Chapter 52

Judging from the phantom behind Ying Lan, she obviously does have demons.

But although she has inner demons, she is obviously different from Jun Ruoyu. She held her mouth shut before speaking, but after she opened her mouth, she seemed to turn on the switch of the box, asking questions non-stop.

"The uncle said just now that you encountered demons twice in the city? Is it true?"

"Uncle also said that you have a good relationship with Senior Sister Jun? Is it true or not? I think Senior Sister Jun has always kept strangers away."

"But Senior Sister Jun is really handsome. She is also a woman, but her words and deeds seem to be really special...Anyway, she is very powerful."

It seems that the disciples of Tianyin School like Jun Ruoyu very much.

This seems to be quite normal.

After all, the Tianyin Sect are all women, and they rarely see men on weekdays, but Jun Ruoyu's dress and behavior are more masculine due to personal reasons, and her appearance is also quite outstanding, attracting some younger men. Girl, it's not hard to imagine.

These things were not secrets, so Lu Yi answered every question very simply.

"Demons... are they really that scary?" She put her hands on her lap, leaned her head against the table, and looked at Lu Yi sideways on her stomach.

"Scary... um... I don't know how to describe it."

Lu Yi recalled his previous two experiences, he could only frown, hesitantly, and said slowly: "Actually, it's more...weird, right?

To be honest, although I seem to have earned a lot of life because of these two experiences, I really don't think it is a good thing.

The previous time, when Jun Ruoyu and I were strolling in the city, a monster with bird wings suddenly fell from the sky, relying on its height, it attacked everything around us wantonly. Someone caught it, and sucked a large living person into a mummy in an instant.

That feeling is very uncomfortable.

It was obviously by the water, the person was wet as a whole, but after being stepped on by that envious bird, it was like a sponge being squeezed crazily, slowly shrinking and drying, and then being wiped out like a rag. Feel free to throw away...

I... I can't describe how I felt at the time, only angry and disgusted. "

Lu Yi frowned and spoke slowly.

Listening to his description, Ying Lan gradually seemed to think of the scene that Lu Yi said, her expression gradually became a little uncomfortable, she seemed to be disgusted, she sat up abruptly.

"Oh—I'm sorry." Lu Yi noticed her appearance, and only then came back to his senses.

Because when he was attacked by the jealous bird, he was really shocked by the scene, so he still remembers it vividly until now.

Although he likes to observe others, seeing a living person die like this directly in front of him really makes him too disgusted, and it also arouses some instinctive desires for protection in him as a human being.

So when talking about this matter, he was a little out of control and didn't close the scope of the topic.

Ying Lan shook her head slowly and said, "Nothing."

Afterwards, she stood up again, bowed to Lu Yi, then cupped her fists with both hands, and said, "Please forgive Ying Lan for being impolite just now, Big Brother Lu is indeed a friend of Senior Sister Jun, I was the one who caught a glimpse of the leopard before, and I didn't see the real face, so I misunderstood Brother Lu."

Lu Yi chuckled a little in surprise.

Don't say anything else.

Ying Lan's temper is much better than Jun Ruoyu's.

After that, Ying Lan sat down again, put her legs together, and looked at Lu Yi squarely:

"Well...Brother Lu, can you continue talking?"

Seeing her serious look, Lu Yi guessed a little, and then continued to tell Ying Lan about the previous two experiences.

There is nothing to say about the ability of the jealous bird. Although the wings are combined with the "beak" that can absorb human blood, although it is very strong, it is not new when you take it apart. On the contrary, Ye Er, Lu Yi explained in more detail.

"Since I came to the Central Plains, I have been staying at an inn."

"Ah, I know, it is the property of our Tianyin Sect."

Lu Yi laughed, and continued: "Well, Ye Er is the waiter of that inn.


In fact, I never thought that he would turn into a monster.

I just arrived in the Central Plains with no money. After selling some things, I got some money in exchange, but I didn't know how to distribute it. After I found a cheap place like Youjia Inn, I met Ye Er.

