Listening to politics behind a curtain?Kill the Queen Mother at the beginning!

Chapter 74 Burning Books and Burying Confucians【6k】

Chapter 74 Burning Books and Burying Confucians【6k】


"Dead, all dead, all dead..."

Some people looked at this scene, lost their minds and kept talking like crazy, and the rest of the people all looked dull, even if they were frightened, there were not a few of them.

"Jump off by yourself?"

Luo Porridge looked at the crowd and asked casually, without any emotion in his words, and his brows were indifferent, without any ups and downs in his heart for the scene he had created with his own hands.

"Or should I help you?"

The cold moonlight fell on the young man in the python robe, and he said indifferently.

There is still no room for negotiation.

But at least it gave them a choice.


"I kill you!"

The man who had just lost his mind and went crazy after being stimulated again, rushed towards Luo Congee with a frenzied expression.

Luo Porridge just turned his body slightly, and then dodged. The latter flew into the air and fell directly into the pit.

"Go ahead..."

Luo Porridge put the knife back into its sheath and ordered directly,
Killing them was a bit dirty to my knife, and more importantly, it was a waste of time. After all, killing one person didn't bring much luck, and killing them all was nothing compared to the hair of the two ministers before that.

After all, they are ordinary students without fame, and they also reflected from the side. The pitifulness of this group of people, even after studying hard for ten years, they only learned a lot of useless things.


Gave an order,
Everyone in Jin Yiwei approached Chang Dao Sen Leng in unison,

There is a deep pit in front of you and you can still live,

Later, some swordsman touched him and killed him,
The already numb people had no intention of resisting, at least it would be good to live for a while, and they walked into the pit silently wrapped by Jin Yiwei Tiqi behind him.

"The Day of the Dead?"

"Sacrificing one's life for righteousness?"

"I don't think you deserve to wait."

Looking at the people in the pit, Luo Congee said to himself, after all, they are just a group of brainless idiots who were incited and rushed to die.

Those few old Confucian scholars were as pedantic and stupid as Fang Xiaoru in his previous life. No, speaking of it, they were still inferior. At least they were famous and influential, and killing them would provide a lot of luck.

As for them, they are just a bunch of useless people with gray hair, wasted money, and have never been selected as a scholar. Maybe they really have their own persistence, and there are a few people who are really not afraid of life and death.

But it is far from being a literati.


After a stick of incense,
Shiqilipo has completely quieted down.

All that remains is the rustling of the shovel filling the soil back.

"Lord Luo, are you satisfied?"

Zhou Qianhu wiped the sweat from his forehead and said courteously.

"Well, you can stay here and finish."

"If you are tired, you can take a rest. Tonight is indeed hard work for you all. After thinking about it, you don't have to work so hard..."

Luo Conge patted the latter on the shoulder,

Then he said loudly to the group of Jinyiwei officials.

"It's not hard, it's not hard!"

"Please rest assured, Master Luo, I will finish it as soon as possible!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the sound. As far as I was concerned, I was lucky enough to be buried tonight by someone else. As for the physical fatigue, it was a trivial matter.

Wang Ruling looked at the Jinyiwei officials who were working harder and harder to fill back the soil, and it was difficult to understand what it meant. If there were no accidents, their group would not be far from death.

"Let's go, we have to go to Shangjing Academy!"

After Luo Porridge finished speaking, he walked down the mountain. After counting, there were still more than a dozen academies waiting for him to visit, so he had to hurry up.


Shangjing Academy,

Beyond the mountain gate,

Shangjing Academy is not far from Shiqilipo, but in less than half an hour, Luo Porridge has already led people to the foot of the academy.

"Hey, woo woo..."

Luo Porridge pulled the reins abruptly and stopped.

Because the body of an old man is hanging under the plaque.

"Who is this person?"

Luo Porridge rode his horse closer, and looked carefully at the old man's neck where there were already black bruises pulled out by the rope, his eyes were wide open and lifeless, and his tongue stuck out a long way.

"My lord, this person is the dean of the academy!"

Tiqi, who had squatted here before, opened his mouth and said.


Luo Congee said suspiciously.

Hearing the sound, the Tiqi stepped forward to get the corpse down, then carefully identified it and continued to speak: "It is indeed the dean of Shangjing Academy, named Cai Mingqi."

"Judging from the condition of the corpse, it must have been dead for some time, and there is still a bruise on the back of the neck. It must have been hanged up after being beaten unconscious."

The man turned the corpse over and carefully inspected the condition of the corpse before continuing to explain.

"It's interesting..."

"Is this crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

Luo Congee laughed and said,

In fact, it is not difficult to understand, after all, he was also poked by others, no matter whether the matter is successful or not, the real person behind the scenes definitely has no possibility of leaving his life behind.

When it comes to intrigue and ruthlessness, those old men in the court are far better than this group of scholars whose minds are blinded by fame and fortune.

