
Chapter 112 Complete surprises and pictures

Chapter 112 Complete surprises and pictures

"He dares to trouble me?" Fang Yilian snorted coldly with some disdain, "If it wasn't for Fang Zhaofu, this bastard, so many people would not have died this time. I haven't troubled him yet, how dare he? And this matter He doesn’t take it seriously, if he really wants to say it, it will only embarrass him.”

Zhang Junbao nodded. This kind of thing is what Fang Zhaofu asked Fang Yilian in private. If he really wants to expose it in Mingjiao, Fang Zhaofu will definitely not look good.

"You have to be careful of his revenge, maybe it will trip you up anytime." Zhang Junbao said again.

With Fang Zhaofu's villain mentality, he suffered a loss in this matter, and he definitely couldn't swallow it.

"I'm used to it." Fang Yilian said, "I'll pay attention to it. I came here today to ask you when you plan to go south? My business is over, and I can leave at any time."

"Then tomorrow?" Zhang Junbao said and glanced at Miao Dao.

"There is no problem with the two senior uncles, you can decide, senior uncle." Miao Daoyi replied.

"Okay, then tomorrow." Fang Yilian said with a smile, "But I can't go with you, we will meet in Fuzhou."

"Okay." Zhang Junbao secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, he still misses Wanshou Daozang, and it is best to get nature earlier.

Fortunately, I didn't waste too much time in Lin'an this time.

"By the way, I brought the treasure map." Fang Yilian took out the treasure map dug out from the ground from his cuff as he spoke, "Killing the demon monk is a happy event, but this treasure map is also a happy event. But Fang Zhaofu and the others don’t know, otherwise they wouldn’t know how many bastard things he would have done.”

Compared with Fu Zhu of the demon monk, the value of the treasure map is actually higher than it, after all, it is related to the treasure of the Song Dynasty.

Once the treasure is found, the Anti-Yuan Rebel Army will be able to add countless money and food, which will be of great help to the resistance against Yuan Ting.

"Actually, you just need to put away the treasure map. It doesn't matter whether we read it or not." Zhang Junbao said.

"Let you just watch it, where is there so much nonsense?" Fang Yilian glared at Zhang Junbao and said.

Miao Daoyi's heart skipped a beat, Fang Yilian's demeanor just now clearly looked like a woman's.

"Illusion?" Miao Daoyi felt that he might be wrong.

After all, Fang Yilian himself is very handsome, and he has pretended to be a woman several times, which must have given him the illusion.

Fang Yilian realized his gaffe, he and Zhang Junbao were not the only ones here, there was also Miao Daoyi.

"I thought you guys might find something after reading it. After all, a map is so incomplete that it's hard to see where the real treasure is hidden." Fang Yilian returned to normal, and explained a little bit, which was a tribute to his loss of composure just now. kind of cover up.

"Okay, let's see, I'm actually very curious." Zhang Junbao said with a smile.

Great Song Treasure Treasure Map, curious for sure.

When Zhang Junbao took it and spread out the treasure map to take a look, his eyes widened and he was stunned.

"Uncle Master, what's the matter with you?" Miao Dao saw Zhang Junbao's expression was a little bit wrong, could it be that there is something wrong with the treasure map?
He leaned over and took a quick glance at the treasure map, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's not the complete treasure map, it's only half. You don't need to be so surprised, right?" Fang Yilian found that Zhang Junbao and Zhang Junbao's reaction was a bit exaggerated.

This is not the treasure of the Song Dynasty, but just one of the treasure maps. It is still far from finding the treasure. Even if you are excited, you don't need to be so exaggerated, right?
"What do you see?" Fang Yilian suddenly had this thought in his mind and asked hastily, "Although there is only one piece, I think we can still see some clues from it. Unfortunately, I pondered for a few days. no idea."

He felt that Zhang Junbao and Miao Daoyi should have discovered something, which was another great joy for him.

"Daoyi, is it the same?" Zhang Junbao didn't answer Fang Yilian's words, but stared at Miao Daoyi and asked, his expression was unusually excited.

"It's the same, I didn't expect it to be in Ahema's hands." Miao Daoyi nodded with certainty.

"What are you talking about?" Fang Yilian quickly realized, "You mean that the other map is in the hands of Ahema? No, Ahema is dead~~~"

"I'm here." Zhang Junbao took a deep breath and said.

"Ah?" It was Fang Yilian's turn to be shocked.

He just felt that with Ahema's death, even if the map was on Ahema's side before, he didn't know whose hands it fell into now.

"Why are you here?" Fang Yilian was a little puzzled.

Ahema's house was ransacked after his death, not in the hands of the officials who ransacked the house, then it should be in the hands of Kublai Khan.

