Chapter 18

Obviously, as Lu Yi guessed, Jun Ruoyu came to him at this time because he really had other thoughts.

At the beginning, she was only worried about Lu Yi's death and that she would lose the chance of treatment, but when she saw Lu Yi defeating Ye Er and felt relieved, she also heard Ye Er's crazy words.

She quickly realized that there might be some secret behind this, just like Sun Li, she immediately thought of the other two sects of Baixiangyi, and her thoughts naturally moved accordingly.

After all, it is obvious that the other two sects are most likely to target the Zijing sect, and it just so happens that Jun Ruoyu's master's order is also related to this Tianyin sect.

That being the case, it was just a coincidence, and Lu Yi might also be under potential threats. Considering that Lu Yi already knew some of her secrets and was also a doctor of her inner demons, he naturally wanted to unite and act like this. You won't suffer any loss, and at the same time you can get a boost, so why not do it?

Say it again.

Lu Yi wouldn't just agree to Jun Ruoyu so directly.

For one thing, neither Lu Yi nor Jun Ruoyu knew who was behind Ye Er, and whether it had anything to do with the Tianyin faction.Secondly, this matter of cooperation is obviously not within the scope of Lu Yi's diagnosis and treatment, so even if Jun Ruoyu reveals the secrets of their sect, Lu Yi has to think it over and distinguish the pros and cons before making a decision.

In case the threats Zijingmen received this time had nothing to do with these two sects, and I agreed to Jun Ruoyu just because I scared myself, and had a grudge with the Tianyin sect, wouldn't it just add to my troubles in the future?
"Miss Jun, although I am also very curious about the reason why you came to Donghai, and now I heard that there seems to be some gap between your sect and Tianyin sect, but if I agree to you rashly, and later find out that this matter has nothing to do with Tianyin sect, Didn't I provoke another enemy for no reason?"

After hearing this, Jun Ruoyu shook her head: "Since I said that, I am sure of it.

The other sects may not be clear, but we know that the money master behind [Youjia Inn] in Jianghu is... the Tianyin sect. "

Lu Yi's heart moved.

Tianyin faction?
The sect that the queen mother once stayed in can be called "noble", could it be the root of "noble background" in Ye Er's heart?

"So that's how it is... If that's the case, then the Yinpai mastered the resources of the inn, and indeed had the opportunity and motive to set up eyes and ears to monitor the Jianghu of the Central Plains, and spy on the Zijingmen by the way."

Although he has never met anyone from the Tianyin School, Lu Yi's impression of the Tianyin School has declined.

It's not that he really thinks that the Tianyin Sect is behind the scenes, but when he thinks that the martial arts he practiced may be secretly recorded and spied on by the Tianyin Sect, he will not be able to develop a good impression of this sect.

Although he also knew that it was impossible for such a large sect as the Tianyin Sect to keep detailed records of every member of the rivers and lakes. It is estimated that no one would record such a super small person like Lu Yi, but no matter what he said, he would feel uncomfortable in his heart.

After thinking about this, Lu Yi felt that he could cooperate with Jun Ruoyu a little bit.

What he was more curious about was how the Spring and Autumn Misty Rain, a rivers and lakes sect in the south of the Central Plains, was connected with the Tianyin School, a sect in the northeast of the Central Plains.

"We have no enmity with the Tianyin faction, and we are even close." Jun Ruoyu said softly, "As for what I am doing this time... Actually, I came to the East China Sea and the Tianyin faction just for a Root [Bamboo Bow]."

bamboo bow?

"A bow and arrow made of bamboo?"

"It's not a crossbow, it's used for pulling strings." Jun Ruoyu continued to explain, "In the south of the Yangtze River, there is a musical instrument called Datong, which looks like an Erhu and is made of bamboo. use.

20 years ago, the former head of Tianyin was disturbed by the demonic sound, with a lot of demons in his heart and abnormal movements in his body and mind. In order to find a way to suppress, relieve and calm, he secretly sent his disciples to search for strange weapons and cherish musical instruments. Master begged for the sect's miraculous item to suppress the inner demons, and only then passed the most difficult period of time.

