Chapter 79 Wang Yuyan's life experience?

The strength of the Xiaoyao faction is so strong, if he can use Wang Yuyan to bring the Xiaoyao faction into his hands, it will definitely help him revive Dayan a lot.

At this moment Murong Fu said with a smile.

"Cousin, I have never asked you to mention my grandfather before, but you have kept it from me so hard. If there is a chance, please introduce me!"

After hearing this, Wang Yuyan felt very embarrassed. She had never met her grandfather, let alone introduced him to others.

At this time, he looked at Ye Wufeng with a bit of complaint, and it wasn't Ye Wufeng who told this matter.

Where do I have so many troubles.

I saw that Ye Wufeng didn't stop posting, and continued talking.

"There is a magical place in this Mantuo Villa, named Langhuan Jade Cave. Originally, this place should be in the Wuliang Mountain of Dali. Later, due to some coincidence, it was moved to Mantuo Villa. It records countless things in the world. In addition to the advanced martial arts inherited from some sects, everything else is in it!"

"It is precisely because of this treasure house of martial arts that Miss Wang's knowledge is extraordinary. Miss Wang doesn't like to practice martial arts, and she doesn't have martial arts, but she has an ability to remember. So it didn't take long. I have read all the martial arts in the entire Langhuan Jade Cave, so it can be said that all the martial arts in the world are under my control!"

"A talented person with quick thinking and a beautiful heart, he should be ranked No.19 in the rouge list!"

Everyone was shocked after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, there is such a place as Langhuan Jade Cave in this world.

As expected of a place related to the Xiaoyao faction, there is such a terrifying treasury of martial arts.

A big deal.

If anyone can get this treasure house of martial arts, he will definitely be able to make a big difference.

It's just a pity that he doesn't have the top martial arts of various sects, but with his massive storage, it is already very difficult.

Murong Fu was shocked when he heard it.

This matter can be said to be the biggest secret in the entire Manduo Villa.

You must know that there is also a very magical place in their Murong family, which accommodates the world's martial arts called Huan Shi Shui Pavilion, which records all the treasures of their Murong family.

But there are also some records, which are not particularly clear, and we can only go to the Langhuan Jade Cave to find the answer.

But what he never expected was that besides him, there were actually people in this world who knew about this place.

At this time, his face changed, and he thought to himself that no matter what, he must get Ye Wufeng's allegiance.

This guy's intelligence ability is really scary, he even knows these hidden things.

It is estimated that there is nothing in this world that he does not know. If such a person is a friend, it will definitely be an extremely powerful help.

But if you become an enemy with him, it will be his worst nightmare.

Everyone's eyes lit up after listening to it, they didn't expect that there was such a big treasure house behind him.

However, some people do have some thoughts in their hearts, but more people are disdainful.

They have enough skills to inherit.

There is absolutely no need to covet other people's things, not to mention that these things have something to do with the Happy School.

If the terrifying strength of the Xiaoyao faction really provoked them, would they still be alive?It is equivalent to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion in Shaolin Temple. There are still countless martial arts, but few people dare to take the idea of ​​the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. This is the reason.

At this time, a systematic voice came from Ye Wufeng's mind, and he breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that today's storytelling task has been completed.

So he pleaded guilty to everyone and left the place directly.

Wang Yuyan was very upset when she heard this, this guy told his story.

At this time, many people looked at him with something wrong.

Although he is too lazy to take care of these things, having these people is no longer a troublesome thing, and he is very upset in his heart.

But when he thought of Ye Wufeng's terrifying strength, he felt helpless.

During the establishment, he looked at Murong Fu who was at the side and said.

"Cousin is really abominable. He actually told such an important thing. But I'm very curious about my grandfather. Why don't we go find Mr. Ye and ask about it!"

After hearing this, Murong Fu's eyes lit up, he really had the same idea.

Ren Yingying at the side also had the same idea, this Ye Wufeng knew so many things, I believe he should also know about his father.

I just heard that Ye Wufeng's strength is very strong, and he must not threaten him, at least he must think of some other ways. After thinking of this place, he immediately thought of himself.

Could it be that he can't use beauty tricks for himself, since he can be ranked as a rouge-bound person, there is no doubt about his beauty.

After thinking of this place, he couldn't help but blush, my God, what was he thinking?After hearing what Ye Wufeng said, Concubine Yan and Moon God seemed to have something to say.

Especially interested in the rouge list.

"Sister, we didn't hear our name today, does that mean our ranking is still behind!"

Luna asked worriedly.

Concubine Yan smiled, and immediately raised her nose.

"Of course. With our strength, we are definitely still behind. Although the announcements are good, they are not comparable to ours. I believe we will be able to hear about us!"

Luna immediately became happy after hearing this.

"That's really great. It's just that the stories he told are indeed very exciting. It's a pity that I haven't listened to them enough. Why don't we go to him and see if we can hear the rest of the story!"

Concubine Yan's eyes lit up immediately after listening to this. He did have such an idea, and then the two hit it off and were ready to go to Ye Wufeng's room.

At this time, after Ye Wufeng returned to the room, the system began to draw prizes.

This time, in the system lottery, he was proficient in musical instruments and even had some yin and yang spells, which made him very excited.

Those yin and yang spells are indeed very miraculous, it looks like cultivating immortals.

Especially Wanye Feihualiu and Hunxi Longyou, if they fight with others in the future, they will use such martial arts.

Definitely going to get a lot of attention.

After thinking of this place, he was very proud of it, so he wanted to use it and give it a try.

So he immediately picked out a few leaves from the bonsai next to him. Immediately, these leaves were suspended in the air like a dragon, as if they were alive.

This made him very happy. Sure enough, this thing is so easy to use.

But what he didn't know was that Concubine Yan and Moon God who were outside actually felt the breath of the Ten Thousand Leaves Flying Flowers, and both of them were shocked for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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