He is very enthusiastic on weekdays, he feels that he is not a bad person at all, and he often tells me where things are cheap and where people are not easy to provoke...

Sigh...he saw me as a stranger who didn't understand some customs and etiquettes of the Central Plains, and taught me a lot. "

Lu Yi didn't think about it before, he only thought that he would have some etiquette in the world of martial arts, but now it seems that this is not the case.As a disciple of Confucianism, it is only natural for Ye Er to understand these things.

"Then Ye Er is still a good person?" Ying Lan is still relatively young, and the distinction between people is relatively simple, only good and bad.

Lu Yi shook his head: "Whether it's good or bad, I don't know.

Now that he has turned into a monster and has lost his own consciousness, I can't see what he is like.


Now, due to a factor, his temperament has changed drastically, his figure is distorted, hunched, covered with hair, sharp teeth, and madly trying to kill me.Also, it's not the 'Ye Er' I know anymore. "

Ying Lan listened attentively and imagined for a while.

Suppose the senior sister who gets along well with me and takes good care of me on weekdays, suddenly one day her temperament changes drastically, some weird things grow on her body, and she wants to kill herself all day long.

She shivered subconsciously, only feeling that many goose bumps appeared on her skin.

Is this obsession?

Will I be like this in the future?

There was fear and confusion in her heart.


She subconsciously held her snare drum and rubbed it slowly a few times, as if she was washing the drum.

Lu Yi observed it.

It seems that this is a habitual action of Ying Lan?

Ying Lan's movements were not fast, and after a while, she came back to her senses, put down the things in her hand, looked at Lu Yi again, and continued to ask questions.

It's obviously not a good topic, but she seems very interested, and she herself is indeed similar to what Huan Yinxian said. She really "was a very lively girl", so she opened her mouth on some other topics related to this topic Inquiring, it seems interested.

She asked some questions related to demons, Lu Yi could understand, after all, Ying Lan's state obviously did have demons, so it was normal to pay more attention to these things.

However, asking some people who are related to monsters, but seem to have seen and experienced monsters, made Lu Yi a little confused and puzzled.

It seems that she cares more about the demons than the demons, those who have been attacked by demons or experienced demon riots, but she doesn't care much about the demons themselves.

This feeling is actually very weird.

Although Lu Yi hasn't finished studying "The Sutra of Delusion", he is still an experienced person after all. As the saying goes, he is familiar with the second time. He has met several patients with inner demons, even if he has never learned the theoretical basis of inner demons. Now he can be regarded as a "doctor of heart demon".

Ying Lan's reaction was obviously different from Jun Ruoyu, Ye Er's, and Li Lu's. Jun Ruoyu was clearly aware of the demon's crisis, and even made preparations to let Lu Yi kill her in advance, but before that, she herself, But there was no reaction, and he didn't even feel that he would be demonized so quickly, and he was still trying to solve his troubles.

In her mind, the monster is more of a possibility and future, and she doesn't know when it will happen.

But Ying Lan is different.

Her current reaction seems to be thinking more about "what happens after the demon".

It's like, she's pretty sure she has demons, she's pretty sure she'll be demonized.

Among them, she is most concerned about the issues related to the dead...

I am convinced that I will become a demon, I am very concerned about other people's lives, I am afraid that people will suddenly disappear in front of my eyes, and I don't want to tell people in the sect...

In addition, Huanyinxian said before that Ying Lan is lively, cheerful, talented, and seems to be very kind.

that won't...

After answering her question again, Lu Yi saw that she was lost in thought and seemed to be thinking about some new question. After hesitating for a moment, he asked slightly hesitantly, "Miss Ying."

"What's wrong?" Ying Lan looked back at Lu Yi with clear eyes.

Lu Yi was still very hesitant, he didn't know whether he should ask this question, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still asked: "Miss Ying, you won't kill someone, right?"

