Chapter 100 Action
What human beings fear instinctively is death, and death comes from the fear of existence or non-existence.

To be more specific, people will fear those things that may cause their own existence to be lost.

At this moment, when Li Xing strode through Huan'an City with a group of armored and sharp-edged people, the people on the street dodged their fearful eyes, fully reflecting this fear.

In Huan'an City, there are very few guards in armor like this rampant in the city, which immediately attracted the attention of the disciples of the patrolling sect.

Two frail scholars with lupines in their hands stood in front of the team like a mantis holding a chariot without hesitation.

"Ming Jing Zong Gong Yi, Chang Ping Division handles the case!" Gong Yi was fairly familiar with this procedure, and immediately took two steps forward, yelling loudly.

Call the roll, show your face, and report the incident.

The two disciples of the Liufeng Sect looked at each other, and then moved out of the way. We still have a tacit understanding between the Sect.

Li Xing's gaze moved away following the movements of the two disciples, and then he caught sight of a peeping figure on the side of the street, and a familiar feeling flooded his heart.

The figure disappeared in a flash.

Before he had time to think about it, Li Xing immediately turned his head and told Commander Luo: "Go ahead, take it by force if necessary, and I will take care of it if something happens!"

Then he pulled Gong Yi past him, dragged him and walked into the alley, "Senior Brother Gong, I found something, just follow me!"

Seeing Li Xing's serious expression, Gong Yi immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and followed Li Xing into the alley without much nonsense.

This is an ordinary street and alley in Huan'an City. The floor is paved with neat stone slabs, and there are towering green brick walls on both sides. There are people walking through the alley, and occasionally a resident pushes the door out to disturb the pedestrians.

Li Xing concentrated his eyes and watched the distant figure turn into another alley.

That's right!Li Xing reconfirmed that he remembered that this figure from the back was one of the murderers who he had glimpsed and killed the shopkeeper of the Liu family that night.

I thought it was a chance to see you again, but I didn't expect to meet you here!
"Brother, this way!"

Li Xing threw down a sentence, followed by Gong Yi, who was confused, and quickly chased in that direction, one after another alley, but this person was walking faster and faster, and every time he happened to see this figure at the end glance.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Gong Yi quickened two steps, approached Li Xing, and asked Li Xing in a low voice.

With Gong Yi's character, he is not willing to do things without thinking.

"There is a suspect who may be in danger!" Li Xing said concisely, and now is not the time for a long speech.

When Gong Yi heard what Li Xing said, he also understood, and immediately rolled up his sleeves, ready to accompany his junior brother to explore the sea of ​​swords and flames ahead.

After another corner, there is another narrow alleyway. Generally, there are not many families living in this kind of alleyway, and most of them are the backyard walls of some big families. There is no sign of the person I was looking for.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes, and carefully looked at the alley in front of him, as if he could feel something vaguely.

Glancing at each other with Gong Yi, the two lined up in front and back, carefully guarded, and slowly stepped into this deserted alley where only three people could barely walk side by side.

"Who are you two, why are you following me!"

When the two reached the middle of the alley, a hoarse voice suddenly came from the courtyard wall beside them.

The two stopped in a hurry, stuck back to back, and looked up at the place where the sound came from.

I saw a middle-aged man dressed in coarse linen clothes of ordinary people, with a square face, weathered face, and scattered hair, looking down at the two of them.

His eyes were cold, with a slight murderous intent, his appearance like an ordinary old farmer matched with his hoarse whisper, but it seemed to be full of stories.

"Following, nothing!" Li Xing suddenly laughed, "It's just the two of us here to explore!"

Li Xing saw four men in black appearing at both ends of the alley, blocking his and Gong Yi's escape route. Don't think too much, these guys must have participated in the killing that night.

It was still too careless, and under an impulse, the two of them fell into this predicament of attacking back and forth!

So Li Xing opened his mouth to argue, although he didn't think it would be of much use, but it was much better than starting a fight if there was a disagreement.

"The two disciples of the Mirror Sect will form a team to visit this secluded place? It's really funny!"