Now 20 years have passed, the former head of Tianyin has passed away, the Tianyin faction has become stronger, but the bamboo bow has not been returned for a long time...

The reason I came here is to find this thing. "


I roughly understand.

In fact, it is quite understandable, that is, more than 20 years ago, the Tianyin faction and Yanyumen cooperated with each other, and the Yanyumen might even live better. At that time, the Tianyin faction encountered difficulties, and the Yanyu faction came to help.

Now that 20 years have passed, the younger brother of that year has already made a fortune, climbed to the top of the royal family, and may even become the "leader", but the Misty Rain faction is still struggling in the south of the Yangtze River.

The bamboo bow is probably considered a treasure, and it may not be considered precious to today's Tianyin sect, but for Chunqiu Yanyu who is struggling in the south of the Yangtze River and wants to become the "leader", I am afraid that he cannot give up.

This is actually just a small matter. From the perspective of the process, it is not a big deal at all.

However, Jun Ruoyu has always been secretive and doesn't want people to know about it.

Lu Yi also generally understood.

On the one hand, the Tianyin faction was no better than them back then, and even the Tianyin faction asked them for help from the Yanyumen. It is estimated that the Yanyumen also had a little pride in their hearts, but now they are on the contrary, so naturally they don't want people to know.

Second, the Tianyin school has never considered replacing it voluntarily for 20 years, either it has completely forgotten about it, or...that is, it does not want to return it.

Presumably, the head of the Misty Rain Sect will not be in a good mood at this time.

Lu Yi also understood this feeling.

Lu Yi has also been borrowed money. Many times, if he does not ask for the money, he will not get it back at all. Sometimes, even if he asks, the other party will ask for a few more days.

There are also a lot of news about "Lao Lai" on the Internet. Occasionally, Lu Yi will feel bad when he takes a look at it.

"Today, I have already contacted the people from the Tianyin faction in Donghai City, and tomorrow, I am going to visit.

Lu Yi, you are very good at watching people. When I go tomorrow, you can go with me.By the way, you can also do some testing and look for clues to see if they are related to Ye Er, which can be regarded as... the best of both worlds, how about it? "

Lu Yi thought for a moment, thought for a while, and nodded.

Although even if you go to the resident of the Tianyin faction, you may not be able to find out the specific situation of the high-level members of the Tianyin faction, but they are the main members of the Tianyin faction in the city after all. Even if the Tianyin faction really wants to make trouble, it must be these people who help , Take a look, observe and observe the situation, it is quite good.


Lu Yi felt that this was still an opportunity, a chance to increase his understanding of Jun Ruoyu.

In the past two days, although he had a basic understanding of Jun Ruoyu, and even saw Jun Ruoyu's inner demons, but this was still only a basic understanding. Lu Yi only saw that Jun Ruoyu had inner demons, but I don't know what her demons look like.

Now he already knows that after calming down, Jun Ruoyu is far from being so irritable, and his thoughts are considered delicate, but this is not enough.

He guessed that he would not have the chance to go to the Spring and Autumn Misty Rain sect, so the opportunity to deeply discover the root cause of Jun Ruoyu's psychological problems is obviously gone, but even if he can't find the root cause thoroughly, he can study it from many aspects and look from the side.

In life, not only your own attitude towards yourself is important, but your attitude and reaction with other people is also a manifestation of a person's psychological problems. Before Lu Yi and Jun Ruoyu just chatted one-on-one, now they have the opportunity to observe Jun Ruoyu He felt that Yu should not miss the opportunity to communicate with other people for a long time.

After all, there is a chance to speed up the practice.

But before that—

"Yes, yes, but you have to pay more!"

Going out for medical treatment cannot be free.

"Isn't the previous one not enough?"

"It's another matter. Consultation and outpatient visits are not the same thing."

When Jun Ruoyu heard this, she couldn't help clenching her fist with her right hand, trembling for a while, and then silently began to pick up her pocket.

Lu Yi, it's worth the money she paid.

(End of this chapter)

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