! !
When Ying Lan heard Lu Yi's question, her body trembled more obviously, her hands clenched instantly, her body tensed, her pupils dilated, and she looked at Lu Yi speechlessly.


"Lu Yi, what are you talking about?" The moment Lu Yi spoke, a voice suddenly appeared beside him.

At some point, Immortal Huanyin actually appeared in front of him and interrupted the conversation instantly.

"Xiaolan has lived in the sect since she was a child, and she hardly leaves the sect. She is kind-hearted and won't even hurt birds and animals. How can she kill someone?
You must be mistaken. "

"Uncle!" Ying Lan looked at the Huan Yinxian who suddenly appeared in shock, and screamed out loud, and then, as if she was dumb, she stopped speaking in an instant and turned her head away.

Huan Yinxian has too many martial arts, Gao Luyi and Ying Lan, she wants to find a way to hide her body with her voice when Lu Yi and Ying Lan are talking, and create illusions to blend into the room, it is too easy.

Ying Lan is the future star of their Tianyin Sect, how could she not pay attention?
But this—

Ying Lan's inner demon was completely aroused, and the phantom of the inner demon in Lu Yi's eyes instantly swelled up, as if a lot of black mist appeared, which made people feel uneasy.

At the same time, Lu Yi screamed like a groundhog in his heart.

Senior ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

He couldn't bear it.

Obviously, when Lu Yi ventured to ask this question, although Ying Lan was shocked, her inner demon was actually quite calm.

But after Huan Yinxian suddenly appeared, she instantly realized that Huan Yinxian had listened to her previous conversation with Lu Yi, which instantly aroused her resistance and anger, and made her demons soar.

This kind of accident outside of technology and medical treatment is unavoidable and unacceptable to Lu Yi.

Huan Yinxian didn't understand the reason, seeing Ying Lan hugging her shoulders and trembling on the spot, she thought it was Lu Yi who had asked the secret in her heart, so she hurried forward and hugged Ying Lan gently, but she didn't realize that Ying Lan had become more fearful.

"Lu Yi, your knowledge is really genuine, but Xiaolan seems to be unable to face it so quickly, I will trouble you this time...

Music! "

she yelled.

There was a sound of rapid climbing downstairs.

"Master?" Qin Yin panted slightly, his chest rose and fell slowly, and spoke.

"Send Lu Shaoxia away, don't be rude, oh, remember to pay more, Doctor Lu does have the real stuff."

"Senior!??" Lu Yi stood up and shouted.

Lu Yi couldn't take it anymore.

But looking at Qin Yin who was running up in a hurry and still panting, and then looking back at Immortal Huanyin who showed a firm attitude, he finally sighed.

Forget it, although he guessed a little bit, he still hasn't dismantled Ying Lan's inner demons, haste makes waste, so let's get here first.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Ying Lan who was nervous, narrowed his eyes slightly, seemed to think of something, stepped back a few steps until he reached the door, then hugged and bowed with both hands, and bowed to Immortal Huanyin twice , and bowed to Ying Lan: "Since that's the case, then Lu Yi won't bother you much, and leave."

Ying Lan trembled all over, watching Lu Yi's movements, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

After Lu Yi left, Huan Yinxian looked at his nephew, raised his hand gently, and stroked Ying Lan's hair: "Don't be afraid, don't worry... Lu Yi is a righteous man, a man of virtue , the medical ethics are trustworthy, and if I received the consultation fee from the Tianyin Sect, I will naturally not spread it everywhere...

If you really killed someone, he wouldn't talk nonsense. "

She slowly wiped the sweat off Ying Lan's forehead again, and said slowly: "I still remember that you like to eat squirrel fish, and my uncle will cook it for you personally. You should be alone first, and I will eat it later." I'll come."

Ying Lan kept nodding her head, hoping that she would leave soon.

Seeing that she still reacted, Huan Yinxian breathed a sigh of relief, and finally left the room slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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