Chapter 50 The biggest villain in the world
In front of the government office,
"Master Zhang, Mr. Zhang, is this place familiar?"

Luo Conge tightened the reins, looked away from the plaque with the words "impartiality and selflessness" written in front of the Yamen of Shangjing, and asked the disheveled middle-aged man under the horse.

"Master Luo, you are joking."

"How can you not be familiar with the place where the lower officials work?"

The middle-aged man forced a smile and said, maybe after coming down from the White Horse Temple, he had seen too much with this murderer in the past few hours, so he wanted to say a few tough words, but he really couldn't lift his spirits. There is also a bit of humility and cowardice in the words.

"Is this the place where hundreds of women's contracts of prostitution are signed?"

"Speaking of it, the teeth and filthy people who are scolded by people poking their spines are no match for Mr. Zhang's finger."

Luo Congee teased.

"Lord Luo, in the final analysis, this is a world where individuals cannibalize people. Ordinary people have no power and no power, just like the little shrimps, who are eaten by small fish like officials, and big fish like Baima Temple, who are also eaten by adults." Did you swallow it all like a whale swallowing the sea?"

"In this world, how can there be any justice at all?"

Zhang Xiancheng looked at the plaque and smiled wryly.


"But, I think there is still justice in this world."

"Just not in the law of the heart,"

"Only in this knife in my hand!"

Luo Congee gently caressed the long and narrow blade of the Xiuchun Knife with his fingers.

Zhang Xiancheng didn't refute when he heard the sound, but just listened quietly.

"Actually, I am quite puzzled."

"From the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, to the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, to the abbot of the White Horse Temple, or you, no matter who you pick out, you have no worries about food and clothing, and even respect your status. If you don’t try to die, you will be swallowed easily.”

"But why do you have to take the risk of losing your head, climb up by all means, rack your brains to get money, and even do those dirty things."

Luo Porridge asked aloud, after all, when I first came to this world, I just wanted to be a dandy, and lived my life rich and noble. In the end, I was really forced to do nothing, so I lived to death, But they are different from themselves, they obviously have more and better choices.

"Is your greed really that strong?"

"Why do ordinary people know how to be satisfied?"

In fact, Luo Porridge already had his own answer in his heart, but it was based on what he had seen and heard in his previous life, and he still wanted to hear what the officials of this world thought.

"My lord Luo, you don't know about this. Of course, those common people who are miserable in this world also want money and want to be famous, but it's only when they are poor, when they are down and out, they really reach the point where they have no worries about food and clothing and feel proud of themselves." There is no motivation to keep going up..."

"Because they can think that things will come to an end, and they can't think of what kind of life to go up, even if they rack their they are quite easy to be satisfied."

"What's more, the daily necessities of daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, all kinds of expenses for food, clothing, housing and transportation, plus all kinds of exorbitant taxes, make ends meet at the end of the year, and there is no way to be lazy or think too much..."

"Even if someone can stand out from the crowd, those wine shops, gambling houses, and Goulan cottages that are blooming everywhere are the gentle homes left by the court for them. After all, when people have enough food and clothing, their minds will inevitably wander, so the court has to give They had some fun, they had a lot of fun, their minds were confused, and their spirits naturally disappeared..."

Zhang Xiancheng said eloquently that the imperial court's methods are quite vulgar, but there are mostly ordinary people in the world, so they have been quite useful throughout the ages.

Luo Congee listened quietly without interrupting.

"But people like Xiaguan are different. In the final analysis, most of them are from famous families. They have stood on the top of the mountain since the day they were born. They don't have many constraints. They have seen better scenery and enjoyed a life that ordinary people can't match. ..."

"In terms of financial resources, those lowly and humble tyrants can still occupy the land with three wives and four concubines, and have many servants. As for us, the lives of these aristocratic families that have been passed down for hundreds of years are even more unimaginably extravagant. Flowing water is not unusual, it is not uncommon to see a courtyard full of earth dragons, the four seasons are like spring, thousands of flowers blooming in bloom, a pool of koi carp, and thousands of tails competing for food..."

