This hero will strike

Chapter 31 Crossing the Black Fox Ridge

Chapter 31 Crossing the Black Fox Ridge

The autumn wind is blowing, and the wind is rustling.

The withered and yellow leaves whirled and fell to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, it was already late July.

It was noon, and a middle-aged man in fine silk touched his mustache on his lips, and glanced ahead: "The rumors are true, Qin's Escort Bureau is a private bodyguard bureau. It is indeed a bit shabby. However, this small bodyguard agency is just right for my trip to deceive people's eyes and ears."

"Although Changfeng Escort is good, it's too ostentatious." After making up his mind, the middle-aged man in blue and satin sneaked forward.

"May I ask if this is the Qin's Escort?" Arriving at the gate of the Escort, the middle-aged man in blue and satin clasped his hands and shouted.

In the bodyguard bureau, the bodyguard masters who were training basic skills in the open space heard the news, and someone immediately stepped forward to receive him.

It was the young escort You Jiu, he smiled, cupped his hands and said: "Yes, this is the Qin's Escort Agency, do you have an escort service that you need to entrust?"

"Naturally." The middle-aged man nodded heartily, glanced across the open space, and took a rough look.

In his eyes, he could tell at a glance that those bodyguard masters who were training basic skills in the distance were really low-level martial arts, at best, they were only in the middle stage of body training.

However, the Small Escort Bureau is like this.

Unlike some top bodyguard bureaus, even ordinary bodyguard masters can be regarded as good players in the Jianghu.

Of course, the top bodyguard agencies require high rewards.

"Please go to the living room and have a talk." The bodyguard You Jiu hurriedly invited him in.

"Okay!" The middle-aged man in blue and satin nodded.

He walked in the bodyguard office, looking around casually, without the slightest sense of restraint, appearing graceful.

Go through the front yard and into the living room.

"Little brother, where are you in charge?" After taking a seat and drinking tea, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi asked with a smile.

"It's not a coincidence that your Excellency came here. Our supervisor just happened to be out. What the guest officer needs to entrust, it's the same with me." Escort Master You Jiu said with a smile.

He has a more friendly face, and usually the Escort Bureau needs to come forward to receive them, and it is also him.

Of course, the premise is that Li Yu is not in the escort agency.

If Li Yu was in the Escort Bureau, when guests came to the door, he usually received them personally.

"Okay, it's just a small brocade box, not any valuables." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi turned his head to look at the sky outside, but he didn't have much trouble, and immediately took out a small brown brocade box from his arms and put it in the On the table: "I would like to invite your escort to deliver this brocade box to Yuqing Commercial Firm in Shangyu County and hand it over to shopkeeper Lin."

Shangyu County and Shangye County are adjacent counties, and the distance is not too far.

"Success!" The escort, You Jiu, reached out to take the brocade box.

But the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi stretched out his hand, stopped him slightly, and said with a smile: "Wait a minute, I want to add one more condition. I hope that you will be personally escorted by your steward. The reward is 20 taels. I believe it will be no problem?"

"You are a guest, you have the final say, but how many days before it needs to be delivered? Our manager may come back in the afternoon or tomorrow, and there is a slight deviation in time." The bodyguard You Jiu asked cautiously.

He knew that Li Yu went to run darts yesterday, and said he was back in the past two days, but he hasn't come back yet.

"It can be delivered to shopkeeper Lin within seven days." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi asked with a smile, "I believe you are all right?"

"Okay, I'll tell him when we come back from work." The bodyguard You Jiu immediately agreed.

From Shangye County to Shangyu County, if you ride a horse, you can get there in half a day.

The other party gave a full seven days, which is very generous in time.

"Then please." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi immediately wrote a letter and left it in the escort agency.

The remuneration is paid by shopkeeper Lin, so a letter of acknowledgment is required.


Shangye County, inside an ordinary inn.

Li Yu was eating rice with a plate of braised pig's trotters.

