Chapter 153 Guarantee and Closing

Li Xing casually snatched the knife from the minion next to him, and chopped off the head of the leader of the Black Eagle gang with a single knife. He raised the bleeding head high, and looked around coldly. He dared not look at Li Xing.

Only then did Li Xing leisurely sit down at the exclusive seat for the leader of the Black Eagle gang, unwrapped the package he had brought, and put the three heads on the table beside him. Li Xing even had time to give the three heads A seat is arranged.

The three ferocious heads were all stained with blood, exuding a ferocious and desperate aura, showing Li Xing's murderous aura.

Those minions are no strangers to the appearance of these three heads, they are just the dignified high-level people who are doing evil and doing evil on weekdays.

At this moment, Li Xing still had some free time, so he tidied up his clothes, wiped off the blood that accidentally dripped on them, and completely controlled the momentum of the audience, treating the dozens of minions and the shining weapons around him as nothing.

On the table at the side was still the fine wine that had just been brought up and hadn't even been opened yet.

Li Xing grabbed it casually, picked up the jug of wine that weighed more than ten catties, lifted the lid, and poured it into his mouth suddenly, the cold and thorough wine burned his chest like fire.

This kind of pleasure of punishing rape and eradicating evil, acting chivalrously, and killing enemies thousands of miles away made him extremely intoxicated for a while.

He almost couldn't help shouting, shattering this calm and intimidating master demeanor himself.

Seeing Li Xing's arrogance, those minions couldn't move forward or retreat, and all looked at the last leader who was still in this hall.

If Li Xing is not mistaken, that guy should be the conspirator of the Black Hawk Gang, known as the black feather with feathers.

This guy is also in the realm of enlightenment, but when he attacked and killed their leader just now, he didn't help, and stood aside from the beginning to the end, watching with cold eyes, without the slightest movement!

Obviously, this guy doesn't have the same heart with the Black Hawk Gang, or he is a smart enough person.

It has already been seen that the Black Hawk Gang is destined to disappear in history tonight, and it is better to stay useful than to show up at such a critical time.

Sure enough, after seeing the eyes of the minions, this guy was not humble, and waved decisively to signal the rest of the minions to put down their weapons.

He also didn't seem to pay attention to the various shouts of killing coming from outside the house and the screams of the Black Hawk gangsters.

Next, the person who knew current affairs immediately came to Li Xing respectfully, and bowed to Li Xing, "Hei Yu, I used to be the head of internal affairs of the Black Eagle Gang. I don't know what the name of the young man is?"

People respect me one foot, I respect others one foot, Li Xing immediately raised his head.

"Ming Jingzong, Li Xing!"

At this time, the matter has come to an end, and it is not too much to use the name of the Shangzong to tidy up the beginning and the end, at least this can prevent a lot of extra problems.

Sure enough, after hearing the name of Ming Jingzong, the master of Mingshen Realm nodded his head clearly, and muttered to himself: "I persuaded this Black Eagle to be a little more low-key. Most of the time, don't do everything by leaving things behind, and you can also leave a three-point retreat!"

"Ah," this guy also wanted to sigh, "these sluts don't listen to advice!"

"I knew that the retribution would come to them sooner or later!"

After saying this, Heiyu cupped his hands and said solemnly: "Young man knows that the Black Eagle Gang is actually inextricably linked to that Haihe!"

Although there have been rumors about this matter for a long time, but now that someone who knows the inside story is talking about it, it is true!
Li Xing became cautious: "Could it be that this Haihe really looks upright on the surface, but it is actually filthy inside?"

Hearing what Li Xing said, Hei Yu also shook his head and said slowly: "It's not the kind of benefit transfer relationship you think, it's just that this gang leader is the brother-in-law of Wang Jia, the leader of the Haihe Society for three quarters. !"

"Huh? Wang Jia is actually married and has a brother-in-law?"

Li Xing heard this familiar name again, and immediately squinted his eyes, and raised the tiger skin as a banner: "Will that guy tolerate other people calling his name outside to do evil?"

Hearing Li Xing's tone and seeing his surprised rather than fake expression, Hei Yu was relieved, it seemed that he didn't need to worry about the revenge of the Hall Master Wang.

"It turns out that Mr. Li and Hall Master Wang also have intersections, which is even better," Heiyu explained with a wry smile, "Hall Master Wang doesn't want others to name him, but the city master and many gangs in the city know more or less This relationship..."