It would never be in Zhang Junbao's hands.

"You forgot, Daoyi and I put the black iron key back in Ahema's study." Zhang Junbao calmed down and said, "In that secret compartment, we found a map, and there was nothing special about it at that time. I don’t know what the standard is on the map. I just wanted to be valued by Ahema, so I took it back.”

"Then you zoomed in on the capital and put it in the Changchun Palace?" Fang Yilian realized that his heart was beating so hard that such a thing happened.

Just now, I just wanted to let Zhang Junbao and the others take a look, maybe they can see something, after all, everyone will have their own ideas when looking at this map.

In fact, they didn't expect too much, no matter what Zhang Junbao and the others saw, it was better than nothing.

But he never thought that Zhang Junbao would directly say that he had another one. In this way, wouldn't the two treasure maps be complete?

"I'll take it with me." Zhang Junbao replied.

"Really?" Fang Yilian strode up to Zhang Junbao.

Just now he was a little worried about gains and losses, knowing that Zhang Junbao had another treasure map, he was of course delighted.

But in his mind, Zhang Junbao should have put the treasure map in Changchun Palace, so if he wanted to get it, he had to wait for Zhang Junbao to return to Dadu.

It’s okay if you don’t know it, but now that you know it, if you have to wait a long time to get it, it’s really unbearable.

Now that Zhang Junbao replied that it was on him, wouldn't it be another big surprise?

Zhang Junbao touched his bosom, and a treasure map appeared in his hand.

"Why do you carry such a precious treasure with you?" Fang Yilian trembled.

Although it has not been opened yet, he has already recognized the treasure map based on the material of the treasure map. The two maps are the same, which is really pleasantly surprised.

"This?" Zhang Junbao said with some embarrassment, "Before we thought about it, we didn't know what this picture was, and I didn't think too much about it, so I carried it with me."

In fact, don't talk about this treasure map, don't you bring those two gold leafs with you?
Zhang Junbao thought that it was impossible for him to stay in Changchun Palace for a long time, maybe he would leave with his master at some point, so he brought all the good things with him.

"Look quickly." Fang Yilian urged.

Zhang Junbao spread out the map, and then placed the two maps on the coffee table.

"Sure enough." Fang Yilian said excitedly.

"Look at where the treasure is hidden." Zhang Junbao compared the two maps carefully.

"This is Fuzhou." Fang Yilian quickly recognized the location of Fuzhou, "Should we continue to go south, Guangzhou Road in Jiangxi Province?"

"It should be right here." Miao Daoyi affirmed, "The location near the sea is a bit big."

Zhang Junbao and the others found that this map was still not that accurate.

These two maps are not divided into two, but there are some incompletes on each map, and it is impossible to see the specific treasure location on only one map.

For example, looking at Zhang Junbao's treasure map alone, he can only identify the vicinity of Fuzhou at most, while Fang Yilian's map can only identify the location along the coast.

When the map was drawn at that time, it was obviously processed specially. Only after getting two, can they be combined into one and become a complete map.

"Could we have missed something?" Zhang Junbao said, "Is it impossible that there is no exact location?"

"Look carefully." Fang Yilian felt that Zhang Junbao's idea was very reasonable.

Now that they got two maps, it doesn't make sense that they can't find the treasure yet.

"I'm not familiar with that place." Miao Daoyi said with a bit of embarrassment.

He is basically in the Northland, and it is good enough to recognize Guangzhou Road. It is really difficult for him to find out the exact location.

Zhang Junbao and Fang Yilian didn't say much, and continued to look for clues on the map.

"What does it mean that there are boats and swords in this treasure place?" Zhang Junbao frowned, "I don't think it's possible to find the location directly from the map. The map is not accurate, so we can only make a fuss from these patterns."

Treasure Land also drew these graphics, the patterns are a little light, not because of the fading of the time, but the lightness in itself, and it is easy to be ignored if you don't look carefully. Zhang Junbao is a little puzzled about what should be said.

The scale of this map is completely wrong, so if you want to find this treasure place according to the scale of the map, it will definitely be fruitless.

"Boats, swords? Weapons?" Fang Yilian whispered, "Fight?"

"The battlefield?" Zhang Junbao's heart suddenly moved, "A place where a great battle took place? Is there such a place?"

Zhang Junbao was asking Fang Yilian, after all Fang Yilian was more familiar with the south.

"Yashan." Fang Yilian's expression changed.

"Yashan sea battle?" Miao Dao asked once he came back to his senses.

Zhang Junbao's heart skipped a beat, of course he knew about the Yashan sea battle.

In the last battle of the Southern Song Dynasty, Lu Xiufu committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea with the young emperor Zhao Bing on his back.
"It should be." Zhang Junbao murmured.

