This hero will strike

Chapter 150 Li Yu's Deployment

Chapter 150 Li Yu's Deployment

Not far from the north entrance of the green bamboo forest, Li Yu, Jin Qingyan and others were waiting by the roadside.

Without the effort of a cup of hot tea, in the bamboo forest ahead, a familiar figure galloped towards him, but it was Luo Qingshu, a scholar who had gone and returned.

This scholar Luo Qingshu ran back and forth for a cup of tea, his face was still blushing, and he was not panting, which showed his long-lasting inner strength.

The scholar Luo Qingshu ran up to Li Yu, bowed his hands solemnly, and said, "Fortunately, they were almost discovered. Brother Li, among the accomplices of the Erhu monks, there may be some clever counselors, and they actually arranged A 'three-ring formation', surrounded by three circles, and also prepared bows and arrows, fishing nets. At that time, Luo looked down from a high position, and there was a dense darkness on the field, and there were probably 30 to [-] people."

"It's just that they are too far apart. Luo was afraid that they would notice them if he got close, but he didn't see their faces clearly." The scholar Luo Qingshu took a breath and added.

Jin Qingyan and the others, after listening to the scholar Luo Qingshu, no one spoke, but one by one, they all focused their attention on Li Yu.

This unanimous move clearly followed Li Yu's lead.

"Brother Luo has worked hard, please let Brother Luo describe their formation on the spot, so we can think about the next step." Li Yu pondered for a while, and said with clasped fists.He also did not expect that these two Hu monks secretly invited helpers, not only to arrange the formation, but also to prepare for the powerful guys such as bows and arrows and fishing nets.

According to this formation, I am afraid that he wants to capture himself alive.

Thinking about the consequences of being caught, Li Yu felt a burst of fear in his heart.

"it is good!"

The scholar Luo Qingshu generously agreed, and then took out the weapon on his body, a black and shiny judge pen made of pure copper, and quickly drew on the ground of the official road.

His inner strength is carried on the tip of the pen, one stroke at a time, whether writing or drawing, the hard ground is like soft paper.

Not long after, iron hooks and silver paintings were all over the ground, and the array arranged by the two Hu monks also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"It's so dangerous, it's really a three-ring formation. This is also called the three-talented formation of heaven, earth and man. It is the formation of the ancient generals." Li Yu looked at the three concentric circles on the ground and the arrangement of personnel on the circles. , made a nonsense casually.

Jin Qingyan and the others couldn't help sighing when they saw that Li Yu had mentioned the name of this formation: "Brother Li has insight!"

"Great, Brother Li knows this formation, it's easy to crack!" The scholar Luo Qingshu couldn't help but punched him.

In fact, what Li Yu knows about formations is limited to the "Sun Tzu's Art of War" in his previous life, but this book has profound knowledge. Other formations.

This three-ring formation may seem complicated, but it is actually full of loopholes compared to the formation described in "Sun Tzu's Art of War".

As for Xuan Ao, it is even more out of the question.

It's okay to fool ordinary people who don't have the concept of formations, but it's still far from fooling Li Yu.

"The eye of the three-talent formation of heaven, earth and man is here!" Li Yu tapped the center of the dot formation with the Yanying Sword, paused for a while, and then added: "Within the eye of the formation, the formation is three-pointed. Here, here, here."

Li Yu clicked on the positions of the three positions one after another, and marked them.

After what Li Yu said, Jin Qingyan and the other five suddenly realized.

"Later, I will enter the formation. If you make up these three formations, they must be at a loss."

Li Yu said that there are actually two ways to break this formation.

But Li Yu's solution is the safest and most effective.

The formation's eye and formation are attacked at the same time, and the head and tail are linked together. This three-ring formation can be broken in an instant.

Otherwise, even if the six of them entered the inside of the formation at the same time, they would still be tortured by the formation, and they might lose their personnel.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Li, at a young age, is well versed in the art of war. It's just that we only have five people. How can we make up for these three positions?" Jin Qingyan, the wine seller, asked with frowned eyebrows.

Indeed, there are only five people in three teams, so there must be one person who needs to be in charge of a team alone.

"Here, among you, who is the best in lightness kungfu? If one person is in charge of a formation, then the point is not to break the formation, but to contain the formation, so only the person with better lightness kung fu can take this position." Li Yu hesitated for a moment, then asked calmly.

"In that case, this position must belong to the scholar." The tailor Yu Sanniang glanced at her, and her gaze was fixed on the scholar Luo Qingshu's face.

"Brother Luo has extraordinary lightness skills. Taking this position is probably the most suitable for Brother Li." Jin Qingyan, the wine seller, also said with a smile.

"Hey, scholar, now you are in the limelight, and you are in charge of a position alone." Brother Zhu Er joked with a smile.

Ma Zhong, the fisherman, also nodded, with a look of approval on his face.

"Hey, since that's the case, I have to go all out, and I can't teach those Hu monks and two kings and eight lambs to harm my benefactor." The scholar Luo Qingshu tossed the pure copper judge pen in his hand, and his face was full of smiles.

Among the five, in terms of lightness kung fu, he is well-deserved number one.

According to Li Yu's deployment, the three positions were quickly arranged.

The southern position is controlled by the scholar Luo Qingshu, who only restrains and does not attack.

The position in the southwest is in charge of fisherman Ma Zhong and shopkeeper brother Zhu Er.

Tailor Yu Sanniang and wine seller Jin Qingyan are in charge of the northeast.

"Since that's the case, let's set off. You should approach the formation separately, and when I attack, you will attack together. This formation will not work." Li Yu said to himself.

This formation, to be honest, can be forcibly broken by him alone.

It's just that in that case, it will inevitably consume too much internal energy, and it is also more dangerous.

At this juncture, these five brothers have come to surrender, and this battle can be regarded as a temporary assessment for them to enter the Escort.

In the future, the darts will be on dangerous roads, if the martial arts are mediocre, they will be harmed instead.

"Okay, benefactor, I'll set off now." The scholar Luo Qingshu clasped his fists and said, and then he stepped on his feet, performed lightness kung fu, entered the bamboo forest, and disappeared from everyone's sight in two or three strokes.

"Engong, please be careful, Sanniang, let's go." The wine seller Jin Qingyan and the tailor Yu Sanniang also bowed with fists together, and then quickly rushed into the bamboo forest, towards their positions in charge.

Li Yu glanced at it, although the lightness skills of the two were not as good as the scholar Luo Qingshu, they were still good, at least there was not much difference.

"Engong, please!" Ma Zhong, the fisherman, and Zhu Er, the shopkeeper, also clasped their fists in salute, and ran towards the direction opposite to Jin Qingyan and the others.

In the blink of an eye, the five brothers disappeared without a trace.

"Their kung fu is really good, at least they have the cultivation base of the late stage of inner refinement."

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Yu's mouth, and after accepting these five people, the strength of the escorts of the Qin's Escort Bureau rose to a higher level in an instant.

You must know that the former bodyguard masters You Jiu and Lu Youcheng, although they have practiced the 'Tiger Fist', their current cultivation is only in the middle stage of internal refining.

Furthermore, the two of them have not practiced other powerful martial arts.

And these five people, although they are brothers who accompanied them on the road, each martial arts master is different, and they all have their own special skills.

Joining Qin's Escort Bureau is indeed a rare help.


Li Yu got on his horse, his legs pinched the horse's belly, Huang Puma rushed out angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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