Chapter 34

Donghai Yamen.

Sun Li and several colleagues were in a room with their hands behind their backs, listening to orders quietly. At this moment, a policeman ran behind him in a hurry with an anxious expression on his face, and whispered something in his ear.

Sun Li's complexion changed.

"Captain Sun, but what if?"

"My lord, some monsters have escaped from prison, please excuse me first."

"Oh?" The [adult] in Sun Li's mouth is an old gentleman who seems to be quite rich, about 50 or [-] years old, and looks and speaks quite kindly.

This person is the prefect of Donghai, whose surname is Sima, known as Sima Donghai and Sima prefect. After hearing what Sun Li said, he looked at the table for a while, thought for a while, raised his head again, and asked, "Which monster?"

"The jealous bird."

"Huh?" The prefect's face changed, "Why did he escape from prison?"

"It is said that the supervisors are not effective..."

"Ineffective supervision?" The eunuch pondered for a while, but did not rush to speak. He had some guesses in his heart, but did not rush to speak out, and instead said, "Okay, if that's the case, let Catcher Sun go first, don't let him That monster hurt people."

Sun Li clasped his fists in both hands and saluted the prefect, then his figure swayed, and with a flash of white light, he disappeared into the room without even a shadow to be seen.

After a while, Sun Li appeared at the place mentioned in the report.

He stood on the bridge and took a glance. Several policemen were confronting people. On the other side, the policeman in charge of appeasing the people was taking care of a little girl. Demon filth.Jealousy Bird was lying on the ground, but he had been impaled with a sharp weapon, apparently dead.

The monsters of the second heaven are dead after death, and naturally they cannot be "resurrected".

Beyond this.

It was Lu Yi and Jun Ruoyu.

Lu Yi didn't seem to be in a good condition, his body was covered in blood. Jun Ruoyu was treating him with internal energy, but Lu Yi was seriously injured, and internal energy alone could not heal him.

Sun Li dodged, and in an instant, he was several feet away, and arrived among the many arresters.

A group of people were startled, no one saw how Sun Li got there, they just felt that Sun Li appeared here in a flash.

"Boss—" A group of arresters hurriedly saluted.

"What's going on?" Sun Li asked.

"Chief arrester, this woman forcibly killed the jealous bird regardless of our previous obstruction—"

The policeman seemed a little annoyed: "I already yelled at her to stop her, but she didn't care about it and killed her!"

"Hmph, are the imperial court's arresters like you!? This monster kills and eats people, why not kill him!" Jun Ruoyu was naturally violent, "Don't talk about killing him, if you stop me, I will kill you!" What if I fight with you!"

"Killing is also a matter of the court, what does it have to do with you and other Jianghu people!"

The catcher was very dissatisfied.Especially since Jun Ruoyu didn't give him any face, he was even more annoyed.

Sun Li glanced at Jun Ruoyu, who glared at him angrily, without any fear of him.

"The jealous bird will produce a kind of demon feather, which can be made into a very powerful bow and arrow after washing." Sun Li said softly.

At this time, Lu Yi was healed by Jun Ruoyu's internal energy. Although he was not healed, he gradually came back to his senses, and happened to hear such a sentence.

"Yes, chief arrester, it is precisely because of these reasons that I made my voice..." the arrester continued.

However, what Sun Li said next was not what he imagined.

Seeing a white light, the arrester felt dizzy for a while, he spun around a few times, fell to the ground, almost fell upside down, and made a mess.

"Lu Yi, I lied to you before."

Lu Yi slowly raised his head to look at Sun Li, but he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Actually, the reason why most of the monsters are not killed is not because the imperial court wants them to [reform], nor is it because the imperial court will advance money to diagnose and treat them.

The real reason is that most monsters, apart from being terrifying, also have their special features.

This jealous bird was a disciple of a wandering monk in the past. Just because he was jealous of his brother, he made a big mistake, killed people and seized treasures, and finally turned into a demon.

The former chief arrester personally arrested him, and wanted to choose a day to rectify the law, but at that time the court was mired in the quagmire of war, and Donghai City also lacked funds and property. For the sake of the soldiers, the former prefect secretly sent people to restrain him, becoming a A resource of Donghai City, specializing in the production of strong feather arrows, and compiled a team of elites. "

Lu Yi frowned, but at this moment, he could understand completely.

During the war, not to mention the danger of monsters, it is estimated that all kinds of more insidious things can be used.Maybe in the war of this world, throwing demon hearts into the camp commanded by the enemy general is also a method of war.

No wonder there is a group of dangerous monsters around.

"But—" Sun Li changed the subject, "No matter what it was, no matter what this monster is, if he kills, he deserves to die!"

