Comprehensive Martial Arts: The Emperor's Growth Plan

Chapter 49 "Weak Water, Soft and Easy 9 Transformations"

Chapter 49 "Weak Water, Soft and Easy Nine Turns"

Facing Huamanlou who had cultivated an invisible sword energy, Jiang Shu and Deng Er had a chance of winning in a one-on-one fight, but facing Yu Lianzhou alone, even if they teamed up, they had no chance of winning.

Wudang faction Zhang Sanfeng Zhang Zhenren, formerly known as Zhang Junbao, was born in Shaolin in his early years. He was just a young novice in the temple and was not allowed to learn martial arts. In Tie Luohan, he realized a set of Arhat boxing by himself, and later by chance, he learned the magical skill of "Yi Jin Jing" among the four great martial arts of Shaolin. Later, because He Zudao of the Kunlun School challenged Shaolin, in order to maintain the dignity of Shaolin Temple, Zhang Junbao made a bold move. At a young age, with only a set of ordinary Arhat boxing and amazing internal strength, he fought He Zudao for hundreds of moves And remain undefeated.

However, Zhang Junbao, who made great contributions, was not rewarded and appreciated by Shaolin. On the contrary, he committed a taboo in Shaolin because he stole martial arts. He was powerful and kicked out of Shaolin. His master Jueyuan wanted to intercede for Zhang Junbao and failed to protect his disciples, so he was punished together. Dong Tianbao, the second disciple of Dong Tianbao, had a personal grudge, took the opportunity to retaliate, and slandered his master, saying that Zhang Junbao must take revenge on others, and even if his talent is abolished, he will be able to practice it again in a short time. In order to prevent him from harming Shaolin in the future, During the execution, after Zhang Junbao was deprived of all his skills, he still didn't give up. He secretly broke Zhang Junbao's dantian Qi sea, so that he would never be able to practice his internal skills again. In a rage, Dong Tianbao sneaked up on the opponent and used his heavy hands When Wei Tuo presented the pestle, he originally wanted to vent his anger, but unexpectedly, he killed the opponent with one move.

This time the matter became serious, and the head of the Dharma Academy died, Shaolin Temple would never let it go!In order to protect his two lovers, Jueyuan forcibly used his uncultivated Nine Suns Divine Kungfu, and fought with the abbot of Shaolin Temple and other eminent monks at that time. The force of life and death was pushed to the Nine Suns Realm, and with all their strength, they repelled a group of eminent monks, and led Dong Tianbao and Zhang Junbao to run wildly all the way, running thousands of miles overnight, and did not feel relieved until they were entrusted to a woman surnamed Guo. Died of exhaustion due to strong luck and exhaustion of energy.

However, before he passed away, he silently recited part of the Nine Suns Divine Art, and the first colorless master of Shaolin Arhat Hall who came after Jueyuan, the woman surnamed Guo and Junbao Tianbao all recited part of it a few times, and the colorless master A woman with the surname of Guo attains his bodhisattva; and Junbao Tianbao was originally taught a part of the Nine Suns Divine Art by Master Jueyuan, but because he felt that the state of the seventh yang upwards was too profound, he could not be taught without anyone teaching him. It is easy to go crazy in practice, and I originally thought that I would pass it on to the two after I understood it, so I only passed on the mentality of the former Liuyang to them.Combining the mental methods they already knew, both Junbao and Tianbao realized a deeper realm, but it is a pity that Master Jueyuan passed away before he finished speaking.

Originally Master Wuse was very sympathetic to Zhang Junbao's experience, and wanted to let him go, but for Dong Tianbao who killed the head of the Bodhidharma Academy, Master Wuse was determined not to let him go, but in the end Guo The woman surnamed repelled them, but in desperation, she had no choice but to let them go.

