Chapter 38 Intimidation

After saying goodbye to them, Li Xing hid in the dark, did not leave, but observed the actions of these two boys from a distance.

You Xiaoba and You Xiaoba obviously inherited Xiao Liu's way of acting. Once they have decided on something, they don't ask right or wrong and the reason, but put all their energy into doing it cleanly most.

Until the two of them took the children of Xiaoliu's family into the rented carriage, and drove out with a pile of food and various daily sundries that were purchased separately enough to feed 10 people for a month the city gate.

Only then did Li Xing walk out of the dark place, standing at the gate of the city watching the figures of the chariots and horses going away, until they disappeared at the end of the road, and then turned back into the city.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with these two boys, so their words are naturally more believable!

Li Xing just confirmed this again.

But at this moment, Li Xing still had many doubts in his heart. He desperately hoped to find a breakthrough, and pick up the golden sand that belonged to him from the gravel on the whole beach.

There is a saying that all things are difficult at the beginning, all things are difficult in the middle, and all things are difficult at the end...

But, when you can't follow a path, you might as well go back to the original point.

So Li Xing returned to the bounty house, this is the place he is most familiar with, and it is also the beginning of all the things he has experienced in this city recently.

Although the intelligence source of the bounty house is not very reliable, they still have their own channels anyway.

Li Xing thought of the silver medal spy who knelt down and begged for mercy, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, Cai, it's not without reason!
Unexpectedly, after Li Xing opened the door and walked in, what he saw head-on was the silver spy who was being complained about by him.

At this moment, he was staring at Li Xing as if he had seen a ghost, and he clearly recognized the identity of this guy. It seemed that he also knew what happened, so he showed such an expression.

He was already wearing a court uniform, with a rag slung across his shoulders, and his smile was indescribably bright. In short, he looked like a novice fool at first glance.

Li Xing didn't care about this at all, and he didn't look him in the eye, but bypassed him who was stunned and walked straight to the counter.

The previously familiar waiter had already taken off his coarse linen clothes and put on a brocade robe, looking as if he had taken over the position of the shopkeeper.

Originally, the waiter in the store was the second in command of the bounty house, and last time he said that the original shopkeeper had been promoted, so it is normal that this guy has officially accepted the appointment now.

"Yo, this is the promotion."

Li Xing looked up and down, tongue-tied.

"It seems that it is quite easy for you to get promoted in this bounty company."

"Thanks to you, I'm already an acting shopkeeper!"

Xiaoer didn't give Li Xing any good looks, and he didn't implement the idea that the customer is the God of Wealth at all. While talking, he didn't stop his movements at all.

"What are you doing?"

This guy, Li Xing curled his lips, but still held back, he leaned forward, supported the counter with both hands, and after looking around a few times, he whispered to the acting shopkeeper.

"I've got information for you, it's very valuable!"

Passing a "you understand" look, Li Xing pouted towards the location of the secret room.

Hearing that Li Xing was busy, the guy finally raised his head with a struggling expression, as if hesitating whether to accept Li Xing's order.

After thinking for a while, the magic of money forced him to smile reluctantly.

"bring it on!"

He closed the account book in his hand heavily, and shouted to the former silver agent who was still practicing smiling: "Who is that, be smart! Come and greet the guests for me!"

"This guy is your new buddy? Doesn't look very smart!"

Li Xing took a look.

"It's all thanks to you!"

The shopkeeper replied angrily, obviously full of dissatisfaction with the shop waiter, and walked to the side door first with his hands behind his back.

At this moment, Li Xing's Mirror Kungfu was running at full capacity, and his body's sense of sight became extremely sensitive, and he followed the shopkeeper to the small door step by step.

Did not feel any abnormality!

It was still a familiar small room, but this time the shopkeeper took the initiative to bring out a pot of tea and an empty bowl, ready to pour a bowl of tea for Li Xing.

"Tell me, what information can you sell?"

Li Xing rolled his eyes, took a step closer, and sat down on the bench carelessly.

"I know the true identity of Jin Yanzi!"

"Tch, what's the matter?"

The shopkeeper smiled when he heard it, what kind of bullshit information is this!Shaking his head with a disdainful expression.

"Golden Swallow has already been caught and locked up in the prison under the city lord's mansion, and will be punished someday!"

"Everyone in Ten Mile City knows about it. This kind of information is worthless!"

"Then will anyone come to claim his ten thousand taels of bonus?"

"Of course, the city guards will definitely send his head to us after they chop off his head! I have already notified the headquarters, and the ten thousand taels of silver is probably already on its way to Shili City."


Li Xing nodded thoughtfully, and then said lightly: "What if I say you can't deliver the money! What if the city guards give up the reward?"

Hearing this, the shopkeeper stopped pouring tea in his hands, slowly raised his head, and stared at Li Xing, his expression was first mocking, then serious, serious, surprised, and then a little panicked as if he suddenly realized.

Li Xing watched his expression change with great interest: "How much is this news worth?"

"It's worthless!" The shopkeeper slammed the tea bowl on the table, and the tea splashed everywhere.
"I don't listen to this information, and you don't say it either, we won't accept it!"

With this attitude, Li Xing smiled, so you know it, and you still want to act in front of me?
"I'll take it as if you've already bought it!"

"Well, how about 500 taels?"

Are you afraid you didn't wake up?The shopkeeper looked at Li Xing with an idiotic look.

"That's not good! Look, if someone asks me how I know..."

Li Xing shook his head, shrugged his shoulders, and spread his hands, "I can only say that I heard it from you!"

The shopkeeper clenched his fists, if he couldn't beat the guy in front of him, he would definitely make him look good!

"I want to give you benefits, you don't want to!"

Li Xing took an inch, kicked his pockets with both hands carelessly, leaned back, looked like he had paid a great price, approached the shopkeeper with an arrogant smile, and said to the shopkeeper word by word with deep meaning.

The shopkeeper looked like he was overwhelmed by the reply, and seeing Li Xing's expression of being overwhelmed by himself, he couldn't get angry!

"what do you want?"

"Let's talk about business! There is benevolence and righteousness!"

Li Xing seized this opportunity tightly, "Well, help me find someone!"


Hearing the request of just looking for someone, the shopkeeper was slightly relieved, but on the surface his face was still dignified, his brows were frowned, and he looked very embarrassed.

"You Xiaoliu, an ordinary street gangster! I want to know where he is now? Is he dead or alive!"

The shopkeeper narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Li Xing.

An ordinary gangster, why is he threatening and intimidating like this?The shopkeeper was weighing the pros and cons and hesitated for a moment.

"Come again when the sun goes down this evening, and I will give you the information I can gather about this person."

"No matter what we collect, we'll pay it off!"

"Don't come to my place in the future, I can't accommodate a great god like you in this small place!"

"A word is settled!"

Li Xing showed a satisfied smile.

(End of this chapter)

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