"Forget it, but it's not in vain."

Luo Porridge glanced over Cai Mingqi's body, and looked up the mountain, where there were still more than a dozen schools and dormitories...

"If you can't kill people, then burn down the academy."

Luo Congee waved his hands indifferently.

walk to the school,


"How could this be?"

Luo Porridge looked at the Four Books and Five Classics neatly placed on the wooden table, flipped through a few pages casually, looked at them twice, and couldn't help frowning.

Different from the books I have read in my memory, many of them are castrated versions. What's more, they are directly taken out of context, separating the words of sages and sages, and only take half of them, or, the annotations are , Paradoxically, it has long been out of the original intention.

"My lord, the fire has already been poured."

Not long after, a hundred households of Jin Yiwei came over to report and interrupted Luo Porridge's thoughts at the same time.

Luo Porridge heard the sound and looked out through the window, where many of the guards in Jin Yi were carrying books out.

After all, this thing is really valuable. The hardcover book is at least one or two taels of silver, and the full set is worth a few months' salary. For them, it is not a waste of money.
"By the way, those books."

"Let's burn them all together."

In the end,

Luo Congee added another sentence.

In the final analysis, Luo Porridge doesn't really like the earliest Confucianism, but he can't say he hates it either. After all, Confucianism can become the top three religions in the world, which naturally has its merits.

At least in terms of maintaining the stability of the dynasty's rule, it is incomparable to any sect theory, which is the fundamental reason why it has been passed down to this day.

However, for today's pedantic Confucian scholars, the Confucian books that have been castrated and tampered with are already deeply painful.

Damn, where did the words of the saint come from?

It's just a proper book for fools!
to the people of the world,

There is no benefit at all.


Hearing the sound, the man hurried out to greet the guards in Jin Yi, piled up the scraped books in the corner, and poured kerosene on them, using it as a primer for arson.


The door of the school was kicked open by Luo Porridge,


Luo Porridge looked at the book that was treasured by scholars all over the world, but silently took out a fire book from his bosom, blew it on fire, and threw it out casually.

The fire folder fell on the paper full of kerosene, and there was only a "boom", and the flames shot up into the sky, and the scorching heat could be felt even from a long distance away.

"Go down the mountain..."

"The rest of the academies also follow this charter."

Luo Porridge didn't stop after saying that and rode his horse down the mountain. Countless books were burned to pieces, and the fallen papers flew into the sky under the action of hot air, but before they could fall down, they were engulfed by the engulfing flames. .

All the words of the sage who have been distorted and tampered with will eventually be turned into ashes and dust.

"Lord Luo, are they all going to be burned?"

Wang Ruling couldn't help asking, books are quite valuable these days, and they are also very noble in the hearts of both scholars and ordinary people.

If the collections of more than a dozen academies were burned together, the impact would be far greater than those students who were killed.

"Do you want to destroy it in other ways?"

Wang Ruling continued to advise,

If it is a different method, the impact may be much smaller.

"no need."

"This official wants the world to see it."

"Why do such pedantic books exist in the world?"

Luo Porridge waved his hands.

Queen Mother was killed,
The clans are all flat,
Are you afraid that this will not affect you?
As for the fame after this matter spread throughout the world,

Luo Congee never thought about it.
What's more, is there less infamy on him?
I don't care about so many people swearing at me for a long time!
Really want to say,
The emperor of the ages that I admired the most in my previous life, the first emperor who unified the six countries, built the Great Wall, and made countless achievements for future generations. He just killed hundreds of alchemists. In order to maintain stability, The tyrant who burned the messy books of various countries and was chased and scolded by the gang of rotten scholars for thousands of years.

It is called "burning books and burying Confucianism".

The "Historical Records: The Chronicle of the First Emperor of Qin" that I read in my previous life has a saying: Anyone who is not a doctoral officer, who dares to have poems, books, and a hundred languages ​​in the world, will keep them and burn them.

Those who dare to speak poetry and books abandon the market.The past is not the family of the present.Officials see that those who fail to raise are guilty of the same crime.It was ordered not to burn for [-] days, and tattooed as Chengdan.Those who do not go, the book of medical divination and tree planting.If you want to learn laws and regulations, take officials as teachers.

The first emperor has done justice, all useful medical books, divination, farm classics, philosophers and other historical ancient books have been preserved, and yet he bears so much infamy,

I dare not compare myself with it,

How dare you ask for a good reputation?
Just thinking that if one day,
I can sit in that position,

All false books in the world must also be burned!
Relying on misunderstandings, tampering with the words of the sages, and seeking the stability of the dynasty, Luo Porridge disdains to do it. The people are ignorant and the scholars are pedantic, which is of course conducive to the stability of the country.

But Luo Porridge still hopes to create a truly prosperous world where everyone is like a dragon, rather than a peace that is whitewashed with prosperity and vanity.

(End of this chapter)

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