Chapter 144
Although Zhao Xuan closed his eyes tightly and protected himself with luck, he still felt as if he had been hit hard!As if being hit on the face with a big hammer, he was dizzy for a while and lost the ability to move.

Fortunately, Zhao Xuan has used Zhang Sanfeng's skills to display the pure Yang golden body, which only hurts, but Dong Tianbao obviously will not let go of such a good opportunity. He has worked hard to help Zhao Xuan. , I really think he is doing charity!Now is the time for him to get it back with interest!
Dong Tianbao clamped Zhao Xuan's hands, concentrated his skills on the two thumbs, and pierced Zhao Xuan's wrist forcefully. Afterwards, a wave of evil power mixed with poisonous gas passed through Dong Tianbao's hands and passed into Zhao Xuan along the Jueyin pericardial meridian. Xuan's heart, the pure yang energy in Zhao Xuan's body counterattacked under the stimulation of the real energy from the outside world. For Dong Tianbao's evil energy, the pure yang energy firmly suppressed it, preventing it from taking a step forward, but for Dong Tianbao Another force that passed into Zhao Xuan's body, the pure yang energy, did not have such a good effect.

"Boy, I let you take advantage of it today. I give you the Heart Sutra of Ten Thousand Poisons that I have cultivated so hard, hahaha!"

Zhao Xuan's face was bluish-purple as the poison was like a body. This is the manifestation of the poison gradually eroding Zhao Xuan's body. Originally, with Zhao Xuan's skill, Dong Tianbao's poison kung fu could not help him, and the pure yang body was ten thousand. Evil does not invade, and it also has a strong resistance to poison, but this time Dong Tianbao did not simply perform poisoning skills, but imparted skills!

Dong Tianbao couldn't do much harm to Zhao Xuan even if he used all his remaining skills at this time. Just piercing Zhao Xuan's wrist had already exhausted all his strength. In order to win, he made Zhao Xuan pay for his words. Dong Tianbao adopted such a method to transmit his original poisonous power to Zhao Xuan. This is different from the poisonous gas released by Dong Tianbao when he cast the Myriad Poison Heart Sutra. It only takes a while for the poison sac in Dong Tianbao's body to secrete the venom on its own, and what Dong Tianbao passed on to Zhao Xuan was the most fundamental power of his Wandu Heart Sutra, the thousand-year-old drama he had acquired in the ancient tomb. The poison mutated in his body, and once it was passed to Zhao Xuan, he couldn't replenish it himself. As the poison gradually entered Zhao Xuan's body, Dong Tianbao also felt extremely uncomfortable, and the poison sac in his body was gradually weakened. Shrinking, this poisonous sac is also Dong Tianbao's organ, the feeling of organ failure in the body makes Dong Tianbao's life worse than death!If it wasn't for his determination to kill Zhao Xuan, and because this was the only way Dong Tianbao could come up with to win, he wouldn't be willing to use this method of losing both sides. Then the heart meridian of ten thousand poisons in the body is discarded directly.

