Chapter 99
After Dang Dang came out of the carriage, she had just taken a few steps when her eyes, which could almost see through the night, noticed a sneaky figure in the dim environment, groping towards the carriage.

After taking a closer look, he realized that this person was exactly the one who was pestering him, Dai Ye.
As soon as he saw this man, Dangdang suddenly felt murderous in his heart, and he dared to follow him. He is really not afraid of death. If I spared him once, do you really think that Dangdang is a bodhisattva? ?

She didn't intend to hide her figure at this time, she walked over with a three-pointed spear in her armor, and showed her figure in front of the sneaky Dai Ye.

When Dai Ye saw that Dangdang appeared in front of him, he was just about to say something with a flustered expression.

Dangdang didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and swung at him directly with the spear in his hand.

Just as Dai Ye opened his mouth to say something, Dang Dang put the gun head on Dai Ye's neck.

With cold sweat running down Dai Ye's face, he muttered in a low voice: "Taiwu...Taiwu should be right, if you have something to discuss, why don't you use a knife or a gun. How about this, I don't want monthly money, you just let you That girl—"

Before Dai Ye could finish speaking, he suddenly swung the spear around his neck and hit him on the head with a lot of force.

With the white brain bursting out, Dai Ye's body limply collapsed on the ground.

After smearing Dai Ye's body with a spear with disgust on his face, Dang Dang turned and walked towards the carriage.

After Dang Dangdang lay back in the carriage again, Ji Feiyi closed her eyes, feeling the murderous intent that had not dissipated from Dang Dangdang's body, she frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "Dangdang, what's wrong?"

"Go to sleep, it's okay, it's just a little mouse."

Rang Dangdang stretched out his hand, and gently covered Ning Shuning's quilt that was partly opened beside him. Looking at his sister's peaceful sleeping posture, Rang Dangdang slowly closed his eyes.

Three days later, Xiang Dangdang and his group finally arrived in front of the sword mound named Mo Nuyi.

At this time, the two horses pulling the cart began to panic and growl, not wanting to move forward.

They couldn't help being frightened, and saw that the sky and the ground near the sword mound were shrouded in an inexplicable glow.Day and night, heaven and earth are indistinguishable.

Looking at the groove of the sword hilt on the door of the tomb, she turned around and said to Ji Feiyi, "Just take these two people and watch from a distance. This time, I will make the decision myself."

Ji Feiyi nodded.Although she said so, she also started to practice the exercises secretly, and she was ready to help if there was a crisis.

Under the worried gaze of his companions, Dangdang turned around and walked towards the tomb door.

When the door of the tomb opened slowly with the sound of rocks rubbing against each other, no one appeared inside the dark wooden door.Instead, a magpie flew out and circled around Dang Dang Zhi? ?
bird? ?Bird again? ?Last time it was a trick bird, this time it's just for real? ?

Before Dangdang could react, the magpie flew into the sword mound again.

Immediately afterwards, a white-clothed, black-haired woman with a hint of sadness on her delicate face walked out of the sword mound.

The magpie just now landed on her outstretched finger, chirping softly.

"Evil!! Who is here!!!" Dangdang shouted at the man.

The woman in white raised her hand lightly, and the magpie in her hand flew straight away, and her eyes full of sadness looked at Dangdang, "Mr. Mo."

"Don't do anything first, let me ask you a few words first!! Are you really the descendant of Taiwu thousands of years ago??" Dangdang shouted to the woman in white in front of him.

She has always wanted to know who the people in these sword mounds are, whether it is what Zen Master Jianhun said, or there is something else hidden.

Mo Nu took a look at Dangdang in front of her, and her smart eyes moved slightly under her long eyelashes, "Do you want to hear a story?"

oh? ?There is a show! !This time, the person didn't rush forward directly, and slammed the spear in his hand to the ground with a bang, "Speak, I'm listening."

Mo Nu spoke slowly while teasing the little birds flying around her.

"Mo Nv, also known as Niao Ling Doctor, at that time there was a big mountain named Bushi Mountain south of the Yangtze River, and Mo Nv lived alone in this mountain."

"Wait!!" Dang Dang waited for Mo Nu to say the beginning and interrupted her next words, "Are you telling your own story???" There is no one who tells his own story and calls his own name.

Mo Nu didn't answer, she continued talking.

"When the birds in the mountains saw her, they flew to her shoulders and cried. Mo Nu knew that these birds often drank water from a pool in the mountain, and they lost their ability to sing when they drank too much. So Mo Nu found that pool. water."

She found a thin man who had spent many years at the edge of the pool, collecting a kind of three-color spiritual iron that grows only one inch in a thousand years—the cicada shells, which he used to forge swords and practice.

He also put poison in the pool, so that those who harmed it could not enter. I want to get rid of it with this sword!!"

Mo Nu listened to what he said, but didn't believe it, so she threw the sword made by the man into the pool, drove the man away, and used some wonderful herbs to heal the birds in the mountain, making the mountain All the birds regained their ability to sing.

Ji Feiyi and the others in the distance suddenly looked a little surprised, watching and listening with relish, Qi Diaochan asked Ning Shuning: "Shu Ning, why don't they fight?? What are they talking about?? "

"I don't know, I used to do it directly. This time it's really strange." Ning Shuning held the stone in her hand with a puzzled expression.

And Mo Nu in the distance is still talking slowly. "But later, as the sword maker said, there really was a monster under the spring. The sword maker left for only a month, and it came out of the deep pool, causing disaster in the mountain."

Mo Nu repented so much that she ignored the evil of the demon and submerged herself under the pool of water, endured the icy-bite pain and the pain of the demon spirit's body erosion, and finally retrieved the sword she had discarded, and used it Wrapped in clothes, let the birds in the mountains fly away
Mo Nu was poisoned by the pond water and died and returned it to the sword maker, asking him to come here to kill demons and exterminate demons. Mo Nu was touched by the righteousness of giving up her life to return the sword, so she called the spirit sword Mo Nuyi.

Since then, Mo Nu's body has been lying on Mount Bu's forever.

After listening to what Mo Nu said, Xiang Dangdang was a little dazed, so he died? ?What is standing in front of me? ?Thousand-year female ghost? ?

After Mo Nu finished speaking, she raised her head, and there was a hint of resentment on her unobtrusive face. "I have given up my life to get that sword back, why don't you come and get it?? Oh, you must blame me for being reckless, anyway, I'll use this sword to kill you..."

(End of this chapter)

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