"They are all willing to sell the face of Hall Master Wang, and this black eagle's skill is also unreal. This has allowed him to quietly grow the Black Eagle Gang in just three to five years."

"I'm not interested in these things," Li Xing took another sip of wine, "Since you claim to be the Chief of Internal Affairs of the Black Hawk Gang, you know the evidence of the Black Hawk Gang's crimes and the distribution of corresponding benefits, right?"

coming!When you realize your own worth.

Black Feather nodded: "These are all done by me, I know the ins and outs of everything very well!"

"last question!"

Li Xing held the wine jar with one hand, and handed it to Heiyu, staring at him coldly, the murderous aura and pressure made the guy in front of him tremble uncontrollably: "You have personally participated in this Heiyu gang's criminal act." Is it about Coe?"

Under tremendous pressure, Heiyu confessed truthfully: "I am only responsible for helping them with their accounts, sorting out relationships and maintaining various internal affairs within the gang. I never speak to the outside world!"

What he said was very calm: "It's just that I'm in the middle of the game and I can't help myself. I have to complicate many things."

"But anyone in this group, or the city lord, or anyone else, can prove that I am not directly involved in his illegal activities!"

Li Xing kept looking straight into his eyes, observing every detail of his body with a little bit of clarity.Under such circumstances, it is impossible for this person who does not appear to be very advanced to escape Li Xing's scrutiny.

What this person said must be the truth, that's good, at least in this nest of sludge, there is still someone worth saving.

"In that case, I will save your life!"

And just after Li Xing decided to save this person, the Qingping swordsman also killed the entire Black Hawk Gang, and brought his companions to the core lobby of the Black Hawk Gang.

Seeing with their own eyes that the situation is over, even the most stubborn minions put down their weapons, crouched against the wall, and put their heads in their hands.

The situation in the hall caught the eyes of the visitors at a glance. They saw Li Xing sitting under the plaque of being a hero, with the red-faced Guan Ye sitting behind him, and three bloody heads on the table beside him. He drank heavily and sat there with a big horse.

With such a demeanor, all the rebellious knights who saw this scene were amazed and shocked. They couldn't help but lighten their steps, restrained their arrogant tone, and began to talk to Li Xing in a slightly respectful tone.

"Mr. Li, we've already dealt with the outside, only the last..." Their eyes shifted to Hei Yu who was standing beside Li Xing.

Li Xing knew what they meant, he taught himself to get rid of evil and do all the work.

But he needs to show his attitude at this moment: "Please do me a favor!"

Looking around at the heroes: "Everyone is a local household in this city, there must be a channel, help me to confirm whether this black feather has not personally participated in those crimes and crimes as he said!"

"Master Li wants to protect this person?" Qingping swordsman understood what Li Xing meant, and immediately asked questions on behalf of everyone.

A thick black man beside him muttered in a low voice unwillingly: "There is no good person in this bird gang, we can kill them all, clean and tidy!"

Li Xing expressed his understanding of his righteous indignation, but he still insisted on his own opinion: "Although he indirectly participated in a lot of evil, but after all, he has all the information about human trafficking of the Black Eagle Gang, as well as those who are not The hiding place of righteous wealth. With his assistance, we can rescue those women and children who have been trafficked, and we can also use the ill-gotten wealth that the Black Hawk Gang has acquired over the years to help those who really need help in this city."

"It's not unreasonable to let him commit crimes and make meritorious deeds!"

When he said this, Li Xing paused, and turned his gaze to Hei Yu who was on the side.

This black feather also felt the strong killing intent of more and more righteous people pouring in from outside, and immediately he immediately cupped his hands and followed Li Xing's words and said humbly: "Heroes, although I didn't directly participate Doing evil, but being a tiger's minion for so many years is an unforgivable crime!"

"I voluntarily atone for my sins, and I am willing to hand over all my property, and fully cooperate with you to complete the liquidation of the Black Tiger Gang, and then the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha is still alive, and I will make atonement for the Black Tiger Gang!"

It still sounds very sincere, but the most important thing is that these guys are not willing to make troubles with this Li Xing.

"Since Mr. Li is the guarantor, let's believe it once!"

This Qinglian swordsman also seems to have considerable prestige among this group of people. As soon as he said this, the rest of the people also agreed with this small suggestion made by Li Xing. No one lifted the stage directly.

