Listening to politics behind a curtain?Kill the Queen Mother at the beginning!

Chapter 63 A little request about the author of the dog

Chapter 63 A little request from the author about dogs
As the title,

There is one thing I would like to ask all readers.

The daily update of Oranges in the new book period is basically stable at 5000+, which is really hard work (after all, too many will affect the results.)
Now the results of this book are, um, barely okay. The follow-up outline of hundreds of thousands of words is also set, and the detailed outline is almost finished. Readers, don’t worry too much about it will collapse.

However, for Orange now, it has reached a threshold, that is, Sanjiang, a very important threshold, the importance of which readers must know,

Tangerine asked the editor about the follow-up reading data of this book two days ago. There is a difference of about 300. There is a saying, really, quite a lot. Based on the current daily increase, it is very slim.

We can only hope for illusory luck, so it’s best to put it on the shelves on the first day, that is, tomorrow. After all, if it’s on the shelves on the first day, there will be multiple attendances, and it’s possible that the data on the shelves will look better. will fall.

But, after struggling for a long time,
Tangerine is still quite unwilling, there is no other way, and I am shy to ask my friend's friend for help. I have got a big chapter push, plus the normal growth of recommended positions on the second-level page, there are so many things. , at most, only 100 pieces away, oranges will be able to reach the threshold of Sanjiang.

To be honest, Juzi really doesn’t have any big pursuits, and writing books has never been for any ideals. Juzi has always been just a layman, greedy for money and lustful. I also write books to earn money.

If you really want to count, Juzi has been in line with life since the internship about two years ago, and the result is that he was killed randomly.

If you have money, Orange is also very happy to watch other people write books every day. If you are happy, give a little reward, support it, and remind you to update it. If you are unhappy, scold you.

But there is no money in my pocket,

Tangerine can only be the author of that dog with a dull head...

If you write well and earn some subscription money,

If you write badly, you will be scolded as a dog.

So the achievement of writing a book,

Really decides everything about oranges.

Dear readers,
Tangerine really wants to go to Sanjiang! ! !
Next week, Monday, April 4rd,
The follow-up data of that day is really, really, very important to Orange, which determines the upper limit of this book, and also determines the future results and future updates of Orange.

I hope that readers who have already added this book to their collections will stop keeping books in the past few days, and take a look at the most recently updated chapters every day.

Tangerine would like to thank all readers!
(End of this chapter)

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