Chapter 94 The Second Elder Xuanming

"This matter is of course very important. That is Miss A Zhu, but I have followed you for so long, and she is a girl, so you have to give her an explanation!"

As soon as these words came out, the people around him suddenly laughed softly.

You obviously can understand what Ye Wufeng said.

Everyone present was very clear about Ah Zhu's feelings for Qiao Feng.

Candle's face flushed immediately after hearing this, and he lowered his head and dared not speak.

Occasionally, he secretly glanced at Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng scratched his head, his face was also slightly red.

"That, this..." Tong Xiangyu said with a smile at this time.

"Okay, okay, you still don't know Miss Ah Zhu's intentions, no matter whether you are a hero in the Jianghu or not, you have to explain to others, if you bully others, we people will not let you go! "

After hearing this, everyone booed one after another.

Qiao Feng was a little embarrassed, but after such a long time, it was obviously impossible to say that he didn't have any thoughts about A'Zhu.

At this moment, he said with a look of embarrassment.

"I do have this idea, but I might wrong Miss Azhu!"

At this moment, Ah Zhu mustered up his courage and said.

"As long as I can be with Brother Qiao Feng, all the hardships will be worth it!"

Everyone was very moved after seeing it.

Wang Yuyan and A'Zhu have the closest relationship. Seeing Azhu's ending like this, he was very envious in his heart.

This time it was he who turned his head to look at Murong Fu, Murong Fu was currently focused on his own great cause, and did not pay much attention to himself at all.

After arriving at this place, he couldn't help but sighed.

In fact, Huang Rong was also very upset.

This guy Ye Wufeng finally did a good deed, but this guy is so concerned about his brother's affairs, why doesn't he care about himself?After thinking of this place, he stepped on Ye Wufeng's foot with a dissatisfied face.

It's a pity that Ye Wufeng has trained a whole body of copper skin and iron bones.

Guangrong felt as if he had kicked an iron plate, and felt a pain in his foot.

In the end, he snorted with dissatisfaction and left directly.

Seeing Huang Rong leave, Ye Wufeng felt very baffled, obviously this guy attacked him just now.

I haven't said anything yet, why is he so angry?Tong Xiangyu sighed.

Ye Wufeng speaks clearly when educating others, how can he put it on himself, why is he so incomprehensible?This Miss Huang can be regarded as a kind and righteous person, and it seems that she has to find a way to match the two of them well.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew directly into Tongfu Inn.

The expressions of all the masters in the inn changed drastically.

Obviously they felt a very strong opponent.

At this time, Lao Huang and Qiao Feng shot at the same time.

In front of them, two old men appeared, and both sides clapped back.

Both Lao Huang and Qiao Feng took a few steps back, as did the two old men who came.

These two old people are the Xuanming elders who are beside Zhao Min.

When they heard that Zhao Min had such a high opinion of Ye Wufeng, they felt a little dissatisfied in their hearts.

What's more, they have rarely entered the Central Plains, and there is no reputation for them in this Central Plains.

This made them very upset, so they wanted to take this opportunity to become famous in the world, but what they didn't expect was that there was such a crouching tiger, hidden dragon in this small inn.

Qiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are fierce and domineering, and Lao Huang also has great strength.

At this time, the two elders Xuanming appeared in the inn, and everyone in the inn was very vigilant.

"Who is your Excellency who doesn't know what is the purpose of coming to my inn?"

Ye Wufeng looked at the two old men in front of him warily.

At this moment, Lu Zhang Ke and He Bi Weng took out their weapons.

"I heard that there are many masters in this Tongfu Inn, we two old guys want to see it!"

As soon as the words were finished, the two rushed out, Lao Huang and Qiao Feng hadn't made a move yet.

I saw it suddenly appeared on the second floor.

A golden yellow and a water blue true energy.

He rushed directly in the direction of the two of them.

Seeing the golden dragon and the water-blue moon shadow, the two elders Xuanming suddenly felt a dangerous aura from above, and hurriedly retreated to defend.

They never thought that there were other masters hidden.

At this moment, two beautiful women jumped down from the second floor.

After seeing it, everyone couldn't help but be amazed.

Many women that I haven't seen are already considered beautiful, but compared to these two women, it can be said that they are far inferior.

Unexpectedly, there are so many masters hidden in this small Tongfu Inn.

These two are Concubine Yan and Moon God.

They felt two very powerful forces, so they came out immediately.

After all, they received orders from the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to protect Ye Wufeng well.

Obviously this person came for Ye Wufeng, and they didn't want anything to happen to Ye Wufeng.

When Lu Zhangke saw Concubine Yan and Moon God in front of him, his eyes lit up.

Lu Zhang Ke is extremely lustful, and all the women he takes a fancy to are, without exception, extremely miserable.

It's just that among all the women he saw, none of them could compare with the two in front of him.

What's more, the martial arts of these two people are still so powerful.

At this time, He Biweng said with a smile.

"The martial arts of the two young ladies are indeed not weak. I don't know who you are, why don't you take refuge with me and senior brother?"

At this time, a cold voice came from Ye Shen's mouth.

"No, it's too deceitful for your strength to dare to attack us!"

You obviously saw the eyes of the two elders with scientific names, both of them were very upset.

At this moment, Ye Wufeng came out and said to the two old men in front of you.

"If I'm not mistaken, you two should be the elders of Xuanming. Why, Taoist Baishang is dead? It seems that you should have taken refuge in the imperial court!"

The two elders Xuanming were very shocked when they heard it, and they were very hurt by their master.

There are not many people who know their names in this Jianghu. How did Ye Wufeng know?They knew that when their master became famous in the world, Ye Wufeng didn't exist yet.

What's more, Ye Wufeng also knows about their taking refuge in the imperial court.

It made them think of Zhao Min's words, and they were very shocked. Ye Wufeng really had something.

"The two of us are here to send you invitations under the order of the princess!"

Immediately afterwards, Crane Biweng, holding the invitation card in his hand, exerted enough strength on it, and flew directly towards Ye Wufeng's direction.

I saw that Ye Wufeng immediately performed the exercises, and the power of Tai Chi directly unloaded all the internal forces above.

(End of this chapter)

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