Chapter 164

"It's like this. Zhao Xuan asked me to tell you. He has something to do at the moment and he has to leave later. I'm afraid you'll be in a hurry, so let me tell you."

After listening to Lu Xiaofeng's words, Wang Yuyan nodded lightly, expressing her understanding
"Thank you Mr. Lu for coming to inform me"

Lu Xiaofeng waved his hand, "What's the matter, by the way, I don't know if Zhao Xuan told you about the three of us traveling together when we went back?"

"Young Master Zhao already told me last night"

"That's good, that's good. If the girl doesn't mind, I'll stay here and wait for Zhao Xuan to come over." Based on his understanding of Zhao Xuan, he knew that he would definitely come to Wang Yuyan first when he was done, and then bring him Seeing Wang Yuyan looking for her, Lu Xiaofeng thought it was troublesome, so she simply stayed here, lest Zhao Xuan make two trips.

"Young Master Lu is free to do so"

Wang Yuyan was actually not willing to get along with a strange man, but because of Zhao Xuan's relationship, she couldn't refuse. Fortunately, Lu Xiaofeng didn't intend to enter the house, so it would be difficult for her to do so.

"Master Lu, please drink tea"

After Wang Yuyan took a pot of tea from the house and put it on the table in the yard, she stopped talking to Lu Xiaofeng and turned back to the house
Seeing Wang Yuyan's indifferent attitude, Lu Xiaofeng didn't take it seriously, he has always been tolerant towards women, and based on Lu Xiaofeng's experience from rolling in the rouge pile for many years, he knew that Wang Yuyan probably had a crush on Zhao Xuan, so he would not provoke Wang Yuyan again.just thinking
"Good Zhao Xuan, I said that when I introduced Li Mochou to you, I pretended to be a good woman, as if I had suffered a lot of grievances, and made me stay low for a while, but in the end you were quiet Noise to hook up with others here, I am! Disgusting!"

After scolding Zhao Xuan bloody in his heart, Lu Xiaofeng finally calmed down, and thought in his heart how he could use this matter to run on him when Zhao Xuan came.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Zhao Xuan came over.

Zhao Xuan looked at Lu Xiaofeng who was with Wang Yuyan, and asked strangely, "Why are you here? Just right, I was thinking of going to you later."

"It's not just right, I expected that you would definitely not go to me first, but to go to your Miss Wang first."

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Zhao Xuan playfully
"Ahem, the one in Miss Wang's house is closer, so I'll drop by." Zhao Xuan yelled.

Lu Xiaofeng rolled his eyes, and just wanted to hurt him, when Wang Yuyan happened to come out, in front of her, Lu Xiaofeng couldn't moles Zhao Xuan anymore, so he let him go.

Then the three of them left Wudang together and headed for Jiangnan.

"Hey! Zhao, is it your turn?" Lu Xiaofeng said angrily
"This is not good. Didn't it be agreed at the beginning that you will drive the car? If I replace you, wouldn't it make you a person who broke your promise? Not good not good"

Zhao Xuan leaned comfortably against the side of the carriage, and said to Lu Xiaofeng who was driving hard
When going down the mountain, Lu Xiaofeng originally wanted to borrow three horses so that he could go back early, but Wang Yuyan didn't know how to ride a horse. Mantuo Mountain Villa is located in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. Wang Yuyan knows a little bit about driving a boat, but it's hard for her to ride a horse. .

They originally wanted to go to the town below the mountain to see if there was a way to buy a carriage, but unfortunately, there was not even a horse in the town, let alone a carriage, and the group of people from the rivers and lakes who went down the mountain wiped out all of them.

There was no other way, Lu Xiaofeng had no choice but to suggest walking for a while, and waited until the nearby town to see if there was any carriage for sale, but Zhao Xuan still made a bet with Lu Xiaofeng, saying that he had a way to get a carriage.

Lu Xiaofeng, who had been busy for a long time, didn't believe that Zhao Xuan had the ability to get the carriage. As a coachman, if he wins, he will let Zhao Xuan be the coachman along the way after he gets the carriage in the next town.

Originally, Lu Xiaofeng thought that he was sure of everything, but he didn't expect that Zhao Xuan actually made a carriage!Moreover, not only does this carriage look like new, even the carriage looks extremely luxurious.

Wang Yuyan was curious about where Zhao Xuan got the carriage, but Zhao Xuan smiled mysteriously, did not answer this question, and said to Lu Xiaofeng
"I would like to admit defeat, Lu Chefu, come on, next, I will work hard for you, hahaha"

So Lu Xiaofeng sadly became Zhao Xuan and Wang Yuyan's full-time driver.

However, although Lu Xiaofeng conceded, he still couldn't figure out where Zhao Xuan got the carriage. Wang Yuyan was also quite curious about it, but no matter how they asked, Zhao Xuan avoided talking about it. There was no other way. Lu Xiaofeng could only drive for Zhao Xuan with full of doubts and sulk.

Except for Zhao Xuan himself, no one knew that this carriage was not bought by Zhao Xuan, but he made it himself!
During the Warring States Period, a hundred schools of thought contended, among which, after vicissitudes of life, only Confucianism and Taoism remained, and the rest gradually declined.It is rumored that Momen is a sect that has never made a comeback after Dong Zhongshu, a thinker in the Western Han Dynasty, "rejected all schools of thought and only respected Confucianism".There are even branches of Taoism, formed by holding together for warmth.

In the period of the Hundred Schools of Thought, apart from Confucianism and Taoism, Mohism left the most traces.

"Mohist institutions, wood and stone walk; Bronze speaks, and you have to ask the public." At the most glorious time, Mohism and Confucianism were called the two major schools of thought in the world, and those who were skilled in martial arts among the Mohist disciples were called "Mo Xia". The gist of "non-attack" is good at the art of organ structure.The disciples of the Mohist school are chivalrous and righteous, and they are often praised by the world for helping other countries defend their cities with Mohism's unique non-offensive tricks, which is the representative of the chivalrous spirit.Most of the knight-errants in the world are disciples of the Mohist school.

It's a pity that during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he hated the rangers who were lawless, and suppressed the group of rangers, which caused a heavy blow to the power of the Mohists in the Jianghu. The non-offensive mechanism technique that amazed an era has also become a swan song!
The ridiculous thing is that if you want to find some Mohist inheritance, I am afraid that it can only be passed down in the Demon Sect. It's really a trick of good fortune.

However, the lost non-offensive mechanism technique fell into the hands of Zhao Xuan through the system. Later, during the lottery, Zhao Xuan accidentally won the master of non-offensive mechanism technique in "Qin Shimingyue", the inheritance of the class master. , so that Zhao Xuan, who had never done carpentry, became the No. 1 mechanism technique in the world in one fell swoop.

For Zhao Xuan, who has master class's mechanical skills, it is not impossible to build a wooden bird that can carry people to the sky, let alone a carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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