Chapter 39 Dragon King
"It's not the first time, but this time it feels just as bad!"

Lu Xiaofeng shook his head, and said helplessly, this is the second time he entered the Bliss Tower, but after his preparations, he did not fall asleep this time, and successfully recorded the location of the Bliss Tower.

The only downside is that the detoxification pill that Huamanlou gave him tastes really indescribable. What's worse is that the detoxification pill is still taken under the tongue, but it is because of this unpleasant taste that he can continue to drink. stay awake.

With the experience from last time, Lu Xiaofeng came to the second floor with ease, and as soon as he arrived on the second floor, a person from the Bliss Building came to him

"Master, Miss Wuyan invites you to the third floor for a gathering"

"Oh, didn't you in the Bliss Tower say that people who come here don't care about their identities? How come you recognize that I have been here before? Could it be that this is a lie?" Lu Xiaofeng said playfully, this Bliss Tower can attract so many people to come here Come on, the main point is never to ask more questions about the identity of the guests. Lu Xiaofeng was approached by the people from the Bliss Building, which has already attracted the attention of the people around him. will have a huge impact
But the man was not panicked and dissatisfied, and calmly bent down to apologize and said, "Young master is too worried. The villain did not recognize the identity of the young master, but just obeyed Miss Wuyan's orders. It must be that the young master has an appointment with Miss Wuyan. Miss Wuyan sent a villain to invite the young master to reminisce about the old relationship, if the young master does not want to go upstairs for a while, the villain will convey it to Miss Wuyan."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "I just asked a few more questions, why should I take it seriously, since it was Miss Wuyan who invited me, I'll thank you for leading the way!"

Just as Lu Xiaofeng was about to go upstairs with him, a dull and deep voice suddenly came from behind, "Oh, when did it become so easy for you guys to go to the third floor of the Bliss Building? Why don't you just add me!"

A man wearing a dark green robe and wearing a dragon-shaped mask covering his entire face, only showing a pair of eyes, spoke behind Lu Xiaofeng, and following this man's opening, the surrounding people also Join in the fun and help out
"That's right, that's right, when did the rules of the Bliss Building change, why don't we go up and see Miss Wuyan?"

"Oh, I see, this kid is probably Miss Wuyan's concubine, so I was in a hurry to call him up, so as to relieve the pain of lovesickness!"

"Extremely extreme! I think this kid's mask must be the most foolish little boy!"

"Not necessarily, maybe he has other specialties."

Hearing the more and more unscrupulous words from the people around, before Lu Xiaofeng could refute, the man who spoke first said to them
"Shut up! What are you guys! How dare you speak when I speak! Don't you want to live!" Every time the man said a word, there was a sound of dragon moaning in the ears of the people around him. After saying a word, the people around felt as if they had been hit on the head with a hammer, and they were dizzy and couldn't even stand still.

Lu Xiaofeng also felt dizzy for a while, and was shocked in his heart. The other party's inner strength was terrifyingly deep, and the sound skills he showed just now, even Master Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin Temple, and Xie Xun, the golden-haired lion king among the four great Dharma kings of Mingjiao who had been missing for many years. Two masters who are proficient in lion roar skills have to bow down, and the most amazing thing is that the other party can only transmit the sound to everyone's ears without affecting the surrounding environment. This is not only possible with profound skills.

The people on the second floor are all masters of martial arts, but so many people failed to catch the mysterious man's move. The gap between the two sides is like a world of difference. No one who can come here is a fool. The opponent attacked themselves, but when they were obviously invincible, they would not risk their lives, but chose the simplest method - call someone!
He could still talk, so he managed to restrain himself, and said to the people in the Bliss Building, "Hey! Someone is making trouble here! Are all of you people in the Bliss Building dead!"

What happened on the second floor quickly attracted the attention of the people in the Bliss Building. The person in charge here hurriedly brought a group of thugs to the second floor. While sending people to ask what happened, they surrounded the people on the second floor , Seeing a group of people falling to the ground, they asked people to take the injured down quickly.

After finding out what happened, the person in charge said to the mysterious man with a cold face, "Your Excellency, since you have come to our Bliss Building, you must abide by the rules of our Bliss Building! If everyone disagrees like your Excellency, we will fight If not, our Bliss Building will not be able to continue operating.”

The mysterious man said contemptuously, "Can't keep driving? Then don't drive it, so as not to embarrass yourself!"

Seeing that the other party dared to speak provocatively, the steward said angrily, "Okay! If that's the case, don't blame me! Come on, give it to me! Just break the limbs and keep your breath!"

When the subordinates heard the order, they immediately launched an attack on the mysterious person. The first to attack were the four with fishing nets in their hands. The terrain on the second floor of the Bliss Building was narrow and it was not suitable for crowding. The four of them first surrounded the mysterious person, and then rushed Stretching out his hand, he shot out the fishing net. A moment ago, the mysterious person was covered by the overwhelming fishing net. The steward was delighted when he saw this. Barb, no matter how good your martial arts are, once caught by his net, you can only be slaughtered by others!
Before he was happy for a few seconds, the mysterious man disappeared in front of their eyes. Before being caught in the net, the mysterious man smashed the floor of the second floor with one foot, and fell to the first floor, making all their fishing nets come to nothing. up
The mysterious man laughed and said, "It seems that the ability of the Bliss Building is not very good, why not go home and go fishing."

Seeing this, the steward was furious, "Four King Kongs, give it to me!"

With an order, the four dark and thick Kunlun slaves rushed towards the mysterious man. Lu Xiaofeng recognized the four of them at a glance as the four Kunlun slaves he fought with last time, and he was sweating for the mysterious man. Although he has deep internal strength, these four people are not easy to deal with. It is really difficult to judge who wins and who loses.
The next move of the mysterious man shocked everyone. The mysterious man threw out both hands, and the two dragon-like zhenqi instantly surrounded the four Kunlun slaves, like the sound of popping beans. The killing weapon, like mud, was squeezed into a useless person by a mysterious man.

"What kind of broken kung fu? The skill you got in exchange for your life is just like this? It's vulnerable to a single blow."

The person in charge asked tremblingly, ""You, who are you? "

The mysterious man looked at him condescendingly, and said in a voice that made people want to surrender and fear, "I don't need you to know my name, you just need to call me—Dragon King"

(End of this chapter)

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