Forced to be a villain, my righteousness comes first

Chapter 7 Who says women are inferior to men

Chapter 7 Who says women are inferior to men

The gables press the top, heavy gates and deep alleys, twists and turns like a maze, sometimes decorated with green plants, curved water flowing in the cup, holding the yin and embracing the yang, it is a scene of a big house and a deep courtyard.

It is worthy of being one of the several big families with the longest history and the most powerful influence in this city. This kind of background atmosphere can be seen from the layout of the home.

"Mr. Lao, sit down for a while! Our lady will come as soon as she goes."

The maid brought preserved fruit and refreshments, and led Li Xing to wait for a while in the small pavilion in the pool.

"Thank you, Miss!"

Li Xing looked at the peaceful scenery around him, hit the snake and went up with the stick, and started talking with Lan Yingying's lady.

It is no wonder that Li Xing is handsome, with a small mouth and a sweet mouth. After solving the misunderstanding, he will naturally not be treated differently by the maids.

"Dare to ask Miss, is the female knight who came forward to teach me a lesson today a master in the family?"

"That one is Miss' best friend!"

The maid thought for a while, and seemed to feel that there was nothing she could not say.

"I just came from the outer city a few days ago. It is said that I received a letter from the young lady and came here to accompany the young lady!"

The maid didn't think there was any problem,
"No wonder she looks like a foreigner! She's such an impressive heroine."

Li Xing stretched out his thumb, thoughtfully, and praised immediately.

"Of course, when it comes to style, the young ladies are the best!"

"My maidservant is vulgar, she should not be praised by the son!"

The sound came from outside the pavilion.

Wearing a sky-blue tulle, a fluttering robe, and a light train that blows in the wind, Lan Yingying, accompanied by several maids and her girlfriends, came to the pavilion to meet guests.

"I met Miss Lan, thank you for saving my life!"

"Young Master has also been kind to me, but it's just courtesy."

There are thorns in this word!Li Xing raised his head in embarrassment, but Lan Yingying's eyes were quiet and colorless.

"Ye Yan came to see me today and said that he was taught by the young master, and he will leave for Shangrao in a few days to learn the true method of art in the upper sect, so he came to say goodbye."

"For my marriage, I will entrust the elders to return the wedding token. I look forward to seeing you in the rivers and lakes in the future. Only friendship remains."

Li Xing didn't know what to say. Although what Lan Yingying said was good news for himself and the people who hired him, but he, the instigator, was undoubtedly sitting on pins and needles at the moment, so he had to pick up the steaming hot tea and drink it in one gulp. , to hide his panic.

"Although Ye Yan is the son of Ye's eldest son, his aunt died young, and he was not treated by the elders. He has been in a daze and has no idea what to do next. This time, with the guidance of the young master, he will abandon the past and step towards the emperor. His talent will definitely be useful! If the future Climbing the road to heaven is not in vain, and you don’t need to teach me.”

"My family thank you in advance!"

"Good talk good talk!"

The corners of his mouth were scalded by the hot water and his teeth were bared. On the surface, he didn't dare to show it, but in the face of Lan Yingying's smug remarks, he really had to keep smiling awkwardly.

"As for the matter of the Zeng family, I'm a weak girl in my slave family. I dare not disobey the orders of my parents and the words of the matchmaker!"

The Zeng family, well, Li Xing heard the identity of his employer for the first time.

"Since you are the former pawn of the Zeng family, you should understand what this means."

I know you don't want to, and you can see it when you hear it!But what's the use of telling me this?I'm just a guy who gets paid to do things!Li Xing cried out in the depths of his heart.

"It is said that the young master is a disciple of the Shangzong. My family respects the demeanor of the Shangzong disciple very much. I would like to ask for advice!"

While talking, Lan Yingying stood up, took her saber from her maid, and said she was asking for advice, but the act of looking for a way to vent her anger was already on paper.

I never heard that Miss Lan is also good at martial arts!

