Chapter 2
"Imperial concubine!" Hearing this, Zhao Xuan was frightened and angry, but he still suppressed his anger and kept calm. He knew clearly that he had never done such a thing before. You must know that beautiful women are all the emperor's women. , In history, there are not beautiful girls who did not marry the prince, but the process was approved by the emperor. For the emperor, what I give you is yours. If I don’t give it to you, you can’t even think about it!

It's not that there are no young princes, who couldn't hold back for a while, and flirted with the passing show girls. After all, not every show girl can fly on a branch and become a phoenix, and some even never see the emperor's face for a lifetime, so they can only bear with it.But listening to Chen Guifei's words, I'm afraid that what he needs to admit is not just as simple as molesting beautiful women with words, but it will be more serious, causing trouble to the palace!
"Zhao Xuan doesn't know where to offend the empress. If there is any disrespect, please forgive me! I don't know why the empress framed Zhao Xuan with a non-existent thing. If it is a joke, Zhao Xuan has never heard of it! Farewell!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Xuan was ready to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, and stay away from this woman, Concubine Chen, who said that beauty is a disaster, and the ancients did not deceive me!Zhao Xuan could already imagine that he had fallen into a whirlpool.

If I don't leave again, I'm afraid I will be drowned by this vortex!

However, it was still too late. When Concubine Chen came to find him, he had already entered the center of the vortex, and he couldn't escape!

Concubine Chen Guifei didn't stop her, she just sat on the chair calmly, raised her slender hands slightly, leaned her neck to one side, revealing her white swan neck, leaned her head on her hands, and said lazily:
"Your Highness, why should you be in such a hurry? It's not too late to leave after listening to the concubine's words. If His Highness the Ninth Prince leaves like this, I'm afraid that although the crime of molesting a beautiful woman will not be there, but the crime of molesting and bullying the noble concubine will be on the contrary." , I don’t know which crime is more serious?” Hearing Chen Guifei’s naked threat, Zhao Xuan calmed down, and saw him turn back, sit down again, get himself a glass of wine, and sip it in a leisurely manner. After one sip, he said:
"Since the imperial concubine must put Zhao Xuan to death, can Zhao Xuan be a fool? Know why the empress must force Zhao Xuan."

Chen Guifei smiled, poured herself a glass of wine, and filled Zhao Xuan's glass, and then said: "It's not that the concubine must put His Highness to death, and the concubine has no choice but to wrong His Highness." , Not long ago, a beautiful girl who just entered the palace met a noble man who had drunk too much. The other party suddenly became lustful and wanted to rape the other party. Fortunately, the other party desperately resisted, and the call for help called the patrolling guards , Scared the other party away, and escaped, during the struggle, that beautiful girl pulled off a jade pendant from the other party. And that jade pendant was given to his princes by the emperor himself."

Zhao Xuan drank another glass of wine, and calmly sarcastically said, "In other words, I, the powerless prince, is the scapegoat for the lustful prince you have chosen."

Concubine Chen Guifei didn't seem to understand the sarcasm in Zhao Xuan's tone, she still helped him fill up the wine with a smile on her face, and continued, "After the emperor learned about this, Long Yan was furious, and just wanted to order to find out this rebellious villain. Then came the news that Zhao Wang Wanyan Honglie, the sixth prince of the Jin Kingdom, led troops to fight the Liao Kingdom."

"So father was delayed by political affairs for a while, and didn't want to miss this opportunity to send troops to Liao at the same time. After all, the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun have always been a thorn in Song's heart. Compared to this incident, forcing a beautiful girl to rape is nothing more than a royal affair. For private matters, Father always distinguishes between public and private, so he put this matter aside, and will deal with this private matter after the political affairs are dealt with." Zhao Xuan finished following her words, snorted coldly, and continued, "That is to say, this Wanyan Honglie The mobilization of troops against the Liao Dynasty can not help but give Da Song a chance to take back the lost land, and it also gives you a chance to fish in troubled waters and change positions! If you dare to tell me this directly, I am afraid that you have already made a perfect plan!"

Concubine Chen Guifei clapped her hands, "That's right, let's be honest, apart from your Highness, the guards on duty, the eunuchs and maids, and even that beautiful girl are all ours, no matter whether your Highness agrees to it, you are the one who is charged with this crime." I will recite it! What a pity, if I knew His Highness Ninth is so smart, maybe I would have chosen you to cooperate, after all, you are much better than that whore, and now I really regret that I did not get to know His Highness Ninth sooner!"

