Chapter 340
Seeing the bang in front of him, Huanxin froze there, with a smile on his face, he said: "It's okay, this is the cause of what happened to me back then, and this should also be the result I suffered, if it wasn't for that year..."

"You said it earlier, it turned out to be so simple." Before Huanxin could finish speaking, he pulled out the Fuyu gun and thrust it cleanly into Huanxin's chest.

When the blade was still three inches away from Huanxin's chest, with a deafening roar coming from directly above, the entire sarcophagus suddenly shook violently.

The two people in the coffin were separated immediately, and with a loud bang, they swayed and hit the coffin wall directly, almost falling. When she just stabilized her figure, she felt a thump in her heart when she felt the murderous eyes beside her.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Huanxin standing up again. At this time, her eyes were once again covered in red. "Give me Fu Yu Sword!!"

"You want a sword, don't you? You've got it!!" Dang Dang kicked hard on the coffin wall with both feet, and stabbed at Huan Xin with a long spear.

Huanxin's right hand turned into a palm facing the sword body, but when she touched the hilt, there was a sound of hot oil piercing under cold water, not only a large piece of her right hand was directly blackened when it touched the sword body, but also Black mist continuously emerged from her body and escaped in all directions.

Seeing that Huanxin's pitch-black arm hadn't healed, Dangdang narrowed his eyes slightly.After the hilt was blessed by nine hilts, the damage was greater than he had imagined.

Just when Xiang Dangdang was making a spear move, Huanxin glared fiercely at Xiang Dangdang with his red eyes, leaned back and jumped directly from the sarcophagus into the air.

Resounding naturally couldn't let it go, he kicked his feet on the sarcophagus and followed closely.

"Dangdang, do you think you are the one who can break through reincarnation?? Hahaha, it's useless."

After Huanxin said this, he gently moved his hand to the huge Xiangshu next to him.

As if poking a hornet's nest, the black mist on Xiangshu's body kept rolling, like a cloud of black clouds rushing toward Huanxin.

As soon as the black mist touched Huanxin, it disappeared instantly, and the red light in her eyes brightened a little.

When Huanxin hit the ground heavily, the real body of Xiangshu next to him was already a little shorter.And the whites of Huanxin's scarlet eyes could no longer be seen.

"Boom!!" The sound was like an iron ball hitting the ground heavily, and the hard ground instantly cracked with him as the center.

Dangdang clenched the spear in his hand and looked at Huan Xin in the distance.As if feeling the resounding fighting intent, the Fuyu spear trembled slightly.

"Ranging, don't you want to know how this deity got here?" Huan Xin raised her right hand lightly, and black mist gushed out of her palm and quickly condensed into a black sword.

With a loud kick, he raised his Fuyu gun and rushed towards Huanxin in the distance. "I don't care how you got here! Even if you fucking jump out of a rock, you will die today!"

"Don't talk too much, do you really think you can fight me??"

Just after Huanxin finished speaking, the tip of the Fuyu gun had already come to her.

Just dodged the gun head sideways, and with the ringing sound, he twisted his hands, and the iron-sharpened gun head swept towards Huan Xin's head.

"Dang!!" Huan Xin blocked the resounding attack with the long sword in his hand.

"Zizizi" resounded when I saw that the black sword began to melt as soon as it was attached to the Fuyu gun, but the black mist gushing from Huanxin's body continued to pour into the hilt to offset the ablation

If a move fails to make a sound, he immediately changes his move, his right hand suddenly releases the body of the gun, and quickly forms a palm to cover Huanxin's chest.

——"Big Clumsy Hand!!!"

Huan Xin's empty right hand came up to the resounding palm with a black palm wind.

"Boom!!" As the hands of the two collided heavily, they immediately became deadlocked.

But this situation didn't last long, a huge black Guan knife slashed heavily on the resounding bald head from behind.

Gritting his teeth and confronting Huanxin, Dangdang turned his head slightly, and from the corner of his eye saw a tall man attacking him with weapons in his hands.

"Do you think this deity wants to fight alone with you?? Haha, don't laugh at me." After Huanxin finished speaking, two large black mist quickly poured out from behind her. After a few breaths, the two black mist condensed into two Xiangshu stood up.

Seeing the two people walking towards him, he stepped back with a bang and rolled to the right to escape the fate of being pinched.

"Rang Dang Dang, you can have fun with them." Watching the three Xiangshu rush towards Dang Dang.Huan Xin said slowly with a slight hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

These three phase pivots looked extremely huge, but the resounding strength that absorbed the true qi of the nine sword mounds was also much greater than these three things

Fuyu gun seems to be very restrained from this thing. Whenever it is hit by Fuyu gun, the black body quickly melts and dissipates like a snowman seeing the scorching sun.

But after Xiang Dangdang had dealt with all three of them, the six phase pivots, which were twice as big as before, surrounded him again.

He turned back to avoid the incoming spear, and quickly glanced at the position where Huanxin was just now.I don't know when Huanxin had disappeared. At this time, she was rushing towards the real body of Fang Xiangshu next to her.

Although I don't know what this person is going to do, it is definitely not a good thing.

Xiang Dangdang didn't have the time to entangle with these Xiangshu anymore, she shot a hole in the encirclement, and she chased after Huan Xin with all her strength.

The resounding speed of Guoxuan Girl School Qinggong True Inheritance was a bit faster than Huanxin, and finally caught up when she was still two feet away from Xiangshu's real body.

Hearing the sound of the wind behind her, Huanxin turned quickly to one side, and the sharp Fuyu gun rubbed against her body and nailed her to the ground fiercely. A big hole was smashed into the ground instantly, and the rocks cracked everywhere.

Just when Dangdang was about to pull out the spear, the sky suddenly became dark, and she suddenly raised her head and a huge black palm covered her head like a mountain of Taishan.

Seeing that he was about to press on Dangdang's head, there was an ear-piercing creaking sound, and the straight iron chain on Xiangshu's body made it impossible for his palm to press down.

Seeing that the pitch-black palm was not pressed down, he turned around loudly to avoid Huanxin's black sword, and pulled out the Fuyu sword spear vigorously to stab Huanxin. ——"Hundred Beasts Shocking Mountain Spear!!"

The two of them were just under the giant palm, and they immediately started fighting back and forth, but it was obvious that Huanxin was not a resounding opponent at all in the face of the Fuyu Spear that restrained him.

But as the creaking sound in the distance became louder and louder, Dangdang found that the giant palm above his head was still lowering!
She knew that she couldn't dawdle any longer, if she waited until this thing was really covered, she might not be able to fight.

Just when Huanxin raised his sword and stabbed at Xiang Dangdang, Xiang Dangdang sank to his dantian instantly, and let out a Buddhist lion's roar.

Taking advantage of the moment she was stunned, she waved the spear in her hand with both hands.

——"Mad Dragon Lion Gun!!"

(End of this chapter)

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