Chapter 50

After receiving the side warning from the critical strike system, it didn't take long for Li Yu to have any extra thoughts.

His ears moved slightly, his brows furrowed, and he stared into the distance.

Under the moonlight, a large group of people came roaring from the official road not far away.

Through the gaps in the woods, you can intermittently see the advancing team, there are no.This kind of attire, compared with the ordinary people in the world, the momentum is too grand.

What is rare is that this group of people galloped forward, except for the sound of horseshoes, there was no extra sound.

"The members of the Green Snake Gang really shouldn't be underestimated. I'm afraid they are all the best fighters in the gang." Li Yu felt his heart suddenly heavy.

He could see that on the first horse of that group of people, the leading man was carrying a stone-blue pennant flying on his back. The flag was fluttering. It could be vaguely seen among the trees, with three black embroidered banners on it. The word, exactly, the three characters of Green Snake Gang.One of them is a strange green snake, meandering through the black characters, like a totem, it is naturally the gang symbol of the Green Snake Gang.

As the group of people passed through the gate of the city and approached from the west, Li Yu decisively took out three stones and threw them out.

The stone passed through the night sky and accurately hit the wooden frame for drying rice on the ground, making three sounds.

"Duk, duk, duk!"

This is the secret code agreed between Li Yu and the bodyguards.

Not long after, the men and horses of the Green Snake Gang passed through the West Street, and soon entered the street where the Qin's Bodyguard Bureau usually goes in and out.

Li Yu quickly bent down and leaned on the roof.Because it was nighttime, Li Yu lay down so low that it was really hard to see the people on the ground.However, being condescending, Li Yu sees each other's every move.

After all, the members of the Green Snake Gang didn't know that Li Yu had secretly learned of their night attack plan.

Within the field of vision, the big team of the Green Snake Gang arrived at the open space in front of the Qin's Escort Bureau.

Although the space is a little narrow, this group of people is obviously not ordinary mediocre hands, and they control the horses quite well. Apart from the occasional slight neighing of the horses, there is only the low sound of everyone jumping to the ground.

Everyone landed on the ground and quietly showed their weapons.

Then, following the leader, with a wave of his hand, thirty members of the Green Snake Gang jumped up on the ground, somersaulted over the wall, and entered the Qin's Escort.

When 30 people landed, there was only a slight landing sound.

"That's amazing. The people sent by the Green Snake Gang are much stronger than those path-cutters who blocked the road." Li Yu could see clearly, but he was also a little admired in his heart.This Green Snake Gang is indeed a well-known gang in Shangyu County. The number 31 who came tonight is enough to get a peek at the strength of their gang as a whole.

"However, if you wait for work with ease, this time, I, Qin's Escort Bureau, will teach you that you will suffer heavy losses." At the same time as Li Yu stood up, there was already a stack of throwing knives in Li Yu's hand.

In order to repel the sneak attack of the Green Snake Gang, this time, even if the flying knife stunt is exposed, there is no other way.

At this moment, under the house, the bodyguards of the Qin's Bodyguard Agency and the other party have already met face to face.

There was a sound of fighting with weapons, and occasionally there was a cry of pain.

Li Yu jumped down and landed on the corridor on the second floor, hiding behind the pillars, and when he occasionally saw someone who was alone, he shot a throwing knife.

The flying knife was as fast as lightning, and shot and killed the three opponents in an instant.

"Everyone, be careful!" The leader of the Green Snake Gang held a steel gun, but at this moment his brows were furrowed and his eyes were always staring at his surroundings.

In such a short moment, six or seven of the people he brought had already died.

Four of them were ambushed, but the other three were killed by flying knives.

The flying knives appeared and disappeared from nowhere, even if he was the deputy leader of the Green Snake Gang, he felt a little bit of fear.

"Which bastard, who has the guts to fight with Lao Tzu for [-] rounds and shoot cold arrows in secret, what kind of hero is he?" Liang Lu, the blood chasing gun, held a steel gun, looked around the surrounding houses, and shouted loudly.

"You Green Snake Gang will come and go tonight!" Li Yu's voice echoed throughout the Qin's Escort Bureau.

"No, they are prepared. Brothers, let's fight quickly!" Liang Lu, the deputy leader chasing the blood gun, suddenly came to his senses at this moment. He entered the bodyguard bureau and lost seven brothers before he had a cup of tea.



Facing the quiet Qin's Escort, the rest of the Green Snake Gang roared angrily.

At the same time, one by one, they rushed towards the house of the escort agency with fierce strides.

There is only one purpose, to kill, to kill all the people in Qin's bodyguard bureau.

The houses were kicked away, and those who had hidden people were killed as soon as they met each other.

Both sides have embraced the situation of life and death.

"Ah!" A cry of pain pierced the night sky.

Li Yu, who was hiding behind the pillar, turned pale in shock, and he recognized the voice of Escort Wang.

Escort Wang, as a martial artist in the late stage of body training, died just like this.

"Should die!" At this moment, Li Yu had already rushed out, with a flick of his toes, he went straight to the source of the cry of pain.

"Kill him!" Li Yu's appearance was seen by members of the Green Snake Gang.

Brush brush!
Seven or eight big men quickly surrounded Li Yu from all directions, surrounded Li Yu, and narrowed the circle at the same time.

They got to know Li Yu's face through the helper Xu Qing. After all, Xu Qing naturally treated the murderer of his own son extra special.

"Vice Chief Escort, be careful!" At this time, a Chen Escort who had been hiding in a nearby room showed up and shouted without hesitation.

However, a long sword flashed and pierced his throat.

Escort Chen's eyes widened in shock, and he fell to the ground straight.

He didn't expect that the opponent's sword was so fast.After all, he was about to step into the perfect state of body training, but who would have thought that a face-to-face meeting would mean death.

"Brother Chen!" Li Yu's face turned ferocious for an instant, and he appeared next to Escort Chen in a flash, but the latter's eyes were already slackened, and his arms were still warm.

"What a quick movement!"

Li Yu's dodge made the surrounding Green Snake Gang members show fear.

Even Liang Lu, the deputy gang leader with the title of chasing the blood gun, couldn't help swallowing.

Although he can see clearly the change in the opponent's movement, but at most he can only achieve a flat pace, and it is already impossible to surpass the opponent in terms of movement.


Liang Lu, chasing the blood gun, waved his palm suddenly.

Immediately, the weapons in the hands of seven or eight big men waved out in unison, looking at Li Yu.

Some look at the shoulders, some look at the back, some look at the head, some look at the arms, they are all different.

"None of you can leave alive!" While roaring, the green steel sword in Li Yu's hand moved instantly.

The cyan sword shadow turned into light and shadow, like a dragon.

As soon as they passed by, there was only a crisp crashing sound, and a pile of weapons all fell to the ground.

The seven or eight big men around were dumbfounded.

They are all warriors with perfect physical training, and in the Green Snake Gang, they are genuine gang elites.

But who would have thought that this shot was met by the opponent and knocked down the weapon.

"Death to me!"

At the moment when the other party was astonished, Li Yu's figure flashed, and the green steel sword on his right hand quickly stabbed out, turning into a blue curve, passing by the crowd.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Blood spattered one after another, staining the ground red.

The seven or eight big men all covered their throats with their hands, but blood still seeped out from between their fingers.

Their throats had already been cut by Li Yu's sword.

After Li Yu's swordsmanship realm broke through to the unity of human and sword, his sword speed was much faster than before, not to mention that he had already started the martial arts mode at this time.

With the blessing of three times the basic crit, these warriors with perfect body forging were all killed when they met each other.

(End of this chapter)

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