A pair of captivating beautiful eyes seem to be able to speak, conveying a sad and sad mood. If someone else looks at the beauty with such a symbol in front of them and looks at you with such moving eyes, I'm afraid I can't wait to dig out my heart , and Zhao Xuan was not only a little charming, but also felt nauseous, after all, he was a complete victim in their plan!
Zhao Xuan took a deep breath, stared fixedly at Concubine Chen Gui, and said in a low voice: "Then if I tell Father the truth, I'm afraid you will end up badly, bullying the emperor is a serious crime!"

Concubine Chen Guifei stood up and looked down at Zhao Xuan. It wasn't until this moment that this beautiful snake showed her fangs: "Your Highness, I advise you to accept the 40 taels honestly. You won't be able to fight!" Ours, even if you say it, so what, it won’t do you any good, but it will bring you unbearable revenge! His Highness is about to open the palace, and he left the palace to kill an unfavored prince , but it can’t cost 40 taels of silver!”

Concubine Chen Guifei paused, then leaned into Zhao Xuan's ear and whispered: "Don't worry, in addition to the 40 taels of silver, you can also get our friendship. We will do our best to help you intercede and prevent you from being punished too severely. After all, we don't want to be caught dead, do we?"

Zhao Xuan clenched his fist tightly, he didn't even feel his nails digging into his flesh, the pain in his body was far less than the humiliation in his heart.

In his heart, he fantasized countless times to slap the vicious bitch in front of him, scolding him loudly for being despicable and shameless.But in the end, in reality, Zhao Xuan still closed his eyes, and slowly said
"I see. I will admit that I lost my morals after drinking and resigned myself to lowliness. Concubine Chen, please do your own thing. Let me, the sinner, enjoy this leisurely time in the end."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Concubine Chen nodded. She put the 40 taels of silver bill on the table, casually took a book and pressed it on it, turned around and left, as if staying here for a second longer would not be worth it. It's an insult to her.

All the maids and eunuchs surrounded her again, and there was a big cloud, and they gave her handkerchiefs to clean her hands; they held umbrellas to shade her; behind them were fanning with fans.After they left, Chen Chongying and Chen Xuanli were able to get away. They were worried about Zhao Xuan, and ran to the pavilion without caring about tidying up the messy clothes.

As soon as the two entered the pavilion, the sharp-eyed Chen Xuanli noticed that Zhao Xuan's hand was bleeding.He hurriedly took out a handkerchief from his arms, intending to bandage Zhao Xuan.And Zhao Xuan just waved his hands and said: "You two step back first, and let me be alone."

The two looked at each other. They had followed Zhao Xuan since they were young, and the relationship between master and servant was deep. After so many years, Zhao Xuan had never seen Zhao Xuan as low-key as he is now. Although Zhao Xuan was cautious in his actions in the past, he could always see his whole body. Vitality can only be possessed by those who are full of hope for the future, but now, they can't see any vigor or vitality from Zhao Xuan, but full of death, which Zhao Xuan never had before.

Chen Chongying and Chen Xuanli knew that all these changes came from the noble concubine, and they didn't know what they said. His Highness became what he is now. What can be done?He could only obey Zhao Xuan's words, retreat outside the pavilion, and pray secretly.

Zhao Xuan, sitting alone in the pavilion, thinking silently, at this moment, Zhao Xuan has never been more eager for power than now, why Chen Guifei and the people behind her dare not find other princes to take the blame, but dare to coerce themselves blatantly ?Because they have power!There are interest groups involved behind each of them, with power and background!

And only myself, nothing, I have lived on thin ice these years, no one dared to offend, I just thought that I could wait until the clouds and the sun see the light, and be a happy prince, wandering the rivers and lakes by the way, and realize my childhood dream.She was about to leave the palace with great difficulty, but she received such bad news!
Zhao Xuan knew that to find him as a scapegoat, apart from thinking that he was easy to handle, another point was to completely kick him out of the competition for the throne. Compared with other princes, Zhao Xuan's only advantage was what Zhao Xu did to him. Ashamed, as long as he takes this thunder and loses the emperor's love and affection, he will never be a threat again.

There are some things that you cannot escape if you want to. Even if you have nothing to do with the world, you will still be targeted, because you are weak and weak, and that is all original sin!
Zhao Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes burst out with an unprecedented light, which is the light of ambition, since you all look down on me and think that I can do whatever I want!Let's see then!
Even if it is a dead end, I will try to survive!

(End of this chapter)

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