After this battle, the Southern Song Dynasty died, so if there is a hidden treasure, it makes sense to bury it somewhere on the cliff.

"Finally, we have detailed clues." Fang Yilian took a deep breath and said.

Although the location has not been really determined, but after knowing the cliff mountain, I believe that we should be able to find some clues there.

Of course, these have to be matched with the two maps in hand, and it is not difficult to find the exact place where the treasure is hidden.

After finishing speaking, Fang Yilian's expression became a little weird.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Junbao noticed the change in Fang Yilian's face, and felt a little strange. He should be happy at this time.

"Both of you, just now we said that we would go south to Fuzhou together, now it looks like I'm going to miss the appointment." Fang Yilian said with some embarrassment.

"The treasure of the Great Song Dynasty is important." How could Zhang Junbao not understand his thoughts, "Just go and find the treasure, we will find the treasure slowly at Wanshou Dao Zang."

"You don't have to worry about Fuzhou. I will send reliable people to assist you. Daoist Zhang, thank you for the treasure map. I will thank you again in the future." Fang Yilian is not polite to Zhang Junbao. He is bound to get the treasure map, as for thanks , and then cash in when things are done.

After Fang Yilian finished speaking, he took his leave and left.

"I really want to see the treasures of the Great Song Dynasty. Is it as rumored that the treasures are piled up like a mountain." Zhang Junbao sighed.

Miao Daoyi laughed and said, "Unfortunately, it's not convenient for us to follow."

Zhang Junbao nodded, even if Fang Yilian agreed to wait for him to go treasure hunting together, the others in Mingjiao would definitely object.

The matter of Fang Yilian's acquisition of the treasure map must be reported to Fang Tianheng. For such a big matter, Fang Yilian must not make his own claims.

If Fang Tianheng sends someone at that time, he will be regarded as an outsider, and the Mingjiao people will definitely not want to get their hands on the treasure on his side.

Even if people like myself don't mean it, it's hard for the other party to trust me and others.

They didn't want to make it difficult for Fang Yilian, so it would be better if they didn't get involved in this matter.

"I'm just a little curious." Zhang Junbao said, "With this treasure, the strength of the Anti-Yuan Rebel Army should be able to rise to several levels, right?"

Miao Dao was silent for a while and said, "Uncle Master, I'm afraid I'm not that optimistic."

"Oh?" Zhang Junbao frowned, "You don't think about this matter?"

"No." Miao Dao shook his head, "Obtaining the Great Song Treasure is definitely a good thing, but it may not be able to meet everyone's expectations, and sometimes such a good thing may turn into a bad thing."

Zhang Junbao opened his mouth, but finally did not make a sound.

Although Miao Daoyi didn't elaborate, he already knew what Miao Daoyi wanted to say.

Mingjiao's internal strife is an unstable factor.

With such a large amount of wealth suddenly obtained, all factions of the Ming Cult want to share a piece of the pie, so how much each of them will share is a question.

Everyone wants more points, so the conflict may worsen sharply.

A faction may disintegrate in an instant. Mingjiao seems to be powerful, but there are still hidden dangers. After all, there are still many people with ulterior motives mixed in.

These guys are selfish and only participate in anti-meta for their own benefit.

It's good, they will focus on Mingjiao, and when the critical moment comes, these people may not be reliable.

"I think Fang Tianheng, the leader of the Ming Cult, should be able to control the overall situation?" Zhang Junbao thought for a while.

"That's right, I was overthinking it. Fang Tianheng still has great prestige in the Mingjiao. As long as he can suppress the different voices below, with this treasure, the great cause of Fanyuan will surely grow rapidly." Miao Dao said with a smile.

"I hope." Zhang Junbao responded.

Even if the anti-Yuan forces are strong, the Yuan Dynasty Guozuo still has nearly a hundred years.

It's just that I can't say much about these things, and no one will believe me if I say them.

Zhang Junbao and the others set off for the south the next day. This time they took the overland route. Except for some of the Zhou family who were stationed in Lin'an, most of the others also returned north.

"The Pu family deserves it." When they were leaving the city, Zhang Junbao and the others heard a piece of news.

Pu's residence in Lin'an Mansion was suddenly attacked by people from the rivers and lakes last night, causing heavy casualties.

Previously, Fang Yilian only targeted Pu Huanyang, but did not kill the other members of the Pu clan.

This time was different, the disciples of the Pu family in Lin'an City were almost slaughtered.

"The four ghosts of the Yin Mountain are still alive, their lives are really hard." Zhang Junbao said.

There were some rumors about the murderer in the massacre of Pu's children this time, and some people thought it was the work of the four ghosts of Yinshan Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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