Looking at the maids and servants who were staring at him all around, and the young lady who was sizing up with great interest, Li Xing knew that he couldn't hide!

'Ding!Mission delivered! '

'Click to the end, defeat Lan Yingying, let her admit defeat'

'Comparison of the comprehensive combat power of the enemy and ourselves, Lan Yingying (sealed), 40%: 60%. '

What is in the seal?Li Xing had an ominous premonition.

"Sir, please!"

Li Xing had to reluctantly and Lan Yingying came to the courtyard next door, a spacious martial arts training ground.

Lan Yingying took off her outer skirt, revealing a solid outfit, obviously well prepared.

"What kind of weapon is your master good at?"

"Swords and guns have no eyes, but good fists!"

No longer reluctant, Lan Yingying saluted with both hands, and pulled out Qingfeng.

Li Xing got rid of distracting thoughts and concentrated his energy on the competition in front of him.Although it's a competition, but for these young masters and young ladies from rich families, if you kill yourself by mistake, it's not a big deal!
"My family's sword technique is called 'Watching the Moon', be careful, my lord!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Xing only felt a clear moon hanging high, and the sword light was as cold as the moonlight, flashing past his eyes, making people blink involuntarily.

Opening his eyes again, Jian Guang had already added to his body, and there was a bad feeling in his shoulders, arms, and lower abdomen.

Mingjing Gong rotates on its own, the true air flows through the whole body, pushing the feet of Youlongbu to generate wind, the three talents alternate, avoiding the sword light.

The four elephants circulated, flashed to Lan Yingying's weak side, and turned from defense to offense.

Li Xing's boxing skills are not famous, he didn't spend much effort to learn boxing skills, if he had to say it, it was just a straight right punch mixed with true energy.

Of course, there would be no effect. Lan Yingying's body was like a willow supported by a weak wind, and she floated away lightly. Then, the sword edge swept across, pointing directly at her neck like a half-moon flow.

Instead of retreating, Li Xing rushed into Lan Yingying's hard-to-reach inner circle with a big stride, and turned his fist into a palm to slap Lan Yingying's shoulder.

Li Xing's agility and judgment of form obviously caught Lan Yingying by surprise, and it was also the reason why her lack of combat experience led to such a huge flaw in her own defense.

In the end, this palm was not taken, but stopped in front of Lan Yingying, even politely not touching her body.

"Miss Lan, you lost!"

Originally, I thought that this set of operations of mine would make the other party retreat, but I didn't expect that my words without any emotion, or what operation, which sentence, or which expression I had aroused the other party's anger.

"Why didn't you hit it? Is it because you think I'm a woman?"

It seemed that anger was rising all of a sudden, Lan Yingying was not hurt, but her face was flushed red.

Feeling the humiliation, Lan Yingying took the initiative to let go of her self-restriction, and her combat power was greatly improved. '

'Comparison of the comprehensive combat power of the enemy and us, Lan Yingying 55%: 45%! '

Damn, humiliation, what humiliation?You call being gentlemanly a humiliation?
System you fuck me!
Li Xing wants to cry but has no tears.

The sword light rose again, and this time it was approaching a level where Li Xing could not react at all.

The sword light dazzled his eyes, and the sword style floated unsteadily, just like a bright moon flying in the sky, the moonlight is cold and refreshing.

Li Xing no longer held back his hands, fully opened up his strength, and went all out in Youlongbu, his true energy transformed into a double dragon attached to his feet, and the speed and flexibility of his steps went up two steps in an instant.

If you can't see clearly, you don't look at it, you simply close your eyes, and dodge completely by relying on the warning of the threat by the mirror skill.

Without the process of seeing and reacting again, Li Xing's evasive movements sped up a bit, back two, right one, left three, forward one, back three.

This was the only way to barely avoid Lan Yingying's sword move, but her clothes were still cut by the sharp sword edge, and her skin felt the coolness of the sword edge.

See blood! Hey!

(End of this chapter)

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