Chapter 57 Lost in martial arts
In the early morning of the next day, Huamanlou finally woke up after Yu Lianzhou and Lu Xiaofeng's physical exertion regardless of internal energy consumption, as well as the treatment of famous doctors and various precious medicines.

Hua Manlou's first sentence was to ask how Lu Xiaofeng is doing?Where are you now?

Lu Xiaofeng has been waiting anxiously by Hua Manlou's side for him to wake up. Seeing him wake up, he let go of his hanging heart. Yu Lianzhou on the side saw the brotherhood between them who sacrificed their lives, and was moved. , can't help but think of my brothers and sisters,
The seven brothers are willing to sacrifice their lives for each other when needed. The Seven Heroes of Wudang advance and retreat together, live and die together!

But the seven people who were high-spirited in the past, now the life and death of the five heroes Zhang Cuishan is unknown, the three heroes are depressed all day long, and the days when the seven brothers and sisters used to practice martial arts and play together are gone.

Now how much he hopes that the fifth brother who has been missing for many years can suddenly appear at the master's [-]th birthday banquet. At that time, the seven heroes can get together again. At that time, the third brother will also be able to use this to open up his heart and regain his strength!
But what Yu Lianzhou didn't know was that Zhang Cuishan really came back alive soon after, and participated in Zhang Zhenren's birthday banquet!But this time, it was the first time their brothers met after many years, and it was also the last time they met!And not only failed to revive the Three Heroes Yu Daiyan, but made him feel guilty all his life!
But this is all for later, Yu Lianzhou is still in the mood to tease Huamanlou, "Don't worry! Thanks to you, everyone is safe and sound. We have successfully cracked the case of the Bliss Building and captured the person behind the other party's crime." Tail!"

"But this time you and Lu Xiaofeng are the two of you. One defeated the opponent's strong enemy, and the other solved the case. No wonder you wanted to find Lu Xiaofeng as soon as you woke up. You can compare who has the most credit!"

Hua Manlou said helplessly, "Senior, please don't tease me anymore. I can save my life this time, thanks to senior's efforts to save me. I also ask senior to pay respects to Qi Tong!"

After Hua Manlou finished speaking, she braced herself, wanted to get up and saluted Yu Lianzhou, Yu Lianzhou hurriedly supported him
"Young Master, it's serious. Originally, I came here to help you to eradicate the cancerous bliss building. I'm ashamed to say that I couldn't help you. Instead, I asked you to save me. I should be the one to thank you."

"As for a little skill, it's nothing to worry about, and I'm not the only one, Mr. Lu also worked with me to heal the young master's injuries. Thank you, Mr. Lu!"

Of course Huamanlou knew that Lu Xiaofeng worked hard all night for her, but the relationship between them no longer needed to say thank you. Lu Xiaofeng had friends all over the world, but if he wanted to find the one with the best relationship, no matter what time it was Hua Manlou is the only one who will not betray herself and will always support herself unconditionally!
Among Lu Xiaofeng's friends, besides Huamanlou, Sikong Zaixing and Ximen Chuuxue are the two closest friends. Although Sikong Zaixing is willing to help Lu Xiaofeng, he will also oppose Lu Xiaofeng because of other people's danger. Ximen Chuixue is now He has reached the extremely high state of swordsmanship, close to the state of gods, and gods have no emotions.

For Ximen Chuuxue, only swordsmanship is what he pursues all his life. The rest of love and friendship can be given up in order to see the higher scenery.

And only Huamanlou would trust Lu Xiaofeng unconditionally, and would sacrifice everything for the friendship between him and Lu Xiaofeng, and for Huamanlou, Lu Xiaofeng could do the same thing.

Without any words, Lu Xiaofeng just smiled and said, "You owe me your life this time! Tell me, how do you plan to repay it? Why don't you give me all the stock in your liquor store as a thank you gift?"

"That's just right, you've almost drank all my wine here, use it to pay back, then I'll take advantage of it."

"Ah! No, I'll change it"

"Hey, once a word is spoken, it's hard to follow!"

Seeing that Huamanlou's body is recovering well now, Yu Lianzhou cautiously tentatively revealed Huamanlou's current physical condition, because he was afraid that what he said next would deal a serious blow to Huamanlou, and might even Let him down.

Hua Manlou has now lost all her martial arts and has become a useless person!

However, just before Yu Lianzhou was about to say that Huamanlou forcibly used the death sword energy, which caused his power to be completely lost, Lu Xiaofeng had already said that

"Hua Man Lou, there is one more thing I must tell you"

"What's the matter? Could it be that something happened to Miss Xia'er?" Hua Manlou said anxiously
"No, you protected us very well, and nothing happened to anyone"

After hearing Lu Xiaofeng's affirmative answer, Hua Manlou breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Hua Man Lou" Lu Xiaofeng couldn't bear it, but he knew that hearing the news from himself was the best choice for Hua Man Lou
He took a deep breath and said, "Hua Man Lou, you have lost all your martial arts!"

"Furthermore, your dantian qi sea was also backlashed by the sword qi and caused your dantian to rupture. I'm afraid you will never be able to practice martial arts again."

Hearing Lu Xiaofeng's blunt words, Yu Lianzhou couldn't help worrying whether Huamanlou could accept this cruel fact. You know, his third junior brother was once a free and easy person, but he still couldn't accept his ending as a useless person overnight. If it weren't for Zhang Zhenren's enlightenment from time to time, he might have given up his life

However, after hearing this, Hua Manlou did not break down or refuse to accept as Yu Lianzhou imagined. Instead, it was like losing an unimportant ordinary thing on her body, which just made people feel uncomfortable. , but turn around and forget about it

Hua Manlou said freely and freely, "It doesn't matter, it's a blessing to save one life,"

The sword energy is so powerful that it can break the golden bell cover, and he can expect the price to be paid. It is just the loss of martial arts and the price of not being able to practice martial arts in exchange for the safety of Lu Xiaofeng and others. For Huamanlou , this deal couldn't be more cost-effective.

He even comforted Lu Xiaofeng and the others not to feel sad for himself

"You don't have to worry about me. Even if you can't practice martial arts, it's nothing to me. I gain my life and lose my life. Moreover, there is not only a way to practice martial arts in life. I can't practice martial arts, and it won't delay my cultivation. Flower brewing, maybe I won’t have time to practice martial arts in the future, and my talents in other fields will be discovered.”

Yu Lianzhou looked at Huamanlou and was greatly shocked. From Huamanlou's words and performance, he could certainly see that his words came from the heart. Yu Daiyan had said similar things before, but it was for the sake of only opening his eyes. They, so as to take the opportunity to kill themselves expediently.

And Huamanlou is really chic

Feeling Hua Manlou's love for life, Yu Lianzhou couldn't help thinking that if he lived with such a person, maybe Yu Daiyan would also be infected by his love for life!

In addition, the other party also became like this for himself, Yu Lianzhou made up his mind, and said to Hua Manlou

"Young man, I have a way to restore your martial arts!"

(End of this chapter)

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