Chapter 11 Information
Li Xing deliberately slowed down and landed behind Xiao Er. The moment he entered the inner room, he took advantage of the moment when he pushed the door and pulled the curtain, and quickly scanned the audience through the curtain.

Then he closed the door of the back room naturally without delay, but at this moment, he remembered the sources of several strange sights in his heart.

never seen it!
Li Xing pondered for a moment, then turned his head to look at Xiao Er who knew nothing about it, and pretended to be emotional: "It seems that a lot of strangers have come to Shili City recently."

Hearing that Xiaoer's movements paused, he turned his head to look at Li Xing and said, "This question is about money!"

"Isn't it?" Li Xing was shocked by Xiaoer's shamelessness and sensitivity, and muttered, "That's why I hate coming to you to buy information!"

"Hey." Xiaoer smiled and didn't say anything, pulled out the chair and let Li Xing sit down.

"Why, now I can't even ask for a cup of tea?"

Looking at the bare desktop, Li Xing couldn't help complaining.

"You are the one who has the most work!"

In the absence of the shopkeeper, Xiaoer's nature was naturally exposed, and he boldly spoke out what was in his heart.

After thinking about it, maybe he felt that the guy in front of him was here to spend money today, so he glanced at Li Xing, and finally pulled a broken bowl from the side at random, regardless of whether it was clean, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea.

It was placed in front of Li Xing with a 'bang', as if he liked to drink or not.

Li Xing looked at the broken bowl and the foamy tea soup inside, then raised his head to look at Xiao Er, his mind full of question marks.

Why is this kid so arrogant today?

Before he could question it, Xiao Er cut to the point first: "You know the rules, don't you?"

Li Xing nodded subconsciously.

"Out of my mouth, into your ears, true or false, self-defense, sold non-refundable, no credit."

"Your jingle is quite slippery!"

"Then my first question, who is the Golden Swallow?"

"Is it the Golden Swallow that offered a reward of 1 taels?"

Xiao Er asked back.

"Nonsense! Do you even know?"

"50 taels, thanks for your patronage!"

Xiao Er spread out his left hand, and at the same time rubbed the thumb and index finger of his right hand in front of Li Xing's eyes.

"No, it's too dark for you, isn't it?"

"This is the rule, we don't buy information cheaply! This is a necessary cost!"

Li Xing thought for a while, and cursingly took out the hundred taels of silver notes that he hadn't warmed up yet, his eyes were filled with regret, but he gritted his teeth when he thought that this was a necessary expenditure for the ten thousand taels of income.

But he didn't give it directly to Xiao Er's hand, but put it on his own table, pressed it with a tea bowl, and slapped Xiao Er's hand that was about to receive the money away.

"First answer all my questions!"

"It's not easy to get some money from you!"

Xiao Er complained, but sat down very politely, showing a little professional attitude.

After thinking about it for a moment, he murmured without emotion: "Golden Swallow, age is unknown, genre is unknown, appearance is unknown!"

"Wait! Everything is unknown information, you dare to charge me 50 taels?"

Li Xing asked, blowing his nose and staring.

"Aren't you taking me for a fool?"

As he spoke, Li Xing wanted to make a gesture to pick up the banknote.

But Xiao Er was not affected by him, and continued.

"Suspected to be a master of the Mingshen realm, good at lightness kung fu and darts."

"Combined with witnesses who witnessed Jin Yanzi's stature changing slightly in a short period of time, it can be judged that she possesses bone shrinking skills and disguise skills."

"So far, 15 shots have been taken, and none of them have missed. The 15 victims are all ladies."

"However, what makes people feel strange is that 15 big families in several cities will take the initiative to contact the bounty office to withdraw the reward shortly after the arrest of Golden Swallow was issued."

"Currently the only one offering a reward of [-] taels is the Zong family in Shangfeng City. The Zong family's daughter has definite evidence that she died at the hands of Jin Yanzi!"

"The rest of the victims are mysterious, and no one has seen their whereabouts since they were killed!"

Having said all this in one breath, Xiaoer took advantage of the moment when Li Xing was in deep thought, and took the banknote, gently wiped off the water stains on the banknote with his cuff, and after blowing a few breaths to try to dry the banknote, Said leisurely.

"Isn't it too much to charge you 50 taels for this information?"

Li Xing didn't care about it at the moment, and recalled the information that Xiaoer just said in his mind.

Obviously, judging from the information, this Golden Swallow is not a pure adulterer.

But a high-level prostitute!Not only rape, but robbery!

"Do you know why those who once offered a bounty to the Golden Swallow revoked the bounty?"

"This news is five or two."

Depend on!Li Xing almost gnawed his back molars.

Seeing that Li Xing did not refuse, Xiao Er shook the bank note in his hand, and then said leisurely: "It is said that it is because the victim's family received a letter from the victim!"

What letter did you receive to make the victim withdraw the reward?Threat letter?still……

A possibility flashed in Li Xing's mind.

"Have you seen these letters?"

"I won't charge you for this question." Xiaoer paused, "I haven't seen it before!"

As expected, Li Xing continued to ask questions.

"Where is the golden swallow now?"

After finishing speaking, Li Xing found that the shop waiter was looking at him with an idiot's eyes, and then said slowly.

"If we knew where the Golden Swallow was, we would have taken the 1 taels of reward ourselves, so why are you talking nonsense here? Do you think we don't have thugs? Or do you think the bounty house thinks the money is too much?"

"Damn, what kind of third-rate intelligence organization are you? How dare you sell this information without knowing it?"

Feeling sorry for his banknotes that had gone away, Li Xing patted the table and scolded Xiao Er.

"We are willing to sell it, so there will always be someone who is willing to buy it!"

Xiao Er responded with complete impoliteness.

"I said, did I offend you before? Your tone and attitude seem to be very problematic!"

Li Xing complained.

"Have you ever offended me that I don't have any points?"

"Twelve, correct your attitude!"

"Okay, my lord!" Xiao Er immediately changed his face, and the ten taels of private money was enough to make him show the brightest smile.

"Okay, you don't need to look for the rest of the money, you pick me some information about Ten Mile City that can be exchanged for the rest of the silver, and let me hear it!"

"Okay, sir!" After thinking about it for a while, Xiaoer said simply: "Recently, there have indeed been a lot of masters of the Ming God Realm in the city. According to the information we have, the well-known masters include the Northwest Black City Stormtrooper. The blind swordsman of Dongliu City, the red flower of Seven Star City."

"The reason why these people came here from thousands of miles is unknown!"

"But it's definitely not because of some treasure!"

"One last sentence for free. If you have nothing important to do, you'd better leave Ten Mile City as soon as possible!"

It seems that for the sake of 10 taels of silver, Xiaoer's expression is sincere.

(End of this chapter)

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