After leaving, Dong Tianbao had a deep hatred for Shaolin Temple, vowed revenge, and bloodbathed Shaolin, but Zhang Junbao felt that this matter was right and wrong, and it had been cut and messed up. He was also very sad when his master passed away, but Dong Tianbao He also killed the head of the Bodhidharma Academy, when will the injustice be repaid.He didn't intend to take revenge, and persuaded Dong Tianbao not to be blinded by hatred.

The two have so far buried a rift, which also led to their subsequent breakup.For the sake of prosperity and wealth, Dong Tianbao took refuge in the Qing court and did many evils. He also took advantage of Zhang Junbao's trust in him to set up traps and killed a large number of righteous knights. No less than the peerless magical skill of Yi Jin Jing - "Nine Heavens Scripture", finally defeated the maddened Dong Tianbao with "Nine Heavens Scripture".

Later, Zhang Junbao changed his name to Zhang Sanfeng, and spent his whole life slaying demons and demons, defeating Xiaoyao Wang, Yu Luocha and other ambitious demon masters successively.In the end, he enlightened to Taoism in Wudang Mountain, and discussed Taoism with masters of various schools of Taoism who practiced on Wudang Mountain for three days and three nights. He convinced everyone with his unfathomable cultivation and personal charm, and finally created the Wudang School!Zhang Zhenren only accepted seven disciples in total, each of them not only has outstanding martial arts, won the true biography of Zhang Zhenren, but also has irreproachable morality.

There is no one in the world who does not feel admiration for this great master who is so ancient and brilliant. For Yu Lianzhou, who has won his true biography, it is not an exaggeration to cheer up!

However, compared to Jiang Shu's approaching a formidable enemy, Deng Er is much more stable. It's not that his martial arts are still hidden, but that he has other backhands.

Deng Eryi waved his hand and fired several hidden weapons, half of which were aimed at Yu Lianzhou and the other half at Huamanlou. Facing the incoming hidden weapons, Huamanlou and Yu Lianzhou ignored them, one used Liuyunfei sleeves, the other Using the cotton palm, he took the hidden weapon lightly, but Deng Er didn't think that the hidden weapon would be effective. The reason why he used it was so that they would not have time to stop what he was going to do next.

I saw Deng Er took out another cylindrical object from his hand, twisted his fingers, and ignited the fuse, and soon a fire bomb flew into the sky, exploding like fireworks

No, it's a signal flare!
Seeing the opponent send out a signal flare, Yu Lianzhou frowned. In order not to let the situation that had been a stable victory suddenly change, he decided to make a quick decision!Take your time and take the opponent down
Although Yu Lianzhou wanted to hurry up, but his hands changed from claws to palms, and he did not use the most handy tiger claws, but the Wudang School's Zhenshan Iron Palm, because although Jiang Shu and Deng Er were related to the Bliss Building, But he is not a treacherous and evil person, Yu Lianzhou has his own principles, and will not abuse the best hand against the enemy.

Regarding Yu Lianzhou's iron palm, Jiang Shu and Jiang Shu joined forces to attack, not seeking meritorious deeds, but wishing to avoid faults, and they only wanted to delay time.But obviously they still underestimated Yu Lianzhou's martial arts. When they intersected their fists and palms, they felt a soft force that invaded their bodies unstoppably. Their own skills were like being trapped in a quagmire. They couldn't break free, and they were firmly sucked into Yu Lianzhou's hands. , and then turned softly, Zhenshan Iron Palm's palm force together with their skills, attacked them.

The two spat out a mouthful of blood, their faces turned pale with shock, and Deng Er even exclaimed in a panic, "The stars are moving! How could you be moving the stars! You actually secretly learned the Murong family's unique skills!"

Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is the famous stunt of Gusu Murong's family. It is known as using the way of the other and returning it to the other body. opponents or third parties, while oneself remain unscathed.

As a disciple of the Wudang School, Yu Lianzhou would not secretly learn the unique skills of the Murong family. In order not to let others misunderstand, Yu Lianzhou said, "This is not Gusu Murong's family. ""

(End of this chapter)

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