The middle-aged man mercilessly exposed the identities of Li Xing and Li Xing.

"Before you, behind me!"

Li Xing and Gong Yi also reacted quickly, which means there is nothing to talk about.

As soon as the middle-aged man's voice fell, Li Xing rushed towards the two people directly in front of him, and his movements were not sloppy.

'Ding, mission delivered! '

'Live! '

'The group of six wants to get rid of you and the other two, and then quickly, to escape their lives or to complete the counter-kill, don't get away with one person! '

'Comparison of the combat power of the enemy and ourselves, 55:45! '

The long-lost mission reminds us that this comparison of combat power should be between the six on the opposite side and the two on our side.

I have seen their level before, even if they hide their own strength, there is a high probability that they are only 6 peak forging bodies, no problem!
Out of doubts about Gong Yi's martial arts, Li Xing made up his mind to make a quick decision.

Walking Dragon Steps, Five Elements Boxing, the body and shape are united, and they are the first to catch people.

Strictly speaking, after Li Xing arrived in Huan'an City, his martial arts didn't seem to have improved at all. On the contrary, his fists and feet became a little dull because he slackened his fists and feet and lost the chance to fight for his life.

At this moment, the firepower was fully fired, and the opponent he was facing was someone who had already hidden his killing intent.

One of the two people in front of him took out two short knives, skillfully wiggled two knives, while the other picked up a dart, took two steps back, and hid behind.

Damn, although I already guessed that the previous few people didn't show their real kung fu, but I didn't expect that the two people in front of me are good at such a combination of short weapons + hidden weapons.

Cursing secretly in his heart, when life and death were at stake, Li Xing could not hesitate in his actions.

Concealed weapons come first, but in broad daylight, in a frontal fight, the role of hidden weapons is nothing more than to harass the enemy.

Li Xing was staring at the movement of his hand, and the moment he raised his hand, he had already dodged in advance, bowed slightly with the smallest gesture, and let the dart slide past his side, but the forward figure, It has also entered the attack circle of the short knife.

Immediately, two knives came head-on, one knife cut horizontally at Li Xing's arm, and the other knife moved erratically as if preparing to strike at Li Xing's neck.

Li Xing has no interest in the matter of intimate contact with sharp blades with flesh and blood.

'Chenglong Qi' made Li Xing's steps stop smoothly, his right hand slightly retracted, and he took a step back. After the attempt of the two short knives failed, the empty door of the man with the short knives was also exposed in front of him.

Immediately step on the ground, the force starts from the feet, follows the trend, comes from the heart, binds in the fist, the punch breaks through the air, and hits the opponent's forehead directly.

The punch came suddenly, and before the smile on the other party's face could be suppressed, he saw the fist getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes.

But this guy, even if he hasn't reached the peak of physical training, he is not far away, and with his rich experience, even if he encounters such a situation beyond his understanding, he is not without the power to fight back.

He raised his hands subconsciously, and his experienced movements were actually much faster than Li Xing's deliberate punch!
Li Xing could definitely hit him in the face, but his hand would also have to be stabbed.

Between lightning and flint, Li Xing slightly shifted his straight fist slightly, and still blasted towards the opponent's head.

In the next second, blood splattered everywhere!

Li Xing's thin silk robe was easily torn open, and blood spurted out immediately.

Following the direction of the blade, it swayed against the wind, reflecting each other with the blue wall and the green leaves that came out of the wall, and splashed on the street.

Due to Li Xing's quick moves and the fact that he had sealed the direction of the knife with his true energy in advance, the wound was not as deep as imagined, but the blood splatters looked more scary.

In contrast, Li Xing retained at least [-]% of his punch, and he hit the short swordsman's unsuspecting forehead and temple very steadily.

This punch filled with the true energy of the peak of body training is definitely not something ordinary people can bear, even this guy has almost touched the threshold of the peak of body training.

But he didn't practice kung fu horizontally!You can tell at a glance.

The man didn't even groan, and immediately fell to the ground, with the dagger out of his hand, apparently no longer able to fight.