Next, these people didn't stay any longer, suppressing the sneak attacking minions, and turned around to clean up the peripheral forces again. Just like what Li Xing said before, they are here to kill the grass.

We must eradicate all those stubborn resisters and the chief villains, and deter the evil forces in the entire city with the force of thunder.

Seeing that there was no one else in the hall except himself and Hei Yu, Li Xing immediately waved his hand to signal Hei Yu to come closer to him.

Then Li Xing asked in a low voice: "This Black Eagle has been here for so many years, apart from the belongings of the gang, where is his own private property hidden?"

What Li Xing said was so straightforward and undisguised.

And Hei Yu also seemed to have expected it long ago. He knew very well that Li Xing would not want to save his life for no reason, so he immediately said like a treasure: "The private wealth that Black Eagle has obtained over the years is basically in other places in his city. Courtyard, but well, this black eagle thinks it is doing it secretly..."

"But he still has a secret gold cave, and I should be the only one in the world who knows where it is!"

"Excellent!" Li Xing nodded, "What do you want?"

"I just want to live!" Hei Yu bowed deeply.

Li Xing pondered for a moment, "I will chat with them again!"

"Since they have already promised you, and those guys outside the door are well-known righteous people in the world, they will definitely not do such a thing of breaking the contract. As long as you cooperate with them seriously, you will probably be able to return to your hometown in the end. Find someone The rest of my life in a quiet place...Of course, if I hear that you are among the perpetrators somewhere, then no matter how far away I am, no matter what I am busy with, I will definitely show up and beat you down with my own hands. kill!"

Li Xing's faint words were full of power, but this black feather nodded deeply, he believed that Li Xing must do what he said.

"There is a yizhuang in the south of the city. There are several conspicuous old trees [-] meters away from the yizhuang. Behind the third tree, five steps away, there is a shrub forest, and the mechanism is in the shrub forest."

After listening, Li Xing took a meaningful look at Hei Yu, nodded, stood up resolutely, and ignored the rest of the matter.

Li Xing's goal at this moment has been set at the Yizhuang outside the city, and he wants to ensure that his spoils will not be lost in the first place!
In the current situation, Li Xing believes that Qinglian Swordsman and the others will do a very good job. By then, they will gain face, and they will gain their inner face. This cooperation is simply perfect!
As for whether there is a chance to see these guys again in the future, that is another matter.

But, it's better not to see each other again!
Li Xing followed the route pointed by the black feather, and arrived at Yizhuang outside the city in the shortest time.

Sure enough, not far from Yizhuang, a hidden secret room was found. The secret room has been locked, but how can a mere copper lock stop Li Xing!
Li Xing was so angry that he tore off the thick lock, and the dark intersection leading to the underground appeared in front of his eyes.

Li Xing immediately tore off a silk scarf, covered his nostrils, and threw into the live chicken he bought on the roadside when he came here.

Test whether there is danger ahead!
No wonder Li Xing is not so cautious, if at this moment when he is about to reap the treasure, another one will be slapped by a dead man again, wouldn't he want to make a joke of the world?
Fortunately, Li Xing's worries did not come true, and he entered the secret room less than 5 meters away without hindrance.

Touching the wall, the secret room was probably dug out by the black eagle himself, and it was not even comparable to Li Xing's secret base.

This secret room leads to the outside world through several thumb-thick tubes, keeping the air flowing.

And in the secret room, there is nothing too much, only three boxes are placed there.

Li Xing stood far away, and carefully opened the box with a wooden stick. Various stars were scattered from the first box, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the size of a few eggs. The luminous pearl illuminates all kinds of treasures in this box, including gold, silver and jade ornaments, antiques, ancient paintings, groceries and so on.A box full of valuables seemed to be there.

In the other slightly smaller box was a thick stack of banknotes and several small porcelain bottles.

Li Xing opened the porcelain bottle, sniffed it tentatively, and after taking a sip, he felt refreshed all over his body. It seemed that these bottles contained rare life-saving medicines.

The third box is unremarkable, containing some storage-stable dry food and clean drinking water.

From this point of view, it is obvious that this place is the last hiding place that the black eagle prepared for itself.

He also knew that he had done all the bad things, and was ready to leave a way out for himself at any time, but he didn't think that the situation collapsed so quickly, and he didn't think that his last way out was already controlled by others. And he himself didn't even have time to escape!

This is all cheaper, Li Xing!

Sure enough, a good man who acts chivalrously and righteously will be rewarded!

(End of this chapter)

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