"As for the fun, the meat screen, the leather cup, the spit pot, the beauty bowl, the beauty paper, the foot warmer, the gentle chair... Even those muddy legs can't be imagined."

"In terms of power, those humble gentry and rich lords can still respond to everyone in the village. I have waited for this kind of aristocratic family to take root in the local area for hundreds of years, and even waved my arms among the states and counties, with over ten thousand followers..."

"Your Majesty Luo, you know that besieging and killing imperial envoys is such a serious crime as treason, and the nine clans should be punished. Did your majesty ever mention that you want to pacify those powerful families?"

"Dare to ask my lord,"

"According to our origin,"

"I am used to seeing the scenery on the top of the mountain,"

"How can you be easily satisfied?"

Zhang Xiancheng showed madness and said,

"It's someone like Lord Luo."

"If you think about it, you can't afford to offend the powerful people in the world,"

Speaking of which,

Zhang Xiancheng added a bit of courage.

"Lord Luo, those aristocratic families have already offended you a lot, but my Zhang family has a bit of background and face. If you stop here and spare the life of the lower official, my Zhang family can also help you make peace." .”

"What's more, you also know that Yiben of Lu's House is a stubborn and unrepentant person. He is a low-ranking official, but he still has some weight in this Shangjing yamen."

"If I let go of the official today, I will be able to help you with many things in the capital in the future."

Zhang Xiancheng's eyes were like torches.

"in this way,"

"also may,"


Hearing the sound, Zhang Xiancheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and it was not in vain to waste so much saliva, after all, he saved his life.

"Then let's weigh Master Zhang first."

"Let's talk about other things."

Luo Congee paused and continued, then took an iron chain from the hand of the accompanying Jin Yiwei, hooked it to the plaque, then circled it and tied it with a dead knot.

"Master Zhang, please."

After finishing everything, Luo Congee raised his hand and said that the meaning is self-evident.

"Lord Luo,"

Zhang Xiancheng said at a loss.

"Forget it, no one is a decent person."

"It's better for me to help you."


Luo Porridge pulled out the Xiuchun Knife from his chest, then waved his hand, and two Jinyi guards stepped forward, putting his head into the rope ring under the plaque.

I was just a layman who must take revenge, but now that I have a knife in my hand, I naturally want to kill all enemies.

If by the way, I encounter those dirty things in the world and make myself feel unhappy, I don't mind swinging the knife one more time, I just want to understand one thought.

As for gatekeepers?

Count the days,

Thinking about it, Qinglong should have reached the boundary of Qinghe County.

Let's take his Xie family first.

"But, why do you still feel like you've become a villain?"

"Did you kill too many people?"

Luo Porridge looked away from the corpse hanging in front of the Shangjing government office, and looked to both sides.

It was only then that I realized that the doors and windows on both sides of the street were closed. Just now when I arrived at this time, there was still faint candlelight, but there was such a big commotion, but the candles were extinguished instead, and even the cry of the baby who woke up earlier was abrupt. end.

How many people did he kill in the past few days?

Three thousand?

Or five thousand?

Or seven thousand?
Luo Porridge himself couldn't remember how many people died because of him, or fell under his knife.

How many will you kill in the future?

Ten thousand?
Or one hundred thousand?

Or a million?
Luo Porridge himself doesn't know how many people he will kill in the future, and whether he will become a villain that everyone in the world can punish.


"It seems that there is nothing wrong with being a villain."

"In this world, good people don't always live long. If that's the case, then I might as well be the biggest villain in the world. Let the powerful, officials, bandits, barbarians...everyone fear me, everyone fears me. In the end, the good people in the world who are oppressed by many bad people, "

"You only need to be afraid of a villain in this official."

Luo Congee had a good idea but was still full of hostility.

(End of this chapter)

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