Chapter 88
It's a pity that Ye Wufeng didn't let him go at all, but at this moment Ye Wufeng looked at him and said with a smile in his direction.

"What did you say just now? It seems that you were ordered to do something?"

At this moment, the boss of Heishan Qisha immediately put the knife in his hand behind his back, and said with a smile.

"No, it's nothing. I just heard about Mr. Ye's reputation and came here to visit Mr. Ye. Mr. Ye's reputation can't be targeted by others!"

"But please rest assured, sir, if anyone dares to do something to you, I will be the first to spare him!"

At this time, the boss of the Black Mountain Qisha suddenly put on a righteous and awe-inspiring look.

Everyone was very surprised when they saw it. They never thought that the guy in front of him was so shameless.

You must know that he was the one who yelled the happiest just now, and now seeing Ye Wufeng have so many masters beside him.

So I immediately changed what I said.

Everyone couldn't help scoffing.

Even the brothers of this person felt a burning sensation on their faces.

But the boss of the Black Mountain Qisha didn't feel the slightest.

He is very clear that he looks like a clown now, but there is no way to do it.

If I really admit this, I'm afraid I don't even know how I died.

Let's not look at the people around Ye Wufeng, there are so many masters, any one of them can kill him.

Now he has finally cultivated to this level, but he has experienced so many life and death, so he cherishes his life even more.

Up to this moment, Ye Wufeng looked at the boss of the Black Mountain Qisha with a smile, and he was very curious, who is this person who wants to kill himself?Although I have offended a lot of people during this period, but someone wants to kill me, so obviously this person must not stay here.

At this time, the boss of the Black Mountain Qisha suddenly said angrily.

"I'm not very clear about this. I only know that Mr. Ye disrupted that person's plan. It's not easy for that person to come forward, so he let the gangster do such a thing!"

"People have been covering their faces, so I don't know the news of that person!"

Ye Wufeng nodded after listening, and then said curiously.

"Is that person still on your mountain!"

The boss of the Black Mountain Qisha nodded.

Ye Wufeng knew very well in his heart that this person dared to send someone to kill him. Obviously, the enmity between them was hard to resolve.

Since it can't be solved at this level, there is no need to keep that person.

After getting this place, there was a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

At this time, he turned his gaze to Qiao Feng.

"I wonder if Brother Qiao can help me go and see these thieves together!"

Qiao Feng nodded after listening, and then looked at the thieves with disgust.

"I'm also not used to these people. I didn't expect that there would be people playing tricks like this in this Jianghu. Just to see what kind of people these people are, and now I already know my surname is Xiao, so from now on you will call me Xiao Feng Bar!"

Ye Wufeng nodded after listening.

At this moment, Xiao Feng looked at A'Zhu.

There was affection in his eyes.

"Ah Zhu, you wait here for a while, I'll come as soon as I go!"

A'Zhu nodded after listening, he was very clear in his heart that with his own strength, he couldn't help at all, and maybe he would be delayed at that time.

So he nodded and said.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me and Miss Wang, you have to be careful!"

Then Ye Wufeng and Qiao Feng left this place following the Black Mountain Qisha.

At this time, the boss of Heishanqi on the road has been thinking about it.

Now Qiao Feng is the only one beside Ye Wufeng.

Although Qiao Feng's strength is very strong, if he can be lured away, this matter may not be impossible.

At that time, it was a full 10 taels of silver.

Such a large sum of money is enough for him to live comfortably for the rest of his life.

After getting this sum of money, they now know where they can't go, so why should they go in this place.

After arriving at this place, he nodded with a smile, his eyes full of imagination.

At this moment, Qiao Feng smiled and said.

"I didn't expect that after such a short period of time, your strength has risen so much. I really feel ashamed of myself. You must know that with my strength, I don't have such abilities at your age!"

Ye Wufeng waved his hand.

"It's just a coincidence!"

Afterwards, he stopped talking about this matter. The corners of Xiaofeng's mouth were so mean that people are at this age, how could it be a coincidence to have such a thing.

What's more, how can there be so many coincidences in this world, it seems that Ye Wufeng is still as humble as ever.

I saw their group walking back and forth on this mountain for a long time.

Ye Wufeng was very puzzled in his heart. Obviously, Montenegro is not so far away from this place, and the mountain cannot be so big, so how could it take such a long time to go around.

He had some doubts in his heart, whether this guy was playing some tricks.

"Didn't you say that you are about to arrive? Why haven't you arrived after such a long time? By the way, I haven't asked your name yet!"

The boss of Heishan Qisha smiled and said.

"It's coming soon. The boy's name is Lei Hu. They all call me Boss Lei. This place is not far from our cottage. Why don't we rest in this place for a while!"

Ye Wufeng saw this Thunder Tiger's eyes flickering constantly.

I know that he has some thoughts of his own in his heart, so let's take a good look at what kind of tricks he is playing.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's rest in this place for a while, called Lei Zi, you go around here to see what's going on!"

Boss Li was very upset when he heard the nickname Ye Feng gave him.

The name Xiaoleizi sounds like a eunuch.

Finally he heard Ye Wufeng and asked him to scout around.

Immediately, I was overjoyed, and I was still thinking about how to get out of this guy's sight.

If he couldn't hit him, he sent the reason directly.

At this time, Boss Lei took the two brothers in his hands to check around.

I saw the boss here panicked, and said with two people.

"The big thing is bad. A tiger appeared on the road ahead. We are no match for him. Hero Qiao is powerful. Why don't we fight for us? How about running to a tiger?"

(End of this chapter)

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