Chapter 47 Gin
Xin Chi and Ning Shuning's harassment did not have much impact on Jin Huang'er, who knew how to do light work.

After such a fight, suddenly there was a bang, and Jin Huang'er was kicked flying out with a resounding kick.

Dangdang trembled holding the armored three-pointed gun in his hand, panting from exhaustion.

However, when she saw that the annoying smile on Jin Huang'er's face finally disappeared, she smiled resoundingly, and she knew that Jin Huang'er was finally going to get real.

"Are you a saint??" The long knife in Jin Huang'er's hand suddenly changed, and with the sound of a bird song, the mechanism bird rushed towards Dangdang again.

In the same way, Dang Dang naturally couldn't do it twice. He squinted his eyes and looked at the mechanism bird that could barely be seen in the air, and suddenly swung his spear vigorously with both hands.

"Dang!!" With the piercing sound of metal impacts, the three-pointed gun in Dang Dang's hand began to tremble slightly, and the mechanism bird had already been knocked out.

At this time, Jin Huang'er had already stuck close to her, and the organ bird quickly changed its blade and flew back into her hand again.

"Good job!" The last time Dangdang was chased by Jin Huang'er and fled quickly, but this time it is not what it used to be.

In mid-air, Jin Huang brandished a long saber, and slashed at Huashan Mountain with a powerful move. An astonishing murderous aura surged from her body, and she pressed down on Xiangdang like an overwhelming force.

Loud Dangdang was not afraid at all, and quickly shook, the slender spear moved like straight and curved, and the spear head with afterimage followed an arc, hitting the side of the blade.

"Dang!!" Jin Huang'er's long saber, the red saber was thrown away in an instant, and the long saber in her hand was no longer powerful after being relieved by Dangdang. Taking this rare opportunity, Dangdang retreated quickly, Pull away from her again.

Then, relying on the power of the long weapon, Jin Huang'er had no choice but to face Dangdang for a while.

But as time went by, after Dang Dang once again blocked Jin Huang'er's attack again, he began to notice that something was wrong. Jin Huang'er's strength seemed to be getting stronger and faster.

She stabbed the spear forcefully, forcing the expressionless Jin Huang'er back, panting violently with a bang, and looked at the strange woman in front of her.

Although I don't know what technique the woman in front of me is using, her strength is getting stronger and stronger, but it is obvious that if she continues to fight like this, she will lose at all.

At this moment, Dangdang suddenly felt the heat in her chest. She knew it was the heat from Fu Yu's sword hilt, so she immediately took it to heart.

Loudly shouted at Xin Chi and Ning Shuning: "Hey! Hurry up and help, you help me hold her for a while."

The two people in the distance responded quickly, and rushed towards Jin Huang'er. They didn't consume much energy before,
Most of the attacks were mainly loud, and the two could only harass each other.

Xiang Dangdang saved energy for the two of them, just to prevent Jin Huang'er from using his trump card, but she guessed it right.

Feeling the hotter and hotter Fu Yu's sword hilt in his chest, he made a plan in his heart to absorb the internal force on it while they were entangled with Jin Huang'er, so that his hope of winning would be even greater under the ebb and flow of each other. .

And at this moment, Jin Huang'er threw the long knife in the air again.

Seeing her action, Dang Dang skillfully swiped the spear at the afterimage in the air again, and once again sent the mechanism bird flying.

"Huh? Where's the person??" Dang Dang just cast his eyes in the direction of Jin Huang'er just now, but found that the enemy had disappeared.

"Miss Dangdang, she is here!!"

After hearing the sound, Jin Huang'er, who was holding a long knife, turned around and rushed towards Ning Shuning, this strange woman was trying to soften the persimmon.

With a little anxiety on his face, Dang Dang stomped on the ground with both feet, and chased after Jin Huang'er with all his strength.

However, Jin Huang'er's lightness kung fu was much better than hers. Seeing Jin Huang'er getting closer to Ning Shuning, cold sweat instantly flowed down her forehead.

It was very difficult for him to face Jin Huang'er, let alone Ning Shuning's three-legged cat.

With a sneer on the corner of Jin Huang'er's mouth, she slashed hard with the long knife in her hand.

Seeing that the blade was still a foot away from Ning Shuning, Jin Huang'er suddenly trembled, and the attack stopped.

Jin Huang'er, who had no expression on her face, slowly lowered her head to see that a gun head pierced her chest with a cold light.

Dangdang actually threw out his weapon again, but this time it worked.

Seeing the fatal injury, Jin Huang'er had a cheerful smile on her expressionless face.

"Hee hee... hee hee hee." The weapon in her hand lowered slowly, turned around and walked towards Dangdang, the body of the gun swayed up and down under her movement.

Dangdang looked at Jin Huang'er walking towards him with a grim expression.After receiving such a fatal injury, she didn't die?Is she really a ghost? ?
As Jin Huang'er walked towards Dangdang, she sang some indistinct songs loudly, the tone was weird but extremely beautiful.

"Phoenixes are divided into males and females. The male is called Feng, and the female is called Huang. Phoenix is ​​a divine bird with a head like a wild goose, a body like a unicorn, a neck like a snake's neck, and a beak like a chicken's beak. It is dressed in colorful clothes."

"Miss Dangdang, here it is!!" Xin Chi in the distance pointed at Dangdang, while throwing the long eyebrow-level stick in his hand.

Fang Dangdang held the long stick, made a gesture like a Shaolin Yin-Yang stick, and looked at Jin Huang'er vigilantly.

Faced with the loud move, Jin Huang'er didn't react at all and continued singing.

"There is the word "De" on the head, the word "Xin" on the belly, the word "Li" on the back, the word "Ren" on the chest, the word "Yi" on the wings, the word "Zheng" on the feet, and the word "Zheng" on the tail. The word "Wu". If it screams, it will knock gold and jade if it is small, and it will beat drums and shake the sky when it is big."

Hearing this, Dangdang's pupils narrowed slightly, and he looked at the mechanism bird hovering in midair. He hadn't noticed before that the bird Jin Huang'er looked like a phoenix, exactly the same as what Jin Huang'er said.

"It is said that the phoenix never dies. It lives for [-] days. Golden cocoons are born on the phoenix's body, and golden threads emerge from the golden cocoon with red eyes. The [-] square cocoons are broken, and the phoenix cocoon emerges and reincarnates."

Speaking of this, golden threads emerged from Jin Huang'er's body.

Dangdang slowly put down the weapon in her hand, she could feel that Jin Huang'er's killing intent was gone, and there was endless joy in her eyes when she saw her.

Unknowingly, Jin Huang'er came in front of Dangdang, and her singing stopped. She giggled, and said to Dangdang: "Yes, it's you!"

As she spoke, she handed a bowl of golden wine out of thin air to Dang Dang.

(End of this chapter)

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