Chapter 76 Good Student



"This is 'water', drink!"

"Note, it says, 'Please'!"

Li Xing taught the Xia clan's language while cooperating with various rich movements.

At the beginning, he wasted his efforts on the boss, and after getting scratches on his face and hands, he managed to let the little guy understand what she should do.

It is rare for Li Xing to have such a leisurely mind, no one cares what he is doing.

The restless Senior Brother Gong was also sent out to accompany Commander Luo to collect information.

During this rare rest time, Li Xing decided to teach Haitang some words of the Xia clan and some basic etiquette.

You can't be idle and eat rice, right?

Facts have proved that Haitang's IQ is sufficient. In just a few days, she seems to be able to read, understand and understand most of the content taught by Li Xing.

Although there is still no way to accurately express my meaning in the language of the Xia Clan, but I can barely express my needs with simple words.

This filled Li Xing's heart with a sense of accomplishment. It turns out that he is quite suitable to be a teacher!

After living a peaceful life without going out like this, Li Xing almost lay flat like a salted fish, but there are always some people who can't see him being so leisurely.

No, Senior Brother Gong Yi pulled Commander Luo to hold a whole pile of materials, and rushed into the Mingjing Sect early in the Qing Dynasty, directly killed Li Xing's wing, and put a lot of materials on the table with a confused face. In front of Li Xing.

On the way, Commander Luo obviously also accepted a little shock from the Ming Jing sect. At this moment, he has not woken up from the shock, his eyes are wide open, his hands are clenched, and there is nowhere to rest them.

"Junior brother, look at these things quickly, we have made an unexpected breakthrough."

Gong Yi looked eager, and couldn't wait to share his achievements with Li Xing.

In just a few days, what breakthrough can there be?Li Xing looked indifferent.

Probably what can be collected cannot escape Li Xing's speculation, but it is hard to say how much of the collected things will be used.

First of all, he had already held down the pile of bamboo slips with one hand, and his gaze was naturally on Commander Luo.

"Recently, have the Liu family and the Zhang family sent someone to report to the Changping Division? Or did the servants of the two families send some new information?"

Hearing this, Commander Luo shook his head lightly, "I haven't received any new news! Both families are very quiet."

Li Xing raised his eyebrows. If the Zhang family and the Liu family didn't care about this matter, why did they report the case to the Changping Division?Do you still want to keep the case stuck here?

If it is really a well-known interest dispute between the two, wouldn't it be enough for them to negotiate and resolve it internally?

I always feel that there is some violating atmosphere, what kind of riddle are these two families playing?
"Look at this first!"

Gong Yi impatiently picked up a dossier, stuffed it abruptly into Li Xing's hands, and explained it at the same time.

"Miss Liu Liu has funded Ming Lian, we have found them all!"

Li Xing silently looked at the exaggerated list and the amount marked on the back.

The minimum is 100 taels, and the most is as high as 3000 taels. What kind of outrageous number is this?

Although this is not a one-time payment of sponsorship, the accumulation over the years does seem a bit amazing.

Li Xing couldn't help feeling sad for his poverty.

Seeing Li Xing's expression, the two mistakenly thought that he was puzzled by the list, so Commander Luo came up and explained softly.

"These people have all heard about Miss Liu Liu, and they are most afraid of getting into trouble, so after we came to the door one by one, they explained the situation between themselves and Miss Liu, and they all distanced themselves from her. "

"Except for a few Ming Lian who are still a bit vague, the relationship between most Ming Lian and Ms. Liu is indeed just as Xiaolan said, a pure cooperative relationship..."

Li Xing's focus was different from those of the two. He looked at the figures of the money and muttered to himself.

"The total amount is 1 taels?"

Li Xing pointed to the end of the file and asked, "Is this number reliable?"

"Reliable!" Commander Luo nodded affirmatively.

"We also used some methods, and several people even wanted to return this part of the money to us directly..."

Li Xing was thoughtful, "Although the Liu family is a wealthy household in this city, it is not incomparably rich. Even if the Liu family gathers the power of the family, it is not impossible to spend the 1 taels, but it is not a simple matter." !"

"This Sixth Miss of the Liu family is not the only daughter, no matter how much she is favored..."

"I don't think so much about myself!"

Hearing this, Gong Yi and Commander Luo looked at each other in blank dismay.

"1 taels, is it a lot?" Gong Yi muttered to himself, looking at Commander Luo who was also confused.

One is that they don't think the money is huge at all, and the other is that they think that this is how rich kids spend money...

Li Xing read their thoughts from the faces of the two of them, and felt powerless for a while.

"Then, the score written by Ms. Liu?"

Without further entanglement, Li Xing continued to ask.

Both of them knew about this question, and Gong Yi took the conversation away.

"Regarding this point, the feedback from famous and pity people is basically four words, 'unsightly'!"

"And this, in their circle, is almost known to everyone."

"It's not that there is no name Lian who wants to help Miss Liu Liu. Once one of the three famous names in this city, he once offered to help Miss Liu revise the lyrics..."

"But Miss Liu rejected it!"

So personal?Li Xing raised his head and asked with great interest, "What's the reason?"

"It is said that Ms. Liu insisted on not changing a word, because what she created is her own work! It is her painstaking effort, and I must not allow others to modify a word."

For this kind of operation, Gong Yi expressed his bewilderment and perplexity.

"Because of this insistence, Ms. Liu even had a very tense relationship with many celebrities."

Oh, Li Xing nodded. From this point of view, it is a story about a rich lady who thinks she has outstanding talent, but actually writes nonsense and spends money to realize her dream.

Fine!Li Xing put down the dossier in his hand, saying that this question ends here.

"Then how much have you investigated about the new business cooperation between Zhang and Liu?"

Commander Luo grasped this topic most clearly. He skillfully dug out a booklet from a pile of files, pointed to the person in the booklet and said.

"About this line, the secrecy work of the two companies is very good. I also got some information through an old brother at the post station and those moles who have been engaged in underground smuggling activities all year round. Now we have the information Information about several specific handlers."

"I just feel that there is no need to make a big fuss for the time being, otherwise I can invite them to a certain place as a guest at any time at the right time..."

"Please please!"

Li Xing shrugged, and said with a face of course.

"With the backing of Ming Jingzong, what can you do so timidly?"

(End of this chapter)

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