He glanced at the unhappiness on the side, and said in a cold tone: "I, a citizen of Wei, have suffered for too long, and I also know that you are protecting Donghai's property.

But you also have to remember, when we catch up, the first thing we need to protect is people!

Common people, people from the rivers and lakes, and even foreign races, as long as they set foot on our land in the Central Plains, they must never be harmed by evil spirits. "

The policeman stood up in embarrassment, saluted Sun Li together with several other policemen, and shouted solemnly: "Yes!"

"Go and deal with the scene!" Sun Li didn't press their heads, telling them to apologize to Jun Ruoyu.


After saying that, a group of arresters quickly ran away to deal with their affairs.

Sun Li sighed a little. On the way he came, he had already seen three or four dead bodies, all of whom were brutally killed by the envious bird in order to replenish his internal energy, and sucked into mummies.

With his fist behind his back, he kept trembling, and a burst of white light appeared on his body, shining on Lu Yi and Jun Ruoyu. The serious injury on the body has not been healed, but the body has relaxed a lot, and the internal energy seems to have fully recovered.

Sun Li glanced around and said, "Lu Yi, it looks like you took out that bird's beak, why did you think of doing this?"

"Catcher Sun, cough, cough—" Lu Yi opened his mouth, but couldn't help coughing. Jun Ruoyu immediately patted Lu Yi on the back, and Lu Yi took a breath and continued, "That day You took me to visit the yamen dungeon, and I happened to see this monster. Although you didn't explain it, I saw that all the limbs of this monster were bound.

After meeting him, I found out that he can suck the blood of people dry in a special way, with his claws, so I thought of this. "

Now it seems that binding his hands and hanging upside down in the air is to prevent his limbs from releasing that weird martial arts, and to facilitate the collection of his feathers.

Sun Li nodded in praise: "Smart...


If it were any other time, I would be very happy to see that you were just reminded by me and you broke through the next day, but I didn't expect that the yamen would harm you again. "

Sun Li looked a little uncomfortable.

He glanced around again. Naturally, he had already seen the footprints and traces on the bridge and under the bridge, and said, "Lu Yi, you really impress me. Judging from the battle situation around here, you should have been on the road at the beginning. On the bridge, seeing the people on the other side being attacked by monsters, they jumped directly to save them.

On the other side, that little girl also saved a baby girl, right?
I thought you were a grumpy little girl, and being with Lu Yi every day would hurt Lu Yi, but I didn't expect that you also have a chivalrous heart. "

This made Jun Ruoyu very embarrassed.

She had just saved someone, so she had no idea at all, it was all under Lu Yi's command.

But no matter how strong Sun Li is, it is impossible to go back in time after all. Naturally, he couldn't hear what Lu Yi was saying at that time, so he could only deduce it from the traces at the scene.

In fact, Sun Li really wanted to invite Lu Yi to the Yamen.

But today, a group of police officers clashed with Jun Ruoyu indiscriminately, but they didn't know to check Lu Yi's injury, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Sun Li and Jun Ruoyu even know how to save people, but at a time like this, you police officers, are you thinking about the imperial court's property?

This disappointed him, but it was impossible for him to punish them at this time, so he could only teach them slowly later.

But in this way, he couldn't speak to Lu Yi immediately.

"Lu Yi, it's my fault for waiting for the yamen again this time. I will send someone to bring you the elixir later, so that you won't suffer any hidden injuries or misfortunes." Sun Li said.

"Thank you, Butou Sun... But, Butou Sun, I still have one thing I don't understand."

"Just ask."

"It's like this... Although this demon is acting very strangely, it seems that it is specially aimed at me..."

"So it's like this?" Sun Li's complexion was even worse, "This jealous bird has two states, one is quiet thinking and the other is jealousy.

When he hears a person's deeds for a long time, their performance is very good, or someone around him discusses that a certain person is particularly good, or expresses jealousy, he will remember that person in his heart...

Once he's out of control, he's on the hunt from the last jealous person he heard.

Hmph... It seems that the group of boys in the prison are talking about you behind their backs. "

Now Sun Li couldn't speak at all.

Thinking of how many boys in the prison kept talking about Lu Yi behind his back, causing Lu Yi to be marked by a demon, it was impossible for Sun Li to invite Lu Yi rashly.

Otherwise, when the time comes, he, a stranger who is alone in a foreign land, will be squeezed out by others, how can he be happy?

Lu Yi coughed twice and spit out another mouthful of blood, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

"Strange, Inspector Sun, since this is the case, this should be something that all the arresters know about?"


"According to the logic, there should be rules in the yamen, you can't mention people's names in the prison at will, right?"

