Chapter 157 Impossible Mission
'Ding! '

'Mission delivered! '

new task!Li Xing was surprised. He stayed in Huan'an City and encountered so many things. He only got two or three quests, but since he stepped on Jianghu Road, there have been more quests!
Recently, there is a sense of presence.

While pouring tea, he silently looked at the mission briefing that suddenly appeared. Yes, this time it was accompanied by a brief introduction.

'Ever since Jade Raksha came back from winning the ancient books, the ancient capital city has fallen into a vortex of disputes. Whether it has just fallen and never recovered, or the phoenix soars to the sky at this time. '

"Haihe, who fights against half of the martial arts with his own strength, will be alone and helpless. '

'At this moment you can make a choice, should you join the camp of the Haihe Society, or stand with the ancestors? '

It's still a task of choosing a camp!
Li Xing hesitated for a moment, this Shangzong definitely does not include Mingxinzong, Li Xing can be sure of this!But among the system's prompts, there must be no less than one Shangzong involved in this matter.

Normally speaking, I am also from the Shangzong at any rate, so I should protect the interests of the Shangzong.

But then, 'I choose to help Haihehui! '

"The Haihe Society is now in a deep quagmire, all branches are surrounded, and there is an undercurrent surging in the main altar. You are in the dark, you should give full play to this advantage and contribute your strength to the reversal of the situation. '

'Mission 10, there are a large number of people from the world, villains with ulterior motives have sneaked into the ancient Xia city, waiting for the opportunity to launch, find them!Search and confirm [-] or more Lurkers! '

'Mission [-], the ancient Xia City has already laid a net, but there are moths quietly leaving holes in the net... Find this moth, and teach him a painful lesson! '

'Mission [-], the disciples of the Shangzong regard this place as a place for experience, which is too arrogant!Teach them without a trace, let them know that the role of the Shangzong is not to be a coward! '

'Mission [-], the core of this incident lies in Li Tian Daoren's Daozang, who can give Haihe Guild leader a chance to set foot in heaven and man, find a way to help him, and end this farce! '

Well, it seems that only the first mission can be found.

One is really outrageous and exaggerated than the other, and the first two tasks can still be figured out by myself...

But the last two tasks are all pitfalls!
Let's not talk about how I did things to other Shangzong disciples, once I exposed my identity as Mingjingzong, will I still be in the Shangzong circle in the future?

And the last mission, how does Li Xing know where to find the Haihe Guild leader, and help him break through the heavens?Is that something that a mere god can think about?
'The above four tasks can be settled individually, or they can be settled accumulatively according to the degree of task completion.Friendly reminder, more valuable items will appear after the rewards are stacked! '

Although quite tempting, but still have to do what you can.

But since there is a task to be done, then my action plan has to be changed, and I can no longer go to the Haihe Society main forum to show my face. After all, Li Xing doesn't believe that those guys will send people to watch the main forum. As soon as I came to the door, wasn't it all exposed!
Whether it is doing bad things or catching people who do bad things, it is better to act in the dark.

Thinking of this, Li Xing gently pushed aside the bamboo chopsticks he was carrying, then picked up the plain noodles that Xiao Er gave him, and began to chew on the local food.

With the task to do, Li Xing naturally has the next action target, but although it is still early today, he should go out for some activities.

However, I couldn’t sleep well after sitting on a boat for several days, and I didn’t have enough exercise. Now I’m a little bit in a trance. How can I go out to do tasks with such a spirit? It’s better to take a hot bath and sleep with Haitang in my arms. Wait until you are full of energy before going out to do things!

Thinking so, and doing so, Li Xing fell into a peaceful sleep on the soft and comfortable big bed, accompanied by bursts of incense, after enjoying the unique river bath in that guest room.

As soon as I woke up the next day, the shopkeeper had already prepared breakfast, which was a service that the talent rooms in other places did not enjoy.

Three or four varieties of breakfast prepared by the shop owner were carried by the waiter to the door of the room in person, allowing him to choose.

I don't know if this is the treatment brought by the bronze medal I am holding, or if this is a special promotion made by this inn when there are few people.

In short, Li Xing really enjoyed it.

While eating breakfast again, he was thinking about the details of the mission. Leaving aside anything else, the first mission is more reliable.

