Chapter 32

"Sir, this..."

Ding Xiu opened his mouth but had nothing to say.

"No matter how I treat it, it still can't compare to the concept that has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and the incense and affection passed down by more than ten generations of ancestors..."

"Although the Dali Dynasty has already declined, but it has not yet reached the point where the building is about to collapse. If it is not desperate, no one in the world is willing to be a traitor."

"Your Majesty can entrust Jin Yiwei to me so reassuringly and boldly, is it not for this reason?"

"Is the word "True Heavenly Son and the Army" an empty phrase?"

Luo Porridge laughed at himself and said that he knew a long time ago that his identity would become the biggest constraint in the future, so he never stopped his determination to clean the interior of Jinyiwei.

It's just that there was no suitable person earlier, and the appearance of Qinglong just gave him a perfect opportunity.

"As you said, it's not bad for Beizhen Fusi to become a tool that only knows how to kill people under orders. After all..."

"There are only instruments in the world that have no feelings!"

"They only know how to kill people!"

"Don't ask the reason, just ask the time, place and who..."

Luo Porridge inexplicably thought of the words that Qinglong said softly, as for whom to order, it was naturally his own, after all the absolute loyalty instilled in the book of characters is far better than imperial power.

Earlier, someone who was as loyal and righteous as Eunuch Cao could shout out respectful words to welcome the Holy Lord Bintian, how could he, Qinglong, not draw his saber at the man on the dragon chair?

"Ding Xiu obeys!"

"When Qinglong returns and takes over as the governor of Beizhen, you will cooperate with him to pick out a group of death row prisoners and orphans from various places in Dali, and let him personally train and train them..."

Luo Porridge had a good idea and directly ordered that the method of cultivating Gu inside Jinyiwei in the play produced elites far beyond what the current batch of people can match.

As for loyalty,

Over there, Jin Yiwei's brainwashing method is a bit better than that of the clan's training dead soldiers. As far as I am concerned, I just need to change their names after they obey someone's order.

In addition, the set of Jinyiwei array created by Qinglong himself has been coveted for a long time. Even Qinglong, the creator, can be trapped for a short time, and it is not so easy for other ordinary third ranks. broke.

It doesn't take long to think that Fusi's overall strength in Beizhen will be greatly improved.

When the horse steps into the rivers and lakes in the future, it will be regarded as an extra card when facing the masters of the many sects, or besieging and killing the followers of those aristocratic families.

"Officer, accept the order!"

Hearing these blunt rebellious words, Ding Xiu still accepted it solemnly. After all, he was not much different from Qinglong. He had already stepped on the Luo family, the biggest thief ship in the world, so there was no way out. .

"Well, get up, if you have free time in the future, you can chat with Qinglong more, after all, Jin Yiwei will not be able to do without you and your two governors."

"Yes, my lord!"

"However, I still have a question."

Ding Xiu got up and thought for a while and continued: "It's good for ordinary officials and Tiqi to be tools that only know how to kill people, but what about the monitoring and burying of dishes in the Zhenfu Division?"

"If you mix together for a long time, you will inevitably lose your original ability to eat under the influence of ups and downs..."

"Just wait for a while."

"Wait for Qinglong to go over and change their minds."

"When the time is right, I will select those people individually and hand them over to other people for management. From now on, Beizhen Fusi only needs to do one thing well."

Luo Porridge murmured, the figure in the character book has already appeared in his mind, but the current luck value is a bit stretched, and the lucky draw also has an element of luck in it, so we have to wait for an opportunity.

As for the current group of young officials in Jinyiwei, they can use it for the time being. For now, they are still very obedient. If that day really comes...

Let's see if they can be as knowledgeable as Wang Ruling.

"Your Excellency has long been concerned, but the lower officials are more concerned."

After hearing this, Ding Xiu cupped his hands and said.

"Well, even if the regulations for this matter are set like this."

"Go back and do what you told me to do."

"It seems that I haven't closed my eyes for a long time. I have been killing people these few days, or I am on the way to kill people. I have no free time. I missed today's morning court..."

"Tonight, you have to rest well and get enough energy."

"Tomorrow morning, I have to report to His Majesty."

"By the way, explain the truth to those ministers..."

Luo Porridge raised his head and looked at the completely dark sky, then stretched his waist and said, after suddenly relaxing, his whole body was full of tiredness.

I have to say that it is really exhausting and laborious to do the job of killing people all the time as an errand in Jinyiwei. It is still easy to stand in the court hall and grind your mouth. It is also very interesting to think.

read here,

Luo Congee was vaguely looking forward to the morning court tomorrow.

Although in the end, I still have to pretend to be my grandson in front of the emperor, complaining my heart out like Wang Ruling, even thinking about it makes me feel a little disgusted.

But I have never had the heroic spirit of those decent protagonists in TV dramas, who are upright, would rather die than surrender, and do not kneel to the sky or kneel to the ground.

If you bow your knees for a while, you can exchange for the powerful power in the future, which is not bad, not to mention that it is not bad to be that man's eagle dog for a while, at least you can use the eagle dog's skin to gain power for a while.

wait until,

eat more
With strength,

It's not too late to break free from that chain.


The next day,


outside the palace gate,
"Oh, absurd, really absurd..."

Li Zhijie looked at the somewhat empty long street, and felt quite uncomfortable, counting the number of people who went to court carefully, it was more than one-fifth less.

Inexplicably recalling the scene of yesterday's morning court in his mind, he couldn't help but let out a low sigh, and he still remembered the moment when the news about Hanlu Pavilion and Yongle Street was reported to the hall together.

It is said that the vibration of the whole dynasty is considered light, it is almost like an earth dragon turning over, and almost did not lift the hall.

Although everyone knows that His Majesty's use of that boy from the Luo family as the command envoy is to kill people and gain power and wipe out the rear party, and he has already prepared in his heart, but you have to follow the rules.

Even he didn't expect that in just two days, he killed six departments, two ministers, and dozens of officials...

Counting the family members, there are thousands of people!
Even if they make an exception first, you can kill people directly without following the rules, but anyway, everyone is an official in the same dynasty, so you have to give them a face before you die, right?

In reality, the body of Xie Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry was separated, and the remaining half of his body was kicked to the ground. Dozens of officials, big and small, from Yongle Street were beheaded together.

What's even more hateful is that the boy from the Luo family still didn't let go of his anger after killing people, and actually smashed their corpses into ashes together. This damn thing is even more wicked than digging up people's ancestral graves.

In the end, the thief still made a good name, saying that he was thinking of the people of Shangjing to prevent the plague from breeding, and he also had the intention of asking for credit, which is simply insane!
At the end, Feng Linqing, the Minister of the Ministry of War who fell into his hands the first time, walked the most peacefully, and at least he fell into a dead body...

(End of this chapter)

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