Chapter 34 Girl
Gongshuban opened the curtain of the car, pointed to a lonely mountain in the distance to the north and said: "Young man Taiwu, look, that is Lianhua Mountain, and the Lion Gate you are looking for is on it."

Seeing that his destination had finally arrived, he got off Gongshuban's carriage with a loud face, and took over his carriage from the clerk.

"Both of you, there will be a period of time later. If you need blueprints and carpentry in the future, just report my name. Gongshufang can give you a [-]% discount."

Xiang Dangdang smiled and waved his hands, watching Gong Shuban's convoy slowly leave, his Taiwu village was in ruins, this relationship might really come in handy.

Seeing the motorcade leaving his field of vision, Dangdang couldn't wait to catch up with the lion, but Ning Shuning held him back.

"Miss Dang, it's more than half of the application time now, and the distance is still far away, or we can have dinner in this small town first, and then go tomorrow."

It was loud but I couldn't wait any longer, "Sister, hold on a little longer, be good, let's go to the mountain to rest."

"Sister Dang, if you run over here, it will be late at night, so you can't wait to visit when everyone else is sleeping."

After thinking about it for a while, Xiang Dangdang realized that this was indeed the case, so he touched Ning Shuning's head and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you, we'll just stay in this town for one night."

Afterwards, Xiang Dang drove the carriage into the streets of the town.

Although this small town is not big, it has all kinds of internal organs, whether it is a station restaurant or flower building. The two of them feel a little sick from eating dry food these days, so they plan to go to a restaurant to have meat.

Seeing the two people enter the room, Xiao Er with a white towel on his shoulders hurried over, "Guests, what do you want to eat? Would you like some of our special dishes?"

Dangdang looked at Xiao Er who was smiling at him, and sat down on the wooden bench. "Oh? What special famous dishes do you have here??"

"Yes, if we talk about our Fulai Restaurant, the most famous one is the flower mushroom and scallop without yolk eggs,"

Dangdang looked at the sign hanging on the wall, and there were three big characters written on the underside of this gimmicky yolkless egg, Wu·bai·liang.

Although Xiang Dangdang has money, she won't waste it casually on satisfying her appetite. She shook her head and said, "No, just give me a head sheep, and then add some seasonal side dishes."

"Okay, guest officer, just wait a moment." The waiter turned and left.

Just as the two were chatting and waiting for their dinner, there was a sudden noise outside.

Dang Dang was still guessing what happened outside, a person flew into the restaurant quickly from the door, and with a "bump", he fell on a table full of rice bowls, smashing the table to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen arrogant and domineering men came in from outside the door, "You are all full!! Get out if you are full!!"

When the dining crowd in the restaurant saw the lion's head mark on the strong man's body, they jumped out of the window in horror.But Dangdang and Ning Shuning were not included.

As the two burly men moved to the sides, an eight or nine-year-old delicate little girl like a pottery doll appeared in Dangdang's eyes.

When he saw the girl walking and licking a sugar figurine in her hand, the shopkeeper behind the counter who was making calculations in the distance quickly bowed his waist and came to the girl with a smile on his face.

The shopkeeper said in a soft voice: "Master Qidiao, why are you free to come to our store today? What do you want to eat? I will cook for you myself."

The little girl ignored her, stepped on her feet lightly, jumped on the table next to her and sat down. "I heard from my brother that there is something very delicious. I will eat this. You can make me a copy."

After listening to the little girl's words, the shopkeeper's smiling face froze immediately, and he said boldly in his tone: "Master Qidiao, I only saw it in a book once, so how can I do it? Let me make you our special yolk-free eggs??"

As soon as he finished speaking, a pair of little feet wearing deerskin boots stepped directly on his face, kicking the shopkeeper of the restaurant to the ground, "Can't you understand people's words?? I don't want eggs without yolks. Eat heaven and earth for a bite, you must make it for me!!"

As soon as the words fell, two burly men walked over from behind her, one on each side, and directly put the shopkeeper on the ground in mid-air.

One of them said with a ferocious expression: "Tell you, our hall master said he wanted to eat it, so you fucking made it for me!! What? How dare you offend me, Shixiangmen, and you don't want to open this restaurant?? Hmm?? "

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, he said tremblingly: "You two, it's not that I don't want to cook, but I really don't know how to cook this dish. I haven't learned it at all. You let me How do I do it?"

"It seems that your skin is itchy today, and today grandpa will let you—— oops!!"

Two chopsticks flew over suddenly and hit the arms of the two strong men directly. As soon as the two of them ate it in pain, the shopkeeper's feet finally touched the ground again.

"Who is it?!" One of the strong men picked up the chopsticks and looked to the left. They saw a bald man standing there holding a long stick.

"Since the shopkeeper can't do it, if you force him like this, the wife is too hard to do."

The little girl sitting on the table suddenly got angry, and threw the half-licked sugar figurine on the ground, "The bald monk dares to meddle in our Shixiangmen's affairs?? Are you tired of work? Come on, Give me a hard beating!!"

Following her order, more than a dozen burly men rushed towards Dangdang, roaring angrily.

Facing these people, Xiang Dangdang picked up the stick and hit them. He thought that these little guys would be solved in two or three strokes, but Xiang Dangdang made a mistake in his prediction.

These mangzi's bodies were very solid, even if they were knocked out by their powerful sticks, they stood up again with a slight twist of their necks.

With a resounding sound, he once again swung a strong man into the air, thinking in his heart, is this the lion's family practicing external skills?The defense is really extraordinary, I hope their marksmanship is as good as this horizontal kung fu. "

Looking at the swaying stools and tables all around, he resounded and no longer entangled with them. As he performed Shaolin stick techniques and slammed them on the head, these lion disciples who could only act recklessly were quickly defeated. Come,
Seeing that her follower was defeated, the little girl began to lose her nerve, she jumped off the table in panic, and ran out the door with some hesitation, " wait for me, you dare to bully me, you are finished! You are dead!!"

Seeing that the little girl ran away, the disciple of the lion gate sect whose head was beaten black and blue, gave a sharp look, turned around and left as well.

(End of this chapter)

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