It's not easy to find more than ten infiltrators. Those quacks, no matter how powerful the disguise technique is, their aura is different from ordinary people. As long as you observe carefully, it should not be difficult to find.

Even if we take another 1 steps back, if the people who entered the city have already been screened out by the people from the Haihe Society, then the remaining people must be people who are good at hiding and have passed the blocking and testing of the Haihe Society. .

Then these people must have the following characteristics. First of all, they must not be in groups, and they must be broken into parts to enter this city.

Another one, these people must be the best at disguising themselves, covering up their own aura, so there may be nothing outstanding about their own strength.

Third, since they want to lurk, these people must be living in deep places and will not go out easily, or they will go out when there are many people, so as to blend in with the crowd.

Fourth, just like what happened in Shili City back then, there must be local people who sent them water, rice, noodles and various living supplies, which means that they must have more or less dozens of people hiding in the local area. place.

Li Xing does not believe that those who want to target the Haihe Society will not plan and unite in advance, especially with Shangzong taking the lead.

Maybe they have been divided into several small groups, just like the early stage when Huan'an City robbed Litian Daoren's treasure.

In this case, maybe I only need to find one or two dens of them, and the matter will be completed, which is not difficult to think about!
With this in mind, Haitang also finished her breakfast, so Li Xing took Haitang with her and went down to the lobby.

Instead of going out aimlessly, he grabbed the shop waiter: "Xiao Er, is there anything worth visiting in this city?"

"Is the guest officer here for a trip?" Xiao Er looked at Li Xing strangely and asked back.

"Looking for someone, I just heard people say yesterday that the person I'm looking for has not returned recently, so we have to hang around here for a few days. There is nothing to do when we think about it. This is the first time I came to Ancient Xia City. Take a look at the scenery of this city!"

Xiao Er suddenly realized, but then fell into deep thought, and after a while, his face showed embarrassment.

"Guest officer, our ancient Xia city is different from other cities, and there really isn't anything worth visiting for tourists."

"If I have to say it, only the scenery on 'Wang Qiu' is worth mentioning."

"Wang Qiu?" This name is quite big!
Xiao Er pointed to the round hill several hundred meters high that could be seen from the door: "This is Wang Qiu."

"Above the king's hill is the residence of dignitaries and dignitaries. Although the security above is also very strict, if you hold a bronze medal, you should have no worries about entering and exiting!"

"Standing on the viewing platform above, you can have a panoramic view of the entire ancient summer city, the wheat fields outside the city, and the beautiful scenery surrounded by three rivers!"

"If it is at sunrise or sunset, it will have a different flavor."

"There is an observation deck on it? Isn't it a place of martial law?"

"It's also something that happened recently with people from the rivers and lakes. It used to be the main altar of the Haihe Society, and people can come in and out at will, but now there is no way!"

"The main altar of the Haihe Society is on the top of the mountain, but what about the City Lord's Mansion?" Li Xing asked curiously.

"City Lord's Mansion?" Xiao Er smiled, "The main altar of the Haihe Society!"

This Haihe Society is indeed not a casual person, Li Xing nodded, thanked Xiaoer, and then pulled Haitang out of the door.

Li Xing set a small goal for today, which is to walk all the streets and alleys of this ancient Xia city with his feet.

To be honest, Li Xing didn't think that he would gain anything if he went directly to the Wangqiu.

As Xiaoer said, the upper management is now strictly controlling the number of people entering and leaving. Even if these quacks are well versed in the principle of darkness under the lights, they will not be stupid enough to gather in those conspicuous places on a large scale.

Otherwise, no matter how reclusive they are, they will definitely reveal their clues.

Don't want the Xiaohaihe Society either. Although their hall masters don't seem very reliable, the people below are quite rigorous in their work!
But then Li Xing thought of another mission, that there are also traitors in the Haihe Club!
On the surface, the Haihe Society seems to be working together, but at this critical juncture of life and death, it is obvious that not every old brother of the Haihe Society can strictly abide by their own hearts and be optimistic about the prospects of the Haihe Society. Or keep calm in the face of huge interests.

And judging from this task, digging out this traitor is more difficult than finding ten lurkers, so this guy should not be easy, and he might be a middle-level or high-level figure, or a hall master-level figure!

Otherwise, the system would not be able to place the difficulty of this task in the second place.

Although this task did not say that it is a step-by-step process, but Li Xing can judge it with his toes, and it must be more difficult than the other.

