Comprehensive Martial Arts: The Emperor's Growth Plan

Chapter 42 The Secret of the Bliss Building

Chapter 42 The Secret of the Bliss Building

The person who called himself the Dragon King in the Bliss Building was none other than Zhao Xuan, and the reason why he, who was supposed to be waiting for a letter from the imperial court to reinforce him, came to the Bliss Building and pretended to be someone from the Tsing Yi Building was not for anything else, but for The wealth accumulated in the Bliss Tower!

Originally, Zhao Xuan hadn't thought about taking action against the Bliss Building. He just wanted to take this opportunity to make friends with Lu Xiaofeng. The main purpose was to have an excuse to participate in the future and swallow the Tsing Yi Building. When Manlou was investigating the Bliss Building together, when Lu Xiaofeng was called away by Wuyan, Zhao Xuan accidentally discovered that there was a drop of water dripping on him from the top of the Bliss Building, and the taste of this drop was very special, not rain or water. It's dew, but groundwater from the mountains!

Although Zhao Xuan felt that the water was a little strange, he didn't know the difference. The person who discovered all this was Hua Manlou. Although Hua Manlou was blind, he had a sense of smell. Absolutely, no smell can escape his nose, through this drop of water, even if Huamanlou can't see it, he can still find the location of Jilelou!
That's why Zhao Xuan sneaked into the Bliss Building, and he went secretly to see if the Bliss Building was the background of the Demon Cult, and how many masters there were, so that he could make the next plan. With his current skill, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to expose him, no one can find him.

This exploration made him discover the heel of the Bliss Building
Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou were still worrying about the Devil's Sect, while Zhao Xuan was amused by the unreasonable worries of the three of them. This Bliss Building is not the Devil's Stronghold at all. Teaching has a little to do with it.

There are two major shareholders in the Bliss Building, one is from the capital, and Zhao Xuan doesn't know who the relationship is, but he is certain that the other party is powerful in the court. He guessed that it is probably Cai Xiang or Fu Xiang's subordinates Zhao Xuan has no idea about the identity of the other, but he only knows that the other party is definitely not the Demon Cult.

The reason is very simple, Zhao Xuan knew this because he eavesdropped on the conversation between the real host and the fake host of the Bliss Building

During their conversation, Zhao Xuan learned that they were discussing how to get out and pass the blame of the Bliss Building to others. The person who is usually in charge of the operation of the Bliss Building is not from the imperial court. I have been to the old master and the young master, and I am struggling with how to explain the matter of the Bliss Tower to the old master, saying that I must not let others find out the relationship between them, which will affect the prestige of the Taoist master in the Jianghu, or burn all the relevant letters , not one left!
From this point of view, behind the other party must be a well-known force in Jianghu, not from the Demon Sect

As for how Zhao Xuan determined that the Bliss Tower and the Demon Cult had no deep connection, it was also a coincidence. When they were discussing how to get out, they mentioned that Lu Xiaofeng had followed their plan and carried it out obediently, becoming their marionette. Zhong was full of contempt for him, thinking that Lu Xiaofeng was nothing more than that, and praised that the Four King Kongs who came from the Demon Cult are very useful, and they deserved to be sent by the capital.

From these words, Zhao Xuan knew the foundation of the Bliss Tower, and he was relieved to plan how to proceed with the next script.

As for the matter of swallowing the Bliss Building, it was his impromptu idea. He felt that although the Bliss Building was not as mysterious as he thought, the gold, silver and jewelry here were real. , all used for Chen Chongying to cultivate his own power.If they can make a fortune from this bliss building, it can also ease the financial crisis.

So there was the matter of Zhao Xuan intentionally causing trouble in the Bliss Building next time!And he killed the Four King Kongs in the Bliss Building mainly to weaken the strength of the Bliss Building. He killed them with the "Dragon King Seal" in "Ba Qin Nine Dragons Break"

Zhao Xuan said to Xuan Li, "Okay, it's getting late, I should go too, be careful when you go back, don't be discovered by others"


The next day, after Lu Xiaofeng came out of the Bliss Building, he didn't care about being tired all night, and before he had a short rest, he went to Peach Blossom Castle to find Hua Manlou and Zhao Xuan, and told them that in the Bliss Building, his new Discover.

The three of them got together very quickly, and Lu Xiaofeng first said, "It's not disgraceful, look, what is this in my hand!" Lu Xiaofeng took out something from his bosom, and when he saw it, Zhao Xuan exclaimed, "Silver medal!" Printing plate! Good fellow, it seems that you gained a lot last night."

And Huamanlou was also very happy after hearing Zhao Xuan's words. After finding the fake printing plate, the Hua family can have an explanation for the fake banknote. In addition to being happy, Huamanlou still asked, "Lu Xiaofeng , You got this fake printing plate from the Bliss Building?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled proudly and said, "That's right, I got this fake printing plate from a dark room in the Bliss Building. You must never have imagined how I got this printing plate."

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng's triumphant look, Zhao Xuan said, "I guess, you must have someone to help you, and this person must be a woman, I wonder if this woman is called Wuyan!"

"I said, did you also go to the Bliss Tower last night, and you were still following me!" Lu Xiaofeng rubbed his nose in embarrassment. It was just a momentary addiction, but he said rightly, Zhao Xuan last night I did go to the Bliss Tower.

Zhao Xuan was not frightened by Lu Xiaofeng's words, and continued to say, "Okay, let's quickly talk about what you did in the Bliss Tower."

Lu Xiaofeng immediately told Hua Manlou and Zhao Xuan about his experience yesterday.

After listening to Lu Xiaofeng's experience, Zhao Xuan couldn't help complaining again, "Okay, you, you can make people miss you in one night. For two consecutive nights, you have experienced two darkrooms. If you go there a few more times, this Bliss Building Maybe I'll change my surname to Lu, and when I go again, don't forget to give me a discount."

"Don't worry, I will win all your pants and leave you a pair of socks later!" Lu Xiaofeng shot back.

No wonder Zhao Xuan made complaints, Lu Xiaofeng also felt that the Bliss Tower thought of him as a fool, he found the dark room easily, and when he was still figuring out how to open the dark room, Wu Yan appeared behind him, He helped himself to open the dark room, and in the dark room, besides the fake bank notes, there were also printing plates of the fake bank notes and Yue Qing's spiritual tablet.

When I asked Wuyan why she helped me, the other party said with tears in her eyes that she was Yue Qing's daughter. , Not long ago, my father was killed by the people of the Bliss Building after he finished making the printing plates. In order to get revenge, I helped Lu Xiaofeng.

(End of this chapter)

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