The descendants of Taiwu are very famous

Chapter 19 Extracting Poison

Chapter 19 Extracting Poison
However, facing this astonishingly powerful stick technique, Fang Dangdang was still not very satisfied. She stood up and looked at the eyebrow-level stick in her hand.

"Now I only know three kinds of stick techniques, Shaolin Liuhe stick, Shaolin Yinyang stick, and the [-]-point eyebrow-level stick I got from Xinchao. No matter how advanced the stick technique is, Zen Master Jianzhuan refuses to teach me. We have to find a way to increase the power of this stick."

Just as she was frowning and thinking of a solution, the funnel-shaped big red flower in the grass in the distance attracted a lot of attention.

When I saw that flower, I instinctively recalled what my adoptive father said to the flower when I was a child, "Good girl, this flower is called oleander, and this thing has leaves, flowers, and roots. Very poisonous, you must not just pick it up to play just because it looks beautiful."

"Haha, there is a solution!!" Dangdang strode forward, picked up all these oleanders in a basket, and happily carried them back.

Just as Fang Dang was squeezing all the juice out of these petals, a voice suddenly came from behind her. "Hey, big man, what are you doing??"

Dangdang turned around and saw a young girl decorated by Miao people standing behind him.

As soon as she saw the whip in her hand, it was resounding, and she knew that this woman was probably a disciple of the Five Poison Sect.

"Of course it is used to put this poison on my weapon to increase its power."

The Miao girl looked at the crushed oleander petals in Dangdang's hands, and said with disdain in her eyes: "There is no one who directly puts the half-year red on the weapon, you have to refine it into putrid poison first." OK."

"Oh? Judging from what you said, you seem to be very proficient in toxicology." Dang Dang patted and stood up.

The Miao girl raised her chin with a proud face, "Huh! That's natural. As a disciple of the Five Immortals Sect, I need to be proficient in poison theory."

"Then girl, would you help me refine poison??" Dangdang smiled at the Miao girl.

Miao Nu cast a resounding glance, turned around and left, "Not interested."

Resoundingly, this and that can agree, and stopped the Miao girl with a stick.

"What, you dare to provoke our Five Immortals??" Miao Nu took off the whip from her waist, and looked at the ring with a vigilant look on her face.

Xiang Dangdang looked at the angry Miao girl in front of him, his eyes suddenly turned, and he said to her: "Well, I am the descendant of the contemporary Taiwu, don't you Five Immortals even help with this?"

"What? Are you the famous descendant of Taiwu??" Hearing this, Miao Nu looked at the strong man in front of her in surprise.

After Xiang Dangdang took out the hilt of Fu Yu's sword, the Miao girl finally admitted her identity.

Although the Miao girl still looked reluctant, she didn't want to offend the descendant of Taiwu, so she finally brought a medicine bowl to help Dangdang practice poison.

As the sun slowly moved to the west, the Miao girl named Kashanka poured out the crimson medicinal powder from the medicine bowl.

"This is rotting body poison. In order to increase the power, I also added some other things into it for you. You melt this thing into the water, and then soak the weapon you want to extract the poison into."

"Sister Kashanka, thank you." Dangdang Le Zizi filled the poison in a white clay pot.

Kashanka rolled his eyes, ignored the man, and left with his medicine bowl. "Using the stick method of the upright Shaolin Temple in the martial arts, but still extracting poison from the stick, what a weirdo."

At this time, Xiang Dangdang didn't have time to pay attention to her, he took out a large basin of water, poured some poisonous powder into it.Watching the poisonous powder disperse in the water, he then used the newly made eyebrow stick to soak in the poisonous water for a while.

When he saw that the two ends of the jujube wood eyebrow stick were soaked in poisonous water, the color changed a little bit darker, he nodded resoundingly in satisfaction.

"Well, that's right, that's right, if anyone gets hit by me now, they will suffer a lot." Speaking of this, she couldn't help but think of the extremely miserable heart trauma.

When Xiang Dangdang was about to leave with her weapon, she looked at the poisonous water in the pot and hesitated, "Isn't it too wasteful for this thing to just add poison to the weapon?"

After thinking for a while, she took off the shoes she was wearing and put them in the poisonous water, "If my shoes are soaked with this poison, if I just use these shoes to kick people in the future, wouldn't they be poisoned too?" .”

Bare feet resounded loudly, and complacently took out the shoes that had changed color, and put them in the sun to dry.

While Rang Dang was squatting there waiting for her shoes to dry, her eyes turned to the unused poisonous water again. After thinking for a while, she simply took off her clothes and pants and put them in the water together. soak.

"Anyway, it's a waste to leave it alone. It turns all my clothes into highly poisonous. Maybe it will be usable when it will be available."

While thinking about this, the naked Dangdang found a rope to dry his poisonous clothes and trousers.

Just as she was shaking off the coat and hanging it on the rope, a long piece of something fell from inside her coat to the ground.Xiang Dangdang picked it up and found that it was a wooden hairpin that he made in the valley at that time.

Looking at this wooden hairpin, which has been discolored due to soaking in poisonous water, he thought for a while and put it behind his ear.

At this moment, Dangdang saw Ouyang Linghua running towards this side with a black book in his hand in the distance.

When she first arrived in front of Dangdang, she was stunned by the naked appearance of Dangdang.

Ning Shuning, who came with Ouyang Linghua, couldn't stand it anymore. She quickly took off her coat and put it on Dangdang's body, "Dang... Sister Dang, why don't you wear any clothes?"

Ouyang Linghua's eyes widened again, huh?Why did she say again? ?

He coughed resoundingly, and asked Ouyang Linghua as if nothing had happened: "What?? From your appearance, it seems that there is some happy event?"

It was only then that Ouyang Linghua remembered the purpose of her visit this time. Her somewhat dark face turned purple with excitement, "Too...Master Taiwu!! We have spent a full month in restaurants and teahouses this month. Earned 3000 taels!!"

This kind of achievement is not surprising at all, it's okay to have nothing to do, these people who want to snatch the sword from this sword mound, how can there be few spare money on them.

"Oh, that's very good, then you can double everyone's wages, and find a craftsman to expand the Taiwu ancestral hall with the rest of the money." As a descendant of Taiwu, this small amount of money is very famous, but I still don't care much about it. Her goal is the long stream of water behind.

(End of this chapter)

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