He had just returned from running darts, and it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, so he didn't rush home to eat, so he stopped by this roadside inn.

"This dart earned ten taels, which is not bad." Li Yu touched the silver taels in his arms, feeling very fulfilled.

Soon, after lunch, Li Yu walked out of the inn and returned to the bodyguard office.

Just after arriving at the bodyguard bureau, Li Yu heard bodyguard You Jiu, and stepped forward to convey the commission of the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi at noon.

"This is the item entrusted by the other party." Bodyguard You Jiu handed over a small brown brocade box to Li Yu.

Li Yu weighed it a little in his hand, it weighed two or three catties.

"Okay, since the other party has this request, I will go to Shangyu County myself." Li Yu said, put the brocade box in the package and bound it up, turned around and rode on the yellow horse, and left the Qin's Escort Bureau again.

He just came back and went out again.

It is rare to see such a hard-working deputy chief escort.

The bodyguards in the bureau felt that Li Yu was really hardworking after seeing it.

Encouraged, the bodyguards who were on standby at the bodyguard bureau practiced their basic skills and worked harder.

"Drive! Drive!"

Li Yu clamped the horse's belly twice violently, allowing the yellow puma under his crotch to run faster. In a blink of an eye, he left the county town and entered the suburbs along the official road.

From Shangye County to Shangyu County, just follow the official road.

There is no need to pass through the green bamboo forest, but there is still a relatively dangerous mountain that needs to be passed.

The mountain is called Heihuling, and there is a group of robbers hovering on it, which is of the same nature as the Green Bamboo Gang.

The bandits in Heihuling call themselves the Heihu Gang.

However, the Black Fox Gang is different from the Green Bamboo Gang. They only rob passing vendors or pedestrians, and do not charge protection fees from the surrounding area.Therefore, many merchants tend to avoid Heihuling, and merchants from other places don't know about it, so they are out of luck.

"Well, the system has loaded the task again?"

Li Yu, who was on the horseback, only felt that there was a movement in his mind again, and immediately took a deep look, and sure enough, the system loaded a new task, fortunately, it was a non-mandatory task.

[Non-compulsory task: ride a horse across the Black Fox Ridge, eliminate harm for the people, behead the leader of the Black Fox Gang 'Black Fox' Wang Nanbiao, the task rewards 120 crit points. 】

"To do or not to do?"

Li Yu hesitated, 120 crit points is not too much, 80 crit points less than killing Feng Sanye.

But the opportunity to earn crit points is hard to come by.

"Forget it, if you do him, the more crit points you have, the better."

Immediately, Li Yu decided to complete this non-mandatory task.

On the way, Li Yu took a short rest and took a sip of the water he carried with him to quench his thirst and moisten his throat.

In fact, Li Yu's internal boxing has improved significantly these days, and this journey does not require rest.

It's just that he is considerate of the yellow puma under his crotch.

This kind of yellow pussy horse with 20 taels of silver is the most common horse. It can only run one or two hundred miles a day, and it needs to rest halfway.

"Heihu Ridge is ahead."

Glancing at the ancient road stele hidden in the grass by the side of the road, Li Yu became vigilant, and at the same time Huang Puma's speed slowed down a little.

These days, he went out to run darts and ride horses back and forth. Li Yu's riding skills also improved.

As soon as he retracted the reins, Huang Puma immediately slowed down.

"Haha, the little guy on the horse is quite cautious, but you should get off the horse obediently." In the woods beside the road, there was a loud laugh: "My brother from Heihuling, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

call out!
In the echo of laughter, there was a sound of piercing through the air and breaking the wind.

A stone was shot out in the air, carrying a strong force, and shot directly at Li Yu who was on the horseback.

For the Heihuling bandits guarding here, Li Yu was so young, and the cloth he was wearing was not bad.

Obviously dressed like a young master from a rich family.

Weak power, this is a good deal!

(End of this chapter)

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