And Zhao Xuan is in more pain at this time, this kind of strange poison even Dong Tianbao himself escaped death at the beginning, even if it is the residual poison of thousands of years ago, if he wants to bear it, he needs to exchange the lives of others bit by bit, not to mention After decades of continuous improvement and enhancement by Dong Tianbao, Zhao Xuan now feels that half of his body is on fire and half is frozen. In one second, he felt that there were tens of thousands of ants crawling on his bones, and in the next second, he felt as if he was being killed by someone. It's like being tortured by the 1000th class!Falling into hell, when did Zhao Xuan suffer such suffering in his past and present lives!In this life, he was born noble, so even if he was fighting in the palace, no one would dare to do anything to him. The most painful thing he experienced in his previous life was when he ran a [-]-meter physical test. Under extreme pain, Zhao Xuan didn't know that he could How long he persisted, he was afraid that he might seek his own death in the next second because he was afraid of enduring such pain!
do my best!Zhao Xuan gritted his teeth fiercely. He recalled the scriptures of Hundred Poisons that he had read in his mind. Because of the superiority of poisons, there are countless poison masters in the world, such as Xidu Ouyang Feng, Xingxiu old fairy Ding Chunqiu of Xingxiu sect, The Tang Sect in Central Shu, and the Five Poison Sect in Miaojiang are all masters of it. Among the poison masters in the world, in terms of the power of poisoning skills, Dong Tianbao's Heart Sutra of Ten Thousand Poisons is the best!It is a well-deserved number one in the world!In terms of toxicity alone, even if it is the king of ten thousand Gu in the legend of the Miaojiang Five Poison Sect, the Golden Silkworm Gu and the Poison Sutra of the Tang Sect in the middle of Sichuan are not as powerful as Dong Tianbao's Myriad Poison Heart Sutra. As for the use of poison, I'm afraid Dong Tianbao won't even reach the top [-], not to mention the top ten. His use of poison is entirely dependent on domineering toxicity. It is moistening things silently, and I will send you to see the king of Hades without making a sound. I don’t want Dong Tianbao to be so rough. Of course, Dong Tianbao in his heyday didn’t need to use any clever tricks. Immortal Luo can't save it either!Who is worth his effort to poison?But for a great master like Zhang Sanfeng, no poisoning method can be concealed from their innate spiritual perception, and any clever method is nothing more than an open fire in their eyes.Naturally, Dong Tianbao didn't bother to study any method of poisoning. For him, as long as the poison could threaten the grand master, it was enough. Fighting at the same level, the difference was a thousand miles away. As long as the poison could interfere with the opponent, it was enough Already done a great job.

This also gave Zhao Xuan a chance to survive. The Book of Hundred Poisons was written by Ji Huan, the world's number one poison master Miao Jiang "Poison Hand Demon", which records his methods of nourishing, refining and using poison. The more a person is good at poisoning, the better he is at detoxifying. In the Book of Hundred Poisons, Ji Huan recorded how to rely on his own detoxification methods when the body is extremely poisonous and there is no medicine around him. Zhao Xuan Although he has no interest in poisoning, he has to be concerned about how to detoxify. In fact, there are many strange poisons in the world, which makes people hard to guard against. Zhao Xuan still attaches great importance to his own life.

And in the "Hundred Poisons" [Detoxification Chapter], there is a method mentioned. When the body is severely poisoned, the first step to do is to keep calm and not be able to mess up. There has never been any unsolvable poison in the world. Where poisonous snakes haunt, there must be an antidote within seven steps. However, if the poison is fast and it is too late to detoxify, you can rely on internal force to suppress the toxin in the body, and then use "Hundred Poisons" The secret method in the "Truth" can temporarily suppress the toxins in the body for three days, temporarily relieving the danger of life, but if the poison is not detoxified after three days, the suppressed toxicity will burst out in an instant, and the toxicity will increase sharply at that time. There was no help either.

This method of drinking poison to quench thirst should not be used as a last resort, but now Zhao Xuan doesn't care too much, whether to die now or not necessarily in three days, everyone knows how to choose!

"Aren't you going to give me all your poison skills? Then you should be more generous and don't worry about it!"

Zhao Xuan was no longer resisting Dong Tianbao's poisonous power, but reversed his blood, absorbing the original poisonous power transmitted by Dong Tianbao to anyone who came, and sucked it up completely!

Dong Tianbao also found that Zhao Xuan dared to absorb his own poisonous power. Could it be that this kid still thinks that he died unhappily?However, Dong Tianbao is still riding a tiger. With his foundation, even if he stands still and allows others to use it, it is impossible to shake him at all. Even the power-absorbing Dafa can't do it!Not to mention Zhao Xuan.

However, in order to poison Zhao Xuan to death, he took the initiative to pass the poison to Zhao Xuan. It was like a safe door, which was impenetrable no matter how indiscriminate bombing from the outside world, but once it was opened from the inside, he couldn't help it if he wanted to close it.

(End of this chapter)

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