This ancient Xia city is different, as far as the eye can see, there are no buildings with more than three floors!

Moreover, the building structure is relatively simple, and the load-bearing is composed of wooden beams and columns, and no heavy materials such as brick walls and slabs are used.

Presumably this is because the local area is not rich in various stone materials and clay for firing bricks, and the cost of foreign stone bricks and rubble is too high for the common people to afford.

But the local people also have their own way, which is to use some locally grown trees and bamboo to build their own houses.

In particular, bamboo forests can be regarded as the most common plants in Sanchuan under such a climate, so people in Sanchuan have a tradition of using bamboo as various furniture and building materials since ancient times.

In addition to these buildings, there are also their roads. The roads are full of compacted soil. In order to prevent the soil from being soaked by rain, a layer of sporadic gravel is laid on the soil, and only when some people flow The stone slabs quarried from the bottom of the river are the key road sections where the dense flow of people is concentrated.

For other roads, at most, they are slightly decorated with bamboo boards.

And these are not enough to highlight the special landscape of this city. If we want to talk about its characteristics, we have to talk about the trees in this city. The trees are not planted alone, but revive and grow on various wooden pillars as the foundation.

It will also grow tenaciously on the walls and corners of each house, and integrate with the building. In the corners of houses, the bottom of bridges, and roadsides, one after another beautiful scenery is formed!

Now is not the season for flowering, but when these trees bloom, they will definitely turn the entire ancient Xiacheng into a beautiful scene of singing birds and fragrant flowers, beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the integration of mountains, water and people.

In Ancient Xia City, walking is definitely not as good as taking a boat, because even if you enter the city on land, there will be a small river next to almost every street, or these road houses are basically built along the river.

It's just that the densely packed buildings also occupy the position of the river, and many buildings are half leaning in the river, standing out of thin air.

The meandering river broke the whole city into pieces, and it seemed like thin threads connecting the broken land together.

It's like this land of three rivers!
After walking for a long time, I really didn't see any chariots or horses here, because there is no more convenient and faster tool than a boat!
I don't know how many bridges and various bridges he has passed along the way, and Li Xing has not been able to find the shadows of those people in the rivers and lakes, but he has seen many secret whistles of the Haihe Society.

As for why it can be seen, it is naturally the black short robes on those guys. God knows why the gang members of the Haihe Society like this black short robe and black slacks so much. Pack!

These secret whistles seemed to be nothing special, and they didn't deliberately hide their figures, but even the ordinary people around them were not surprised by it.

It is very likely that this is their daily duty, loosening the outside and tightening the inside, and maintaining law and order by the way.

It is also possible that the Haihe Society did not want to make the atmosphere in the city too tense, so that it weakened its momentum.

After all, if they are now facing enemies from all sides, if they accidentally show their weakness, they may attract even more ferocious fangs, so this kind of display is just right, it doesn't show how worried Haihe is about the current situation, it can be regarded as highlighting They believe that no matter where there is a problem, their team will be able to extinguish the problem as soon as possible.

Li Xing's journey along the way was not just for wandering and looking at the scenery. His eyes were always on every passerby coming and going by the roadside, but it was indeed as he expected. Even the trajectory of their actions, as well as their aura, all look like serious local people!

The commercial companies, inns, and residential houses on the roadside did not see the slightest abnormality, and they found nothing in half a day!
There are no clues at all, isn't this mission looking for a needle in a haystack?
So what do we do now?Li Xing was helpless for a moment

I was also tired from walking, so I could only rest on the side of the road for a while, so I found a teahouse and sat down quietly watching the passing crowd.

Unexpectedly, Li Xing and Haitang had just walked into the teahouse by the roadside, and before they sat down, they saw a small boat coming around the corner of the street.

A beautiful woman in light yellow silk with a thin umbrella is watching from the bow.

Her appearance is very ordinary, she is a weak woman, but her standing posture and figure gave Li Xing an inexplicable sense of familiarity!
Li Xing carefully recalled where he had seen this woman!
"Guest officer, what do you want to drink?" The shopkeeper warmly greeted him.

"Next time, excuse me!" Li Xing pulled up and wanted to order some refreshments and taste the local fruit crabapple.

Immediately rushed out, chasing in the direction of the boat.

(End of this chapter)

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