But the dart bearer hiding behind the short swordsman did not hesitate at all. Amidst the sound of swiping, three throwing knives flew towards Li Xing from a tricky angle with the finished font.

There was a cold light on the dart, Li Xing didn't dare to be careless, because no one knew whether these guys with no bottom line would put some weird things on the blade.

In any case, it is an unnecessary risk to touch these things with your own flesh and blood.

But the distance was so close and the darts came so fast, it seemed difficult for Li Xing to dodge unscathed.

If you simply can't hide, then don't hide!
I am not out of stock!
Li Xing took a deep breath, moved his body slightly, and adjusted the position of the dart.

Immediately, he continued to rush forward. After the escort on the other side threw the dart, he saw that Li Xing had no intention of dodging at all, and he couldn't help but be filled with joy in his eyes.

In the next second, he saw his dart that could penetrate thick wooden boards hit Li Xing's chest, but it bounced away without any reaction.


The escort stared angrily and gritted his teeth. Only then did he realize that Li Xing was actually wearing armor.

In this slight daze, Li Xing had already approached his side.

A few punches whizzed towards him.

However, this guy's lightness seems to be his real strength.

Bowing and moving sideways, tossing and turning, like a slippery loach, he completely avoided Li Xing's fists and feet.

In the past, Li Xing used his agility advantage to deal with those masters who were stronger than him. He never thought that one day he would meet someone who was not inferior to him in agility.

Suddenly felt a little tricky.

However, that doesn't mean he has nothing to do.

Don't forget, this is an acquaintance with only three people standing side by side. Li Xing immediately changed his fighting style, opening and closing his fists and feet.

While making it easier for the opponent to dodge, he walked the plum blossom step, bit by bit, steadily compressing the opponent's dodge space.

But this escort obviously forgot this point, after a few tricks, he was forced into a corner by Li Xing.

When his back hit the green wall, he suddenly realized something was wrong, but it was too late.

Li Xing's two dragons went out to sea, his fists seemed to have anticipated the angle of his dodge, completely blocking any possibility of him dodging.

This move, he is determined!

At this critical juncture, this guy was slightly dazed, and this daze also determined his fate.

Li Xing's both fists landed on his chest, and with just one move, the man spat out a mouthful of blood.

There was no relief at all, and all of Li Xing's strength was firmly absorbed.

Then, in disbelief, he fell to his knees and fell headfirst.

In just a few moves, Li Xing solved the two enemies in front of him, but he didn't have any surprises.

Because he already felt a great threat coming from the back of his head.

He believed in his intuition and reason for the danger, and without any hesitation, he immediately curled up suddenly.

Li Xing's decisiveness saved his own life.

Because at the moment when he bowed his head to avoid it, a flickering blade whizzed and sliced ​​across the top of his head. In just one second at night, Li Xing would be separated from his head.

The person who cut into the battle half a beat later was the guy standing on the wall.

Just this knife showed his level. It has to be said that his kung fu was much better than the other two guys who had been knocked down by Li Xing.

Originally, his grasp of the timing of the battle was not bad, but it is very likely that he was too careless and underestimated Li Xing's operation of exchanging injuries for time, or he did not expect that a disciple like Li Xing would not sacrifice his life at all. Will use this kind of tactics that veterans of the rivers and lakes will use.

This caused the two skilled men to fall into defeat in such a short period of time, and the timing of their entry into the battlefield seemed incomprehensible, causing a huge loophole in the originally stable formation.

But even in an unfavorable situation, this guy didn't hesitate in his actions!

Even though Li Xing's kung fu has far exceeded his plan, for these desperadoes who have a mission, no matter how strong the opponent is, it is just a threshold that they must cross, and they have no way out.

Even if there are some small accidents that are not within the plan, they will use their own abilities to forcibly bring everything back on track as planned.

You must try your best to pass it, what if you can't make it?

Hehe, they didn't dare to think about it.

At this moment, the leader had to do his best to try to cut Li Xing under the sword before the other two subordinates fell, and then turned back to face another guy who was eyeing him.

(End of this chapter)

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