"There used to be a monster who needed to mention his mother's name every now and then, but now that monster has been executed, so there is really no need to nominate it again..."

"I guess... just can't nominate, but if everyone wants to chat, there will always be a feeling of mentioning a few names... Then, could it be [that person] [this person] [X catcher] [X Boss] 】so?"

"Huh...?" Sun Li was quickly confused by Lu Yi's question, and could only keep nodding.

"Under such circumstances, the monster came directly at me when it came out of the prison, and attacked me in advance. It was Miss Jun who protected me, so I was not killed by a sneak attack... That is to say, the monster was flying out When I was there, I knew my location and my name—and it was confirmed that there is no same name, which is my situation.”

Sun Li's complexion became worse and worse.

"It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, it should be that the demon is out of the prison, arresting and questioning people first, and figuring out who I am and where I am before they can do anything to me, right?"

"...I see." Sun Li nodded slowly with a solemn expression, "Lu Yi, you are seriously injured, you should rest first."

"I will [specially] find someone to deliver the medicine to you." He emphasized the word "specially", implying that Lu Yi had already understood.And he was going to find another trustworthy person to deliver medicine to Lu Yi.

"Thank you, Catcher Sun, for your concern." Lu Yi also breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, before that, can I go and see what's going on with that little sister?" Lu Yi pointed not far away, where several police officers were frantically comforting the child, obviously they were inexperienced.

"Of course." Sun Li nodded slowly, watched Lu Yi leave, and said to his subordinates who had just arrived, "Be careful, don't let the bad guys take away the demon's filth and pollute other places."

The head catcher nodded repeatedly.

Afterwards, Sun Li turned around, with a sullen face, and walked away.

If there is any police officer who wants to kill Lu Yi, he must let him know that he is not a good old man who has come down from the battlefield! !
Lu Yi was able to walk by himself, and came to the little girl with Jun Ruoyu.

The little girl was still a little scared at first, but when she saw Jun Ruoyu approaching, she immediately slowed down, hugged Jun Ruoyu excitedly, and shouted "Sister, Sister" to her, which made Jun Ruoyu very embarrassed.

Just like those junior sisters from Yanyumen and Tianyin School, these girls seem to like Jun Ruoyu very much, but this time, Jun Ruoyu is not afraid, but feels relieved.

"That's great... that's great..." Jun Ruoyu seemed more excited than the little girl, she was a very cold-looking person, but crystal tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yi noticed that the inner demon surrounding Jun Ruoyu slowly turned into a phantom.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

And just when the phantom of the heart demon became less solid, Lu Yi unexpectedly saw a large cloud of black energy pouring into Jun Ruoyu's body from Jun Ruoyu's body.

His inner qi began to grow crazily, more crazily than ever before, so crazy that even the bone injuries in his body recovered slightly, so crazy that he felt his inner qi doubled in an instant!
What surprised him even more was that he actually intercepted Jun Ruoyu's heart demon [for the second time]!
Although it was the exact same heart demon, Lu Yi was surprised to understand after a short look—this is a brand-new heart demon martial art different from the previous "Yan Suo Gong", another new heart demon martial art!
Jun Ruoyu's inner demon actually has two or even more inner demon martial arts! ?
Moreover, he could obtain the heart demon martial arts again after completely dismantling Jun Ruoyu's heart demon?

In fact, Lu Yi just learned the [Smoke Lock Kung Fu] that he used just now to make the monster hit the "wall".Lu Yi didn't even study it as many times as he studied "Zangying Strike". He hasn't figured out the true effect of this move yet. At this time, there is another kind of martial art of heart demon. How can he not be surprised? ?How can I not be happy?


Although excited, compared to Jun Ruoyu's state, these things that make him happy have become a little more ordinary.

After a while, under Jun Ruoyu's comfort, the little girl followed the policeman and left, and she seemed to have let go of a heavy burden, and her figure relaxed a lot.

After a while, as if she suddenly remembered something, she suddenly woke up and turned to look at Lu Yi.

Could it be that Lu Yi deliberately asked himself to save someone just now?

She opened her mouth to ask.

However, this time, Lu Yi didn't speak. He just smiled quietly and shook his head slightly at her.

Lu Yi really didn't think so much.

He just... simply doesn't want to see other people get hurt.

He just, purely, instinctively wants to help those who are weaker than him.

He couldn't help being a little amused.

He had just entered the "Second Heaven" of warriors, and was almost beaten to death when he met a monster of the same realm. Why did he want to be a hero?

Maybe I'm crazy too?


He tidied up his clothes and didn't regret it.

There is no one who is not crazy to practice martial arts!
(End of this chapter)

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