full of surprise, unexpectedly Ye Wufeng really knew what they were thinking.

All of a sudden, everyone gave a wry smile. Sure enough, there was no need to hide in front of such a master.

At this moment, Peng Yingyu sighed helplessly and said.

"It is precisely for this reason that my Mingjiao was extremely powerful before, especially under the leadership of the leader Yang Dingtian, the left and right Bright Messenger Five Elements Banners, the Five Scattered People, and the Four Guardian Dharma Kings can be said to be extremely masters!"

"It's a pity that the whereabouts of the leader of Yang Dingtian was unknown later. Since then, our Mingjiao has been in disarray!"

"First there was light, and then the Zishan Dragon King, whose whereabouts are unknown, and then the golden-haired lion king, who has an accident and is nowhere to be found!"

"The White-browed Eagle King betrayed himself, and the rest of the famous masters also competed with each other, and the casualties were extremely heavy!"

"That's why we want to ask Mr. Ye if he knows the whereabouts of Master Yang!"

Ye Wufeng nodded.

"I do know the whereabouts of Master Yang!"

At this time, when everyone in the Ming Cult heard this, their eyes lit up, and everyone was very excited.

Today's Mingjiao can be said to be a mess, and it doesn't have the strength at that time.

But if Master Yang can come back, he can lead them to the peak again.

At this time, everyone said hurriedly.

"If Mr. Ye can tell us where the leader is, I will be grateful!"

However, Ye Wufeng shook his head and said.

"It's not that I won't tell you, it's just that you have to be mentally prepared. The leader inside has died many years ago!"

After everyone heard it, it was like hearing a thunderbolt from the blue.

As if he didn't want to believe this at all, Zhou Dian, who had been carefree all the time, suddenly seemed to go crazy.

"You fart, my Mingjiao leader is powerful, coupled with the town school's unique knowledge of Qiankun Dashuo, there are not many people in the world who can kill him, how could he die inexplicably, why don't you give us In other words, we will not spare you today!"

The faces of the other masters are not particularly good-looking, after all, Yang Dingtian is not bad for them.

Peng Yingyu snorted suddenly.

"Zhou Dian, don't make mistakes in front of Mr. Ye, so hurry up and apologize to Mr. Ye!"

However, Zhou Dian turned his head and snorted coldly, without saying a word.

Obviously, he was still very unhappy.

Seeing them like this, Ye Wufeng understood very well.

"I understand that it is difficult to accept such a thing for a while, but this matter is indeed a fact. If I guessed correctly, there is a secret passage in it, and the corpse of Master Yang is in this secret passage. middle!"

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you, obviously they have already believed Ye Wufeng's words to some extent.

After all, not many people know about the Guangmingding secret way.

Even among the people they teach, only a few high-level people know of its existence.

In addition, no one else can enter this secret path except the leader, so they didn't think about it at all.

At this time, Yang Xiao, the left envoy of Guangming, said angrily.

"What happened at that time? Why did Master Yang die, and who was the murderer? I would be very grateful to ask Mr. Ye to tell someone Yang!"

Ye Wufeng nodded.

"The murderer must be Hunyuan Thunderbolt Master Cheng Kun. As for this name, you should be very familiar with it!"

After everyone listened to it, they felt that the name was indeed very familiar, but they really couldn't remember it for a while.

At this time, he couldn't say it as if he thought of something.

"I heard that the master of the Golden Retriever Lion King is Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand Cheng Kun, could it be him?"

The patients immediately remembered this matter after listening to it, but it was difficult for them to accept it.

It's as if the two can't be connected at all.

Directly, Ye Wufeng said slowly.

"This Hunyuan Thunderbolt master Cheng Kun and his junior sister are like brothers and have a very good relationship. It's a pity that his junior sister married Yang Dingtian, the leader of Mingjiao, who is your leader's wife!"

"Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand Cheng Kun was so angry that he even had a private meeting with your leader's wife in the secret passage that only the leader can enter!"

"But it means that fire cannot be contained after all. At that time, Yang Dingtian was practicing in the secret way, but he accidentally broke through their affairs. He was so angry that he became obsessed in his cultivation, so he died in the secret way. among!"

"And your leader's wife is also ashamed and commits suicide!"

After everyone heard it, their hearts were filled with anger, and there was a lot of unwillingness.

Thinking about the wise leader of Mingjiao for a while, it can be said that under his command, the power of Mingjiao has become very powerful, and no one in this world can provoke his existence.

Unexpectedly, such a person would die in the hands of a villain.

At this time, Guangming Left Envoy Yang Xiao bowed to Ye Wufeng.

"Thank you Mr. Ye for telling us these things. If it wasn't for Mr. Ye, I'm afraid we are still kept in the dark. If there is anything Mr. Ye needs help in the future, just let me know, and I will definitely do my best!"

Ye Wufeng nodded, then said.

"We don't need to worry. Although it is said that Yin Tianzheng betrayed the Ming Cult, he only left in anger at that time. What's more, the Zishan Dragon King and the Guangming Right Envoy Fan Yao are now hiding in the rivers and lakes. They are not in danger. The Golden Lion Although Wang Xiesun is blind, overall he is pretty good!"

"As long as you unite as one and believe in the Ming Cult, you will naturally be able to restore your previous strength. Well, I have said a lot of things today, so you can do what you want!"

The people in the world's famous sects left here and came to their stronghold to still discuss together.

"I didn't expect Mr. Ye to know so many things. It's really a pity for the leader!"

"I didn't expect Brother Fan and Dai Qisi to still be in the Central Plains. I guess they are still regretting what happened at that time!"

At this time, Zhou Dian said with a smile.

"I think Mr. Ye is quite pleasing to the eye, but he always speaks in half. It would be great if he could become our leader!"

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately after listening, this is indeed a good idea.

Now all the people in their Mingjiao are fighting to kill together, but they still can't decide the position of the leader.

Now that the whereabouts of Yangding Tianyang leader is known, the next thing to do is to avenge him and find someone who can be the leader.

Ye Wufeng has such a powerful strength at such a young age.

In addition, in this matter, Mingjiao has great kindness to them, and Baili is also very mysterious. If he can become the leader of Mingjiao, there must be many people following him.

(End of this chapter)

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