Chapter 137

Not only Zhang Sanfeng and Dong Tianbao, Ba Shiba, who was watching the battle, also faintly felt this in his heart at this time. Even with his cultivation base, he felt unspeakably excited, regretful, and jealous at this moment!The fundus of the eyes is red, coveting the end of the martial arts!I even had the idea of ​​interrupting them now!
"Amitabha" Ba Shiba suddenly woke up, how could he have such an idea?Realizing that he was jealous for a while, which caused the demons to attack, Ba Shiba was shocked. With his spiritual cultivation, if he had demons, if he was not careful, he might fall into a Buddha and become a demon. Only after reading the "Six-Character Mantra" can the Heart Sutra be calmed down.

After calming down, Ba Shiba also knew that it was because Zhang Sanfeng and Dong Tianbao met the two conditions of extreme yin and yang at this time, which triggered the opening of the fairy gate. The road is not the unity of yin and yang, and the fairy gate in front of me is not the road I pursue.

The only thing Ba Shiba is looking forward to now is to take advantage of the opportunity of watching the two of them break, learn from it, and improve his broken path.

Regardless of whether it is necessary for the two sides to collide with each other to open the fairy gate with the help of the power of Zhiyang and Yin, Dong Tianbao will not back down in the face of Zhang Sanfeng's Zhiyang move. Method to verify who is strong and who is weak is a good thing he can't ask for!

Dong Tianbao concentrated his energy, his body was like a black hole, releasing infinite suction, and took back all the evil energy he had emitted before. The poisonous energy trapped by Zhang Sanfeng also broke through the seal of the Taiji diagram with the help of Dong Tianbao, and was captured by Dong Tianbao. Tianbao condensed into a poisonous sword!
Nine Deaths Evil Kung Fu: Ashes to Ashes!

Dong Tianbao vowed to defeat Zhang Sanfeng with the most powerful blow in his life, and at the same time, as long as Zhang Sanfeng lost, this move could not only destroy Zhang Sanfeng's body, but also prevent Zhang Sanfeng's primordial spirit from ascending with the help of the fairy gate, making him unable to ascend. Just like the name of this trick, it will be wiped out!

Under the influence of the forces of both sides, the surrounding space became more and more unstable. In the past, it was not that there were no masters who met the requirements and opened the fairy gate in the decisive battle, but any of them were seekers. Before the opportunity, their first choice is to shatter the void and ascend through the air!All other grievances and enmities have been left behind, but the two people now, even if they know that if the two cooperate, it is not difficult to ascend together, and which point of aura during ascension is extremely important, if someone deliberately interferes, Once this opportunity is missed, such a favorable time, place, people and all conditions may not be encountered a second time!
However, the two people in front of them didn't put the fairy gate first in their hearts. Dong Tianbao thought that being able to ascend is undoubtedly the best, but compared with Zhang Sanfeng, the so-called fairy gate is like a hard stone in a hut. No smell!If he misses the chance to defeat Zhang Sanfeng for the sake of ascension, even if Dong Tianbao succeeds in ascension, he will regret it very much, and he will return to the human world at any cost, and then fight Zhang Sanfeng again!
And presumably, Zhang Sanfeng didn't take this fairy gate seriously. As for Zhang Sanfeng, he had already understood how to go one step further and reach the realm of Shattered Void. He had never thought of taking such a tricky way. Void, but more firmly believe in the path you are walking on.

Numerous visions emerged under the traction of Qi, strange and majestic, like pairs of eyes of the fairy gate, high above, looking down on the two of them, choosing the final winner, the only one who is qualified to enter the gate!

"Come on! Zhang Junbao, all the shame and resentment will come to an end today!" Under Dong Tianbao's urging, the blow made by his life's cultivation was shot at Zhang Sanfeng.

"There is no cure!" Zhang Sanfeng hit Dong Tianbao with all his strength, and the Chunyang sword in his hand also carried the power of collapsing mountains and cracking seas and threw it at Dong Tianbao. With the collision of the two extreme moves, the impact of pure yang and Xuanyin qi , triggering a terrifying force like the creation of the world!
The center of the shock erupted with infinite power. Even Dong Tianbao and Zhang Sanfeng could not bear the shock when they faced it head-on. His Great Samsara Tribulation was completely unable to counteract this force by reversing attributes. Since the battle, Dong Tianbao vomited red for the first time!
On Zhang Sanfeng's side, he has always been the best at borrowing strength, and he can't borrow much strength from it. He can only rely on the Chunyang golden body to resist. Although the golden body is not broken, it is also the same as Dong Tianbao, and it is also the first time he was injured. .

And in the midst of the shock, Xianmen also extended an invitation to them because of their strength. With just one thought, the primordial spirits of the two of them can fly into Xianmen and become a member of the legend.

