Chapter 98

And Zhao Xuan, who was worried by Lu Xiaofeng, is living a much better life now than him!
Wudang is indeed a sacred place of Taoism, with picturesque scenery and natural Taoism, especially in the early morning under the shroud of mist in the mountains, it is even more beautiful, like a fairyland on earth!
It was also the first time for Zhao Xuan to see such a majestic and majestic river and mountain. He admired the beautiful scenery on the mountain with fascination.
"The ridge of the sky in the clouds, especially this mountain venerable.

All the eight waters converge in the south, and all the peaks squat in the north.

Sendai is close to the sun, and the wind cave protects Yuntun.

There is a search for surprises left, and empty pity for the road ahead. "

After hearing this, Wang Yuyan, who was on the side, felt that Zhao Xuan had a higher evaluation in her heart. She felt that Zhao Xuan was not only skilled in martial arts, but also his literary talent was much better than that of Murong Fu. After all, he has always been strict with himself. He claims to be an all-rounder in civil and military affairs. In addition to practicing martial arts hard, he is also very familiar with poetry, poetry, four books and five classics.

However, Murong Fu's main energy is still on martial arts. In order not to fall into the reputation of the Murong family for "returning the other's way to the other's body", Murong Fu has been devoting himself to the cultivation of hundreds of thousands of martial arts before transferring the family's "Dou Zhuan Xing" to Dacheng. In order to make up for his lack of skill, he was unable to bring Dou Zhuan Xing Yi to the highest level.

Therefore, in terms of literature, Murong Fu is at most a scholar. If he takes part in the provincial examination, if he doesn't bribe the examiner, he can only be a failure.

And Zhao Xuan studied with the masters of the Imperial College and the Hanlin Academy since he was a child. The worst of them was also the top three in the previous imperial examinations, and there were many famous Confucian scholars among them. If Literary Cai takes part in the imperial examination, at least he is a prodigy!
Zhao Xuan was just expressing his emotions, but in Murong Fu's view, Zhao Xuan was like a peacock in heat, posing in front of Wang Yuyan and showing off!

"Damn it! You wait, when you fall into my hands, I want to see if you can still utter half a word from your mouth!"

Murong Fu was afraid of Zhao Xuan's martial arts, so he could only curse Zhao Xuan viciously in his heart to relieve himself.

However, in this way, it is better to let out the wailing of a defeated dog, at least it can be heard by others, instead of greening oneself like it is now.

Murong Fu's resentful eyes were fully seen by Zhao Xuan, but he also wondered why he hated him so much?Didn't I just fight him once, and I forged such a big enmity?
Zhao Xuan, who couldn't figure it out, could only think that Murong Fu was too small-minded, and never thought that it was because of Wang Yuyan that he treated him like this.After all, Zhao Xuan didn't have any other thoughts about Wang Yuyan, and Wang Yuyan didn't think she had any intimacy with Zhao Xuan, nor did she realize that Murong Fu was possessive.

Wang Yuyan also praised Zhao Xuan's literary talents from the sidelines. For Wang Yuyan, Zhao Xuan was her savior and had a kindness. In addition, Wang Yuyan chose to side with Murong Fu at that time. Zhao Xuan felt grateful and grateful. She owed her dues, naively, she still thought that there might be some misunderstanding between Murong Fu and Zhao Xuan, if the misunderstanding is solved, they can turn their fights into friendships, and then she won't have to be caught between them.

Even if Zhao Xuan took a leisurely look around and wandered around, they were still getting closer to the Wudang faction.

And as Zhao Xuan got closer and closer to Wudang, it stands to reason that he should feel at ease. After all, he was on his own territory, but Zhao Xuan felt a faint uneasiness in his heart. As he approached, the sense of danger became stronger and stronger. This was not only from the sixth sense of the warrior, but also an early warning of the dragon energy in Zhao Xuan's body!
At this time, Wudang Mountain seemed to have changed from the holy land of the Immortal Palace into a Jedi of Yama that devoured life!Maliciousness from all directions seemed to eat up Wudang!
But what Zhao Xuan couldn't understand was who could bring such a disaster to Wudang!

Just when Zhao Xuan was deep in thought, his ears moved, and then he stopped walking. Murong Fu and Shenshan, who were living peacefully along the way, thought that Zhao Xuan had some other tricks, so they were extremely careful , looking at Zhao Xuan vigilantly
"We're going to the Wudang faction soon. Mr. Zhao has stopped and stopped along the way. He must have seen enough scenery. It's better to go to Wudang early and rest."

Zhao Xuan didn't look at Murong Fu and Shenshan, but looked behind them solemnly, and said in a gentle but cold tone

"My unknown friend, you have followed me every step of the way. Since you have made it through the last part of the journey, if you don't come out for a while, you will never have another chance!"

Hearing Zhao Xuan's words, the expressions of Murong Fu and Shenshan changed drastically. They focused all their attention on Zhao Xuan along the way, and they were inevitably a little distracted by the external environment. The two of them hurriedly gathered their energy and maximized their perception to check the surrounding environment.

However, no matter how they looked around, they couldn't find any hidden traces. Just when they thought that Zhao Xuan was teasing them again, they heard Zhao Xuan let out a long roar, and then released a palm, the domineering palm approached Murong. Fuhe Shenshan two people.

And Murong Fu and Shenshan also reacted in an instant, and each used their skills to make moves, but the direction of their moves was not Zhao Xuan, but behind them!

Zhao Xuan, Murong Fu, and Shenshan probably never dreamed that the three of them would join forces one day, and what made them even more unexpected was that even if the three of them joined forces, they would not be able to get any advantage!
In the shadow behind Murong Fu and Shenshan, a pair of strange black hands suddenly stretched out, like the sharp claws of a devil in hell, they directly grabbed them. If Zhao Xuan didn't make a sudden move, the black shadow could reveal a trace of breath. I'm afraid Murong Fu and Shenshan didn't even know how they died!

At the critical moment of life and death, Murong Fu and Shenshan are of course putting all their efforts into cultivation!Coupled with Zhao Xuan's pure Yang palm, almost no one can block their attack head-on!
But that black shadow blocked it, not only blocked it, but with one against three, it didn't lose the wind at all!And the reason why he was able to do it was because the other party was not human at all!

After seeing the other party's true face on Mount Lu, Murong Fu turned pale with fright, and the people on the mountain called Amitabha directly, suspecting that his Buddha nature was not enough, and attracted demons to punish him!Even Zhao Xuan was surprised, not knowing what kind of monster it was!

The reason why the three of them were so surprised was because the black figure in front of them was like a huge blood-sucking worm, without limbs, only a worm-like wriggling body and a pair of empty eyes, a pitch-black monster!

(End of this chapter)

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