This hero will strike

Chapter 61 The Inner Strength of Changfeng School

Chapter 61 The Inner Strength of Changfeng School
After leaving the Qin's Escort, Li Yu rode on a yellow puma horse with the Yanying sword hanging from his waist, and rode forward, heading towards the agreed place with the other party.

On this road, in broad daylight, when passing through the official road of the county seat, Li Yu paid special attention to the scenes on the surrounding streets, but did not do anything special.Among the crowd, there were only ordinary pedestrians and some peddlers and peddlers, and there was no sign of the Shangye County Yamen's arrest.

"It seems that the Yamen has absolutely no intention of meddling in the Green Snake Gang's raid on my Qin's Escort." Li Yu withdrew his gaze, and then he understood in his heart.

The county lieutenant Zhang Yan and Xu Qing, the leader of the Green Snake Gang, had conspired secretly, which naturally limited the power of the government's yamen to intervene.

"That's fine, County Captain Zhang Yan may not know that Xu Qing is dead yet, but he will definitely know in a short time." Li Yu pondered all the way, left the county, and continued along the official road.

After advancing for about half a stick of incense, beside the official road, a tea shop built beside the road appeared in front of my eyes.

The tea shop is not big, there are a few guests sitting at the table silently drinking tea, eating dry food, and some eating pasta, they seem to be ordinary people.

The tea doctor, carrying a teapot, went through the aisle of tables, and when he saw that the teapots of some guests were empty, he would fill them up for them.

"It turns out that she came a long time ago." At this time, Li Yu's eyes stopped on a black figure at one of the tables.

A black figure, wearing a black silk dress on the upper body, and a black hollow skirt inlaid with gold threads on the lower body, and a short black sheathed sword pinned to the waist.

This person is Li Yu's client, Zhuo Qingyi, who is also the branch altar leader of the Changfeng Sect in Shangyu County.

"Dude, let's have a pot of Longjing."

Approaching the tea shop, Li Yu went straight to the black figure and sat down facing each other.

Yan Yingjian put it on the table, as if walking in the rivers and lakes.

Dr. Cha quickly brewed a pot of Longjing, brought it to Li Yu, put down the tea bowl, greeted him, and retreated obediently.

Li Yu took a look at the female employer opposite, and found that the other party was wearing a black veil, which covered her appearance, and she couldn't even see her forehead, only her shiny black hair. The quality is very good.In fact, people who practice martial arts have a strong body and are not bad. This hair is mainly nourished by qi and blood. With strong qi and blood, the hair is naturally black and shiny.

This insignificant detail also made Li Yu have a vague estimate of his martial arts.

Thinking about it, Li Yu took a sip of tea, and was about to say something to the other party in a low voice, when suddenly a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes, but he saw the other party's white index finger dipped in the tea, and wrote on the table: "Don't come out!" Sound, the enemy is at your side."

Li Yu was startled, swallowed the words that came to his mouth abruptly, and drank tea to cover it up.

This time the escort was to escort Lord Zhuo Tan to a secret place, but the other party did not say where the secret place was, but asked him to follow secretly and protect it.

It's just that I didn't expect such a scene to appear suddenly.

Moreover, the enemy's actions were unexpectedly quick, and he followed her side unknowingly.

Wei Bucha nodded, Li Yu picked up the tea bowl, drank tea silently, and at the same time looked at the nearby guests from the corner of his eyes.

Taking a closer look, Li Yu sighed secretly. He didn't pay much attention when he entered the store just now, but now he saw that the person on the other side was disguised quite skillfully.

If it wasn't for the fact that Teng Qingshan also had the experience of disguising in his consciousness of being a martial arts master, Li Yu himself might not be able to see it.

Like the table on the left, there are four men who seem to be dressed as businessmen, but their hands exposed on the table have obvious calluses, which are not from heavy work, but from long-term practice of boxing. The unique Wu cocoon under it.

After scanning the other tables, it was discovered that the people at the four tables around were not normal guests, and they all had signs of disguise.

Good guy, the whole tea shop is booked out, this is.

"Although these people have put on a certain level of camouflage, they haven't done it well. I don't know why." Li Yu pondered in his heart, while maintaining a normal look on his face.

A pot of Longjing tea can be finished quickly.

Li Yu made a look at the woman in the black dress opposite, went to the counter to pay the shopkeeper, put the broken silver into the middle of his belt, and walked out of the tea shop to lead his yellow escort horse.

Untying the reins tied to the horse post, Li Yu turned on the horse, suddenly clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and shouted: "Drive!"

The whip was raised high, and the whip slammed on the horse's buttocks.

Huang Jianma suddenly suffered from pain, raised his head and neighed, galloped on all fours, and rushed into the tea shop.

The guests who were still drinking tea immediately dodged away.

At this time, Li Yu shouted loudly: "Miss Zhuo, get on the horse!"

The woman in the black dress who was drinking tea suddenly slapped the table with her palm, stepped on the stool with both feet, leaped with all her strength, and flew towards Li Yu's yellow escort horse.

At the same time, clang clang...

The sound of the weapons being unsheathed almost at the same time.


At this time, the opponent also knew that the disguise had been seen through, so he simply showed his weapon and rushed towards the two of them.

"court death!"

Li Yu let out a low cry, and shot out the five flying knives in his left hand.

puff, puff, puff...

Five piercing sounds sounded one after another, and the five people who rushed to the front fell dead on the spot. It was no accident that a throwing knife that was more than half inserted was inserted into their chests.

"Where to go!"

A deep roar of anger resounded around, a black iron rod swept across and smashed towards Li Yu.

"Look down!"

Zhuo Qingyi's crisp voice sounded behind Huang Puma, Li Yu quickly lowered his head, the black iron rod, wrapped in a fierce wind, swept over his head, and went straight to Zhuo Qingyi behind him.

Facing the mighty iron rod that was swept by with one blow, Zhuo Qingyi's white right palm suddenly pushed out, and the deep inner strength passed through the space, unexpectedly blocking the iron rod forcibly within half a foot. In addition, the iron rod is not allowed to advance one centimeter.

"Let go!"

The sound of drinking was blurted out, and Zhuo Qingyi swung his right hand vigorously, and the owner of the black iron rod felt that the weapon in his palm was pulled away by a powerful force.

He grasped it with all his strength, only to feel that his skin was hot, as if on fire, and he couldn't help but let go of his palm.

The moment the palm was released, a few strands of blood swept out along with the strong wind.

At the same time, the black iron rod as thick as a teacup turned in a circle and was swept away. Finally, with a bang, it plunged into the soil next to it, and sank more than a foot.

Immediately, the two rode together, rushed out of the tea shop, and ran towards the official road.

Suddenly, a triumphant voice sounded out of thin air, echoing around.

"Is this the whirlwind inner strength of Changfeng Sect? Sure enough, let Xiao experience it. Hahaha!"

Accompanied by triumphant laughter, a cyan silk figure leaped out from a big tree in the distance and flew towards it.

It turned out that the enemy waiting for Li Yu and the others, apart from the group pretending at the tea shop, there was actually another expert lurking in the tree.

(End of this chapter)

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