As if they had a tacit understanding, Dong Tianbao and Zhang Sanfeng attacked at the same time again. Dong Tianbao used the power of the Great Reincarnation Tribulation to absorb the rest of his strength, and then he struck out another palm with undiminished power. However, Zhang Sanfeng did not condense the pure Yang Qi sword this time, but palmed Yin and Yang Two Qi, holding the Taiji diagram, pushed towards Dong Tianbao, neither of them paid attention to the existence of Xianmen, both sides had nothing but each other in their eyes!

One move after another, one palm to one palm, every move is unreserved, every move is exhausted, as long as there is one purpose, which is to kill the opponent!The power of Dong Tianbao and Zhang Sanfeng kept causing abnormalities in the surrounding space. In the eyes of the Wudang Seven Heroes and Ba Shiba, the bodies of Zhang Sanfeng and Dong Tianbao were all distorted. It wasn't that their bodies really changed, but the surrounding space. The space around them became unstable due to the impact of their power, and the light around them was distorted, affecting the figure in the eyes of the surrounding people.

The more they fought, the more fierce they became. Up until now, one move was faster than the other, and one palm was heavier than the other!Dong Tianbao's great reincarnation tribulation had long been too late to dispel Zhang Sanfeng's palm power, and Zhang Sanfeng's pure yang golden body also became dim, and he no longer had the demeanor of the gods descending to earth before. Even so, no one thought of flying to the fairy gate !

It seems that the fairy gate in the void can no longer bear the ignorance of the two of them. When the two sides meet again, an impact erupts. This time the impact is stronger than before. The two sides can no longer control it. A force flew out!

Only then did the two sides have a chance to breathe. "Ha, Zhang Junbao, cough cough" Dong Tianbao ignored the pain coming from all parts of his body, showed his blood-stained teeth, and stared at Zhang Sanfeng, as if he wanted to see that the other party was seriously injured and unable to fight anymore look.

Let him down, although Zhang Sanfeng looks disheveled and quite embarrassed, but his breath is still stable, without any appearance of being dragged down by the injury.

"Dong Tianbao" Zhang Sanfeng said coldly, "You lost" Yes, compared to Zhang Sanfeng, Dong Tianbao's injuries were undoubtedly much more serious, and his injuries were all caused by the power generated when the void was broken. For this force, the Great Samsara Tribulation that Dong Tianbao is proud of has no protective effect at all, even because of the Great Samsara Tribulation, Dong Tianbao himself cannot use the mysterious Yin Qi to resist, while Zhang Sanfeng's pure Yang golden body, on the contrary He has a very good resistance to the force. Dong Tianbao is still crazy, and he keeps fighting with Zhang Sanfeng. If there is still [-]% of the current state, then Dong Tianbao's current state is [-]% practiced.

"Hahaha" Dong Tianbao suddenly laughed wildly. No one knew why he did this move. Could it be that he knew he had failed and couldn't accept it and went crazy?
Dong Tianbao's laughter gradually subsided, and he said to Zhang Sanfeng

"I lost? Zhang Junbao, don't make me laugh. It's really unexpected. After so many years, you have become humorous. Look again, who lost!"

Accompanied by the unbelievable eyes of everyone, the wounds exposed on Dong Tianbao's body began to heal at an astonishing speed. Soon, Dong Tianbao's injuries recovered as before. A little trace of the fierce battle.If not for the fact that everyone around had witnessed it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that Dong Tianbao had fought a life-and-death battle just now!
Dong Tianbao is like having an immortal body, combined with his experience of death and resurrection, everyone can't help but start to wonder whether Dong Tianbao in front of him is a human or a ghost?Could it be that he is really an evil ghost who returned from the endless hell, otherwise, if he were human, how could he be able to do what he is doing now?

Ba Shiba also couldn't figure out how Dong Tianbao did it. He hadn't always heard of some evil methods that could speed up the healing of wounds as if he had an immortal body, but all of these evil methods required sacrifice. The painful price is either to become inhuman and ghost-like, like a monster, or it is to pay the price by consuming one's own lifespan.

But no matter which one, Dong Tianbao's performance does not match, his appearance is undoubtedly the same as ordinary people, and if it consumes life yuan, it is even more impossible. Dong Tianbao is already a hundred years old, how can he have a lifespan to squander?To be honest, if he used this method of consuming life energy, he would only die faster, but he went to Bashiba to master the way of life and death, so he didn't feel any loss of life breath in Dong Tianbao's body.

Different from others, Zhang Sanfeng was not confused by Dong Tianbao's performance. After he calmly thought about it, relying on his own understanding of Dong Tianbao, Zhang Sanfeng once again united the world, replaced Tianxin with his own heart, and carefully felt Dong Tianbao's feelings. air machine.Afterwards, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly realized!
"So that's it, Dong Tianbao, don't pretend to be a ghost anymore, this is the truth of your so-called immortal body!"

(End of this chapter)

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