Chapter 69 Sensational, Reluctant Liu Zhengfeng
But no matter what, these have nothing to do with me.

When he was about to complete the ceremony, suddenly there were disciples from the Songshan Sect, and it seemed that there were still a lot of them.

But there was a shock in his heart, and it really seemed to be worth it.

"Leader Zuo, what does this mean? Could it be that the Songshan faction is so domineering? I want to wash my hands in a golden basin, and I will never interfere with the affairs of the Jianghu. Could it be that this matter is also stopping me!"

At this moment, the disciple of Songshan School said with a smile.

"No, it's just that this matter has something to do with the life and death of the Wuyue Sword Sect, so I have to do it, so please forgive me!"

"If Liu Shishu really washed his hands in the golden basin, then for my Five Sacred Sword Sect, it will be a catastrophe in the end!"

Everyone was startled when they heard it, including those disciples of the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

What is it that can have such a big impact?At this time, Liu Zhengfeng gave an order, and many people appeared in this place, all of them were Hengshan School disciples.

These Sun Shan sect disciples were also shocked when they saw it. They didn't expect Liu Zhengfeng to come prepared.

Seeing the tense appearance of the disciples from the two parties, the martial arts seniors in the rivers and lakes were very puzzled.

What on earth is causing them to be so tense.

At this moment, Yue Buqun seemed to realize something, and he said with a smile.

"Brothers are all good friends of my Wuyue Sword Sect. If there is anything that can't be solved, why do you need to use swords and guns? In my opinion, everyone, don't rush to talk about this matter, sit down slowly Let's see what's going on!"

Everyone nodded after listening.

At this moment, a quarrel was suddenly heard in the backyard.

After everyone heard it, their faces suddenly became smaller. There was someone in the backyard.

At this moment, the disciples of the Songshan sect yelled inwardly when they heard the voice.

In order to completely control Liu Zhengfeng, he specially dispatched a team to find Liu Zhengfeng's family members.

As a result, that group of people hated me so much that they couldn't even do such a small thing well.

So a group of people immediately went to the backyard, and saw Huang Rong and others standing in front of them, they were all Songshan faction they defeated.

At this time, Liu Zhengfeng's family members looked shocked.

"Master, we were in the backyard just now, and we heard some commotion here, and they brought people over the wall and came in!"

"Then I wanted to arrest us all. Fortunately, Miss Huang is in this place, so I'm afraid we will be in trouble!"

At this time, Huang Rong had already completed the task, she clapped her hands and stood directly behind Ye Wufeng.

Liu Zhengfeng was full of gratitude in his heart, if it wasn't for Ye Wufeng, he might be even more wary because of his family now.

He clasped his fists at Ye Wufeng and said.

"Don't say thank you for your kindness. After this matter is over, I must personally thank Mr. Ye for his kindness!"

At this moment, he turned his head and looked at the Songshan sect members angrily.

Even the heroes and heroes in the martial arts world have very ugly faces when they see this scene.

As the saying goes, more is better than family.

The most taboo of many things in Tu Ling is to involve people in the family.

Thinking that these disciples of the Songshan School actually attacked Liu Zhengfeng's family.

This can be said to be a taboo in martial arts.

"Leader Zuo, what does this mean? I will definitely ask him to explain to me what happened today!"

"Today, you should leave this place as soon as possible. If you are in charge, don't blame me for being rude!"

Soon at this moment a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Seniors in the martial arts world, don't misunderstand, we are just out of desperation. This matter is really related to the safety of all comrades in the martial arts world, so we have to make a bad move!"

The people who said this directly were Ding Mian, the hand of the Tota, and Lu Bai, the hand of the crane.

The strength of the two of them is not weak, even not too far from the current Zuo Lengchan.

As one of the thirteen Taibao of the Songshan School, they are also well-known in the Jianghu, and they unexpectedly came to this place together.

Plus the big Songyang player Fei Bin who just came over.

This can already be regarded as the three most powerful members of the Songshan School, except for Zuo Lengchan.

Unexpectedly, all of them came to this place directly.

At this moment, Lu Bai, the crane hand, looked at the crowd and said.

"Heroes of the martial arts world, I believe everyone should be very surprised. Why did we prevent Junior Brother Liu's Golden Basin Handwashing Conference? It is really too important!"

"Although they are all from the martial arts world, even if they want to quit the martial arts world, it is not a big deal!"

"It's a pity that the reason why Junior Brother Liu is so anxious to quit the arena is because he has colluded with people in the Devil's Cult!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar immediately.

The Demon Sect they are talking about is the Sun Moon God Sect.

Everyone is very clear that the conflict between their Five Sacred Sword Sect and the Sun Moon God Sect has not lasted for a year or two.

Many disciples have died in the battle between the two sides.

Unexpectedly, Liu Zhengfeng secretly colluded with the Demon Cult.

This is something they can't understand anyway.

After hearing this, Liu Zhengfeng became anxious, and he snorted coldly and said.

"There is no basis for my words. I have never met the people of the Devil's Cult, so why talk about colluding with the people of the Devil's Cult!"

The other factions also nodded. They didn't know how to deal with this matter.

At this moment, Lu Bai, the Crane Hand, continued.

"It may be difficult for everyone to accept this matter for a while, but Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang, the elder of the Devil's Cult, secretly communicated with each other. Maybe there is something wrong with it. Naturally, Junior Brother Liu will not betray me, Five Sacred Sword Sect!"

"But the people in the Devil's Cult are all vicious, cunning, and ruthless. If they deceive them, it will definitely be very bad for our Five Sacred Sword Sect!"

At this time, many people in Jianghu looked at Liu Zhengfeng with complicated expressions, hoping that he could explain this matter.

Liu Zhengfeng said with a sigh.

"Brother Qu and I only got together because of the temperament, and I didn't talk about the Five Sacred Sword Sect and the Devil's Cult!"

When Liu Zhenfeng said this, it immediately caused a great commotion. It was unexpected that there was actually a connection between them.

As for what to say, it is not so important to them.

I saw that many people couldn't help showing disappointed expressions.

The hatred between the Five Sacred Sword Sect and the Demon Cult is really too deep.

Afterwards, people from the Songshan faction forced Liu Zhengfeng to make an oath that as long as he was willing to kill Qu Yang, he would not pursue it.

It's just that Liu Zhengfeng didn't want the two sides to